28 Wednesday, August 1, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Scientists warn of border wall’s impacts on biodiversity By Steve Lundeberg Correspondent CORVALLIS – A con- tinuous wall on the border between the United States and Mexico would harm a multitude of animal species by fragmenting their geo- graphic ranges, Oregon State University distinguished pro- fessor of ecology William Ripple has concluded, sup- ported by thousands of other scientists around the globe. Ripple is one of 16 co- authors from the U.S. and Mexico, including four mem- bers of the National Academy of Sciences, of a paper pub- lished today in BioScience that outlines the wall’s impacts on biodiversity. So far, more than 2,500 scientists from 43 coun- tries and six continents have endorsed the article as signatories. The authors include Rob Peters and Jennie Miller of the conservation nonprofit Defenders of Wildlife; Peters is the lead author of the paper. Ripple, Peters, Miller and the others describe three ways the border wall and other security measures would threaten biodiversity: by not adhering to environ- mental laws, eliminating and fragmenting animal and plant populations and habi- tats, and devaluing binational research and conservation investments. Some of the affected animals are charismatic as well as threatened. — William Ripple “Some of the affected ani- mals are charismatic as well as threatened,” Ripple said, noting the Mexican gray wolf, Sonoran pronghorn, Peninsular bighorn sheep and jaguar. “A continuous wall would disconnect any jaguars and ocelots in the U.S. from their major range in Mexico. And it’s not just solid walls that are the issue; certain types of fencing can be a complete barrier to indi- vidual wildlife species. All of that should be considered.” Ripple and the other authors and signatories urge the U.S. government to follow, rather than waive in the name of homeland secu- rity, federal environmental laws such as the Endangered Species Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. The paper includes a four- point call to action: • Congress should ensure the Department of Homeland Security follows environ- mental laws, and the DHS should: • Conduct surveys of at- risk species, habitats and eco- logical resources prior to new construction; • Mitigate environmen- tal harm as completely as possible; • Work to facilitate scien- tific research in the border region. As of 2017, DHS had constructed 1,050 kilome- ters of pedestrian and vehicle Year-round FIREWOOD SALES — Kindling — — — SISTERS FOREST PRODUCTS 541-410-4509 SistersForestProducts.com barriers, the paper notes. “The border extends about 3,200 kilometers and bisects many important habitat types from desert to forest to scrub- lands to mountain ranges,” said Ripple. “These are important wildlife habitats, high in biological diversity, that span both sides of the border. I hope national lead- ers will listen to our conser- vation message.” The border region, the paper states, is home to 1,506 native terrestrial and freshwa- ter animal and plant species. Sixty-two of those species are listed as critically endan- gered, endangered, or vul- nerable by the International Union of Conversation of Nature. Scientists are invited to join as signatories here. In 2017, Ripple led an international team in issuing “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice,” which garnered more than 20,000 signatures from 184 nations. Scientists can still join as signato- ries on that article as well at http://scientistswarning. forestry.oregonstate.edu/. A continuous wall would disconnect any jaguars and ocelots in the U.S. from their major range in Mexico. And it’s not just solid walls ... certain types of fencing... — William Ripple 2011 Toyota FJ Cruiser 4WD, backup camera, all-weather tech liners, like-new condition. Low miles, 61K. BUY OR SELL YOUR CAR with locally owned ... (Low miles • newer than 2005) 25,900 O u r Price $ Best Price! No Hassles! CARFAX Certifi ed! Sisters Si i t C Car C Connection t i 541-815-7397 102 W. Barclay Dr., Sisters PHOTO BY GARY MILLER SHOP LOCAL The Nugget is brought to you weekly because of our advertisers’ support. So we ask you to support the local businesses which help make your community, hometown newspaper possible.