FAN raises $111,000 to help families page 4 Local actors to perform at The Belfry page 13 Outlaws play tough double-header page 27 The Nugget Vol. XLI No. 17 P OSTAL CUSTOMER News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon Struggling to cope with wilderness visitors PRE-SORTED STANDARD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID Sisters, OR Permit No. 15 Wednesday, April 25, 2018 Changes coming for short-term rentals Art for Sisters Country... By Sue Stafford Correspondent People come from all over the world to experience the natural beauty of Sisters Country and other areas of the central Cascades. But all those visitors have an impact that threatens to damage the very natural beauty that draws them. On Friday the Deschutes and Willamette national for- ests jointly released a Draft Environmental Assessment of a project considering new PHOTO PROVIDED Laura Campbell and Sisters students are creating a new public art installation celebrating Sisters’ natural world. (See story, page 8.) See VISITORS on page 32 See RENTALS on page 37 Another roundabout planned for Sisters By Sue Stafford Correspondent Another roundabout is in Sisters future, along with other plans to improve traf- fic flow and transportation in and through town. Eighteen months worth of work on the City’s Transportation Plan (TSP) refinement is drawing to a close. The Sisters Planning Commission reviewed the revised text and project maps at their April 19 workshop. Four specific issues have been the focus in this refine- ment process: • Circulation on the east side of town, including Highway 20/126 intersection improvements; • Near- and long-term improvements to Highway 20/Locust Street and Barclay Inside... Major changes are on the table in the way Sisters treats short-term rentals. The Planning Commission held their final review of the proposed Short-Term Rental (STR) regulations at their April 18 workshop. The changes to the former Vacation Rental Development Code are comprehensive and extensive in scope. Commissioners indicated that, despite testimony against Drive/Locust Street; • Realignment of Barclay Drive corridor; • Revision to bicycle and pedestrian system plans. Working with the Public Advisory Committee (PAC), Oregon Department of Transportation, Deschutes County, and the public, City staff and consultant Kittelson and Associates developed the draft TSP refinement document. A public hearing for the TSP amendment is sched- uled for the May 17 Planning Commission meeting where public testimony will be heard. The proposed long-term improvement at the Highway 20/126 intersection is for a two-lane roundabout to meet See ROUNDABOUT on page 38 Saving Grace – one tough mustang By Katy Yoder Correspondent At first glance Grace, a small, bay mustang filly, looks fragile. But in fact, she’s overcome incredible odds. Now she’s facing another challenge and she and her owner, Carol Statton, need help. With that help, there’s hope she will sur- vive. Approximately four years old, Grace is from the Ochoco Big Summit herd, which totals around 130 mustangs. Wild horses are protec- tive, especially mares with foals. For every newborn foal, danger can come as soon as they hit the ground. Stallions intent on starting or expanding their families, will use the mare’s weakness after giving birth as an opportunity to steal her. In the melee, the mare fights for her freedom PHOTO BY KATY YODER Grace has a bad leg and a life-threatening nasal condition. She is under the loving care of Carol Statton. and safety of her offspring. Sometimes, the foal is kicked or trampled during the alter- cation and sustains life- threatening injuries. Grace was probably one of those casualties. Abandoned and alone after being weaned, Grace’s back-right ankle was bowed See GRACE on page 39 Letters/Weather ................ 2 Announcements ................12 Focus on Health .......... 16-24 Sisters Saver Coupons .....30 Classifieds ..................34-36 Meetings ........................... 3 Entertainment ..................13 Athletes of the Month ...... 28 Crossword ....................... 33 Real Estate ................. 37-40