12 Wednesday, March 14, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon H e & Garden In Sisters Country D ESIGNERS & B UILDERS of D ISTINCTION Inspiration. Integrity. Innovation. 541-549-1575 • CCB#194489 Old Man Winter took a late shot at Sisters Country, but now we can feel a change in the air. It’s warming up and we can see Mother Nature rub- bing her eye and stretching out toward Spring. Are we ready to go? Time to get the yard in shape; time to launch that home project; time to stop thinking and start doing. Fortunately, you have a lot of resources to lend a hand. Skilled crews are stand- ing ready to help you get your landscape in shape, to haul off the debris and detri- tus of winter and bring on the green. Designers and contractors are ready to help you create new space or restore and make the most of the space you have. Dedicated service professionals and skilled tradesmen can help you make your home safer, more functional, more livable — and more beautiful. There’s no end to the talent and expe- rience available in Sisters. They can get your work done or help you do it yourself. Rent the tools for the job or hire folks who have the best equipment and the expertise to make living well in Sisters more than a dream. LaredoConstruction.com Metolius Lawn Maintenance Your friends in the spring-cleaning to weekly lawn-care and everything-in- between business. Prices are always reasonable and satisfaction is guaranteed! CALL 541-508-9672 TODAY! Sisters Owned & Operated Cutting-edge technology to get your carpet its cleanest! Baby & Pet Safe • Red Dye & Stain Removal 30 Years Experience • Chemical-free Cleaning — FREE ESTIMATES — Call or text 458-292-6842 M E N T I O N T H I S A D F O R R E G U L A R R A AT T E S ! 1 0 % OFF B R Ben Redlich dli h WWW.BULLSEYECARPETCLEANING.COM Offer expires 4-30-18 Metolius Lawn Maintenance Metolius Lawn Maintenance is ready for every job — both big and small. You will not find a friendlier, harder-working, or more reliable busi- ness anywhere in Central Oregon. It’s a local, fam- ily-owned company that knows that its customers are also friends and neighbors. They show up when and where they are supposed to and get the job done in a professional and efficient manner. Their trailer can haul pine needles, downed trees, limbs, and other yard debris. Anyone who has not yet cleaned up his or her property should contact Metolius Lawn Maintenance as soon as possible; fire season is only getting closer. Go fishing, go for a bike ride, or take the dogs out for a hike, and leave the yard-work to us. The Metolius Lawn Maintenance crew will mow, edge, fertilize, rake, or tend to your property in whatever way needed. They always appreciate the work, and their prices are reasonable. Bullseye Carpet & Uphols tery Carpets get really dirty in Sisters — especially in the spring when it’s wet and muddy outside. When you’ve brought too much of Sisters into your house, it’s time to call Bullseye Carpet & Upholstery. Using state-of-the-art equipment and 100 percent natural, food-grade cleaning products, Bullseye brings 30 years of experience to bear in getting carpets and upholstery clean. Ben Redlich is the sole operator, and he serves up quality work at a fair price — every time. Bullseye Carpet & Upholstery can handle resi- dential or commercial jobs, and can also offer spot- cleaning services. Ben notes that if you spill red wine — call first; don’t try to clean it up and set the stain! Keeping your carpet and upholstery clean helps things last longer, makes your home environment healthier — and it’s just plain nicer to live in. So when your family or customers track Sisters in, Bullseye is on target to fix it!