The Nugget Vol. XLI No. 28 P OSTAL CUSTOMER News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon Family quilts hold Sisters Country history PRE-SORTED STANDARD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID Sisters, OR Permit No. 15 Wednesday, July 11, 2018 Timeline uncertain on transfer of preserve Honoring a legend... By Jim Cornelius Editor in Chief By Sue Stafford Correspondent The making and giving of quilts has a long history here in Sisters Country. On July 14, during the 43rd Annual Sisters Outdoors Quilt Show, two historic quilts loaned by the Deschutes Historical Museum in Bend will be exhibited by the Three Sisters Historical Society in the community room of the Sisters Library. One of the earlier families to come to Sisters was John B. and Elizabeth Berry Fryrear, for whom a local road is PHOTO BY LYNN WOODWARD Family and friends gathered in Sisters on Saturday to celebrate the 90th birthday of naturalist, educator, and columnist Jim Anderson. Colleagues from OMSI days, teachers, and nature enthusiasts shared limericks and listened to stories from a master raconteur. See FAMILY QUILTS on page 36 See PRESERVE on page 28 Cougar and bear visit Sisters By Jim Anderson Correspondent Quilters are not the only ones visiting Sisters this sum- mer. Several reports indicate that our local apex predators have been dropping by, in and around town. According to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) there are more than 6,000 cougars, aka mountain lion, and 25,000 to 30,000 black bear running loose throughout Oregon. One of each has recently turned up in Sisters, and oth- ers have been sighted nearby — which could mean con- flicts with the fast-growing human population of Sisters Country. Just days before the news of the in-town cougar sight- ing, a couple living in the eastern part of Sisters came upon two very fresh piles of bear scat in their back Inside... Plans to transfer Wildhaven Preserve north of Sisters from The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to the U.S. Forest Service are still operative — but the timeline has become less immediate. TNC Director of Stewardship Derek Johnson told The Nugget last spring that the organization intends making a donation of the 160-acre preserve in Stevens Canyon to the U.S. Forest Service in order to “move resources into places where they can have more impact.” yard and called the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in Bend to alert them to the new visitors. Number-one on the list of prey for cougar are mule deer; for black bear it can be animals or plants — but either way it can lead to trou- ble in town if residents don’t stay away from them (and not feed them). The City of Sisters recently passed an ordinance making it illegal to feed mule deer anywhere within the city limits. Not only are the deer an annoyance, browsing homeowners’ landscaping, but their concentrated num- bers in town could attract their chief predator, cougar, which no one wants in their backyard. Protecting humans from large wild predators — such as mountain lion and bear See PREDATORS on page 38 Featured artist finds comfort in quilts By Jodi Schneider McNamee Correspondent Liz Weeks displays one of her favorite quilts. PHOTO BY JODI SCHNEIDER MCNAMEE Sisters resident and 2018 Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show featured quilter Liz Weeks has fond memories of the crazy quilted robes pieced together by her grandmother over 50 years ago. All those free- flowing shapes were made from scraps of fabric that were left over after her grand- mother sewed ballet costumes for nieces and maybe a tie or two of her husband’s — or just any remnant fabric that was available. “She crazy-quilted bath- robes for everyone in the family,” Weeks said, smiling. “She must have made 10 in all, and I saved four of them. It’s called that because when it was really popular in the 1800s they called it crazy to do. Crazy quilts are the earli- est American quilt style.” Weeks says she has always See QUILTER on page 39 Letters/Weather ................ 2 Sisters Naturalist ............... 7 Entertainment ..................13 Obituaries ....................... 27 Classifieds ..................32-34 Meetings ........................... 3 Announcements ................12 Sisters Salutes .................15 Crossword ........................31 Real Estate .................35-40