2 Wednesday, April 11, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon O P I N I O N Support programs that make Sisters a community By Peggy Tehan and family; John, Audrey, Hattie and JC Letters to the Editor… The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer’s name, address and phone number. Let- ters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is noon Monday. To the Editor: Americans have owned “weapons of war” ever since the American Revolution; hence the Second Amendment. The seizure and destruction of citizen’s fire- arms valued at $500 to $2,500 and the reversal of the concept of Americans’ right to keep and bear arms might well have government party stalwarts dancing in the streets, while the con- fiscated firearms are melted down and cast into a statue of Michael Bloomberg, who will undoubtedly be financing your operation. You could also rejoice at the prospect of untold thousands of fly-over country depora- bles being converted into felons. In the often- used terminology of the left, “This may not solve the problem, but it is a good first step. Larry Benson s s To the Editor: Here is some news for most of you out there: The school levy is up for renewal. That’s right, a simple renewal. This is not a new tax on your property. Your taxes will not go up as a result of this renewal. It is very simple that all you need to do is VOTE FOR the continua- tion of the local option. Yes, that is correct just vote YES for measure 9-121. But why continue the local option? Well, it is the cheapest of the Central Oregon School districts for one. The schools here are great for two; which by the way raises all of our home values because people want to raise families here. Finally this is an easy way to show our teachers, support staff and children that we care for them and appreciate them. The last time we voted on this it passed with a 79 s See LETTERS on page 18 Sisters Weather Forecast Courtesy of the National Weather Service, Pendleton, Oregon Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Rain/Snow Snow Showers Rain/Snow Mostly Cloudy Chance Rain Chance Snow 49/27 44/30 50/31 56/34 51/29 50/30 The Nugget Newspaper, LLC Website: www.nuggetnews.com 442 E. Main Ave., P.O. Box 698, Sisters, Oregon 97759 Tel: 541-549-9941 | Fax: 541-549-9940 | editor@nuggetnews.com Postmaster: Send address changes to The Nugget Newspaper, P.O. Box 698, Sisters, OR 97759. Third Class Postage Paid at Sisters, Oregon. Editor in Chief: Jim Cornelius Production Manager: Leith Easterling Classifieds & Circulation: Teresa Mahnken Graphic Design: Jess Draper Community Marketing Partners: Patti Jo Beal & Vicki Curlett Accounting: Erin Bordonaro Proofreader: Pete Rathbun Owner: J. Louis Mullen The Nugget is mailed to residents within the Sisters School District; subscriptions are available outside delivery area. Third-class postage: one year, $45; six months (or less), $25. First-class postage: one year, $85; six months, $55. Published Weekly. ©2018 The Nugget Newspaper, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. All advertising which appears in The Nugget is the property of The Nugget and may not be used without explicit permission. The Nugget Newspaper, Inc. assumes no liability or responsibility for information contained in advertisements, articles, stories, lists, calendar etc. within this publication. All submissions to The Nugget Newspaper will be treated as uncondition- ally assigned for publication and copyrighting purposes and subject to The Nugget Newspaper’s unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially, that all rights are currently available, and that the material in no way infringes upon the rights of any person. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return or safety of artwork, photos, or manuscripts. My family and I would like to convey our strong support of both the Sisters School District and Sisters Park & Recreation District five-year operating lev- ies on the upcoming May 15 election. For the com- munity of Sisters, the say- ing “it takes a village” not only applies to the villag- ers but also to the pub- lic entities that serve the village. I have served on the Sisters Park & Recreation District (SPRD) Board of Directors for the past 10 years. During that time, SPRD has strengthened its core offering of youth programs and now includes a broad spectrum of adult programs. A room in SPRD’s Coffield Center has recently been dedicated to daily adult use for scheduled programs, “drop-in” activities, and on Mondays, it’s home to the senior services advocate. SPRD initiated “Partner Committees” such as Farmers’ Market, Lacrosse Club, Astronomy Club, Volleyball and Basketball Club, maximizing the use of SPRD’s facilities and staff. SPRD also administers part- ners’ special events such as basketball and lacrosse tournaments, bringing large numbers of out-of-town participants who contribute to Sisters’ overall economy. Two other partner commit- tees, under the guidance of SPRD, used volunteer hours, donated materi- als and matching grants to add significant community assets to the SPRD cam- pus with construction of the Sisters Skate Park and soon-to-be completed Bike Park 242. We have seen the same innovative thinking from the Sisters School District (SSD) with programs like Chinese language, Flight Science, IEE, the Luthier Program, Americana, Seed to Table, and Greenhouse Science. The school dis- trict has demonstrated an ability to balance a mandate on strong academics with a willingness to seek out and implement other cre- ative learning experiences. Our three children attended Sisters schools K through 12; we see the lasting effects of their Sisters school expe- rience every day…three confidant, independent and employed young adults who possess handmade guitars, a passion for experiencing and preserving our beauti- ful surroundings (our shop full of their kayaks, tents, raft, snowboards, skis and etc.), college degrees and a bountiful harvest from their garden. SSD and SPRD have col- laborated on many fronts to meet the needs of our com- munity. SPRD’s preschool operates in the elementary school building, addressing childcare needs, providing early childhood education and preparing them for kin- dergarten — that classroom of kids just down the hall. School gyms and fields are scheduled to meet the needs of SPRD after-school sports activities, as well as weekend tournaments. After school, elementary students are bussed to SPRD for the homework club and enrich- ment activity programs. SPRD runs the middle school sports programs of football, volleyball, wres- tling, basketball and track. This sharing of assets, “can- do” attitude, and combined vision of service is to be commended. Sisters School District and Sisters Park & Recreation District are essential elements of what makes our community unique — and the place we want to live. On May 15, we can acknowledge their commitment to serve the education and recreation needs of Sisters Country. Please join us in voting “Yes” for Measure 9-120, Sisters Park & Recreation D i s t r i c t ’s F i v e - Ye a r Local Option Levy and “Yes” for Measure 9-121, Sisters School District’s Five-Year Local Option Renewal. Opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the writer and are not necessarily shared by the Editor or The Nugget Newspaper.