22 Wednesday, April 18, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon AGE FRIENDLY: Free meeting set on April 25 in Sisters Continued from page 3 Conversation so that par- ticipants will have factual information in order to make informed decisions when pri- oritizing the senior issues and needs identified at the AFC town hall held last November. During that meeting, Dr. Margaret Neal of the Portland State University Institute on Aging shared how Portland, Oregon led the World Health Organization’s (WHO) first age-friendly initiative in the United States. At the November 2017 meeting, several groups iden- tified what is already working for seniors in Sisters, what are current barriers to improve- ment, and what are sugges- tions for improvement and to bring change, focusing on the three key elements of an AFC. The breakout sessions on April 25 will prioritize issues for action, and will discuss short-, mid-, and long-term goals and action planning for each of the key elements. The built environment group will look at issues regarding housing, transporta- tion, and outdoor spaces and buildings. Community and health services and communi- cation/information comprise the topics considered under the service environment. The social environment sub- categories include employ- ment and the economy, civic participation and volunteer- ing, social participation, and respect and social inclusion. Four main areas emerged across all three environments as needing to be addressed — isolation, transportation, housing, and healthcare. All four are intertwined and impact one another. To create an AFC, it is helpful to take a holistic approach, address- ing a number of interrelated issues that impact all citizens, not only seniors. It will take the interest and commitment of people of all ages to move the AFC initiative forward, according to Robyn Holdman of Citizens4Community. Several positive steps have already been taken toward creating a more age-friendly Have a story idea for The Nugget? We’d love to hear it! Send an email to editor@nuggetnews.com community. Two local Sisters residents, Toni Landis and Dixie Eckford, have been appointed to the Council on Aging of Central Oregon (COA) advisory council, the first representatives ever from Sisters. Since the Alliance began meeting, Landis said their overall goal has broadened to encompass all adults, regard- less of age. “Everyone is an aging adult,” she said, “and what we do to improve transportation, emergency care, and an acces- sible environment for seniors will benefit moms with stroll- ers, students needing flexible transportation, and anyone needing local emergency care. That is what makes a commu- nity age-friendly; it’s good for everyone.” COA has funded Landis as an information and resource specialist in Sisters every Monday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to work with aging adults 60 and older needing assistance, information, and access to a variety of services. Landis offers her services in the Sisters Park & Recreation District (SPRD) Sage Room, which hosts senior activities weekdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. “My position is a direct result of efforts of the Sisters Senior Alliance to examine the needs and concerns of local seniors,” Landis said. People are asked to RSVP for the free April 25 commu- nity dinner to ensure there is sufficient food for the event. Additional information about the Community Conversation is available on the C4C website at www.citizens4 community.com or by calling 541-549-1482. SCIENCE TALK: Stoves help individuals and environment Continued from page 3 lecture begins at 7 p.m. The StoveTeam endeavor began in 2007 when Hughes and a team of volunteers from the Eugene Southtowne Rotary Club wrote a Rotary matching grant and invented a small portable stove they dubbed the Ecocina. The little stove produced almost no smoke and used less than half the wood of an open fire. Declared one of the most effi- cient “rocket stoves” in the world, the Ecocina reduced carbon emissions from a cooking fire by 68% and par- ticulate matter by more than 86%. Demand for the stove was immediate and immense. I n 2 0 0 8 , S t o v e Te a m International began helping local entrepreneurs estab- lish sustainable factories to produce Ecocina stoves. The factories, funded initially by Rotary matching grants, use all local materials and employ only local men and women, an important eco- nomic contribution in devel- oping countries where unem- ployment sometimes exceeds MORE THAN DENTURES, IT’S YOUR SMILE! PHOTO COURTESY STOVETEAM INTERNATIONAL Pupusas cooked on an Ecocina stove in El Salvador are shared with a StoveTeam volunteer. 50 percent. StoveTeam International has received ongoing and generous support from Rotary clubs in the United States, Mexico and Central America; Hughes was the recipient of Rotary International’s Champion of Change award in 2013. In addition to her evening lecture at The Belfry on April 24, she will be the luncheon speaker for the Rotary Club of Sisters meet- ing at Brand 33 Restaurant at noon. Hughes travels regu- larly to Mexico and Central Let us show you how much you can save this year! SISTERS DENTURE Free consultations! 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