26 Wednesday, February 21, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon C L A S S I F I E D S ALL advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it to advertise “any illegal preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrim- ination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not know- ingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity To complain of basis. discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. 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Billing available for continuously run classified ads, after prepayment of first 10 weeks and upon approval of account application. CATEGORIES: 101 Real Estate 102 Commercial Rentals 103 Residential Rentals 104 Vacation Rentals 106 Real Estate Wanted 107 Rentals Wanted 200 Business Opportunities 201 For Sale 202 Firewood 203 Recreation Equipment 204 Arts & Antiques 205 Garage & Estate Sales Commercial Space in Pine LOTS of DRY Pine & Juniper BEND SPAY & NEUTER Meadow, 484 W. Washington Cut, Split & Delivered PROJECT 206 Lost & Found #A North. 713± sq. ft. Lots of IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Providing Low-Cost Options 207 The Holidays for altering and wellness! 301 Vehicles windows/outlets, shared bath, lots Call 541-420-3254 910 SE Wilson, Ste. A-1 of parking. $700/mo. Available 302 Recreational Vehicles 204 Arts & Antiques now! Ponderosa Properties, LLC Bend, Oregon 97702 401 Horses Go to BendSnip.org 402 Livestock 541-549-2002 – Debbie or call 541-617-1010 403 Pets F O S S I L F E V E R ? 103 Residential Rentals 500 Services Click "Fossil Gallery" at THREE RIVERS 501 Computer Services ChafortheFinest.com Beautiful, clean 2-BDRM, 2-BA HUMANE SOCIETY 502 Carpet Upholstery Cleaning main-floor condo in 4th Sister ~ 541-549-1140 ~ – Where Love Finds A Home – 503 Appliance Repair & Refinish complex. New appliances, Your New Best Friend Awaits! – TURQUOISE – 504 Handyman elec. Vermont casting fireplace. Come see the doggies at Native American Cuffs, 505 Auto Repair $1,395/mo. NP/NS. Call 1694 S.E. McTaggart Road, Squash Blossoms, Concho Belts 600 Tree Service & Forestry or text to see: 801-674-6265 Madras, Oregon Authentic Inventory 601 Construction Go to ThreeRiversHS.org PONDEROSA PROPERTIES • Gift Certificates • 602 Plumbing & Electric or call 541-475-6889 –Monthly Rentals Available– Cowgirls and Indians Resale 603 Excavations & Trucking Call Debbie at 541-549-2002 160 S. Oak St. | 541-549-6950 604 Heating & Cooling 500 Services Full details, 24 hrs./day, go to: Wed.-Sat., 11-5 or by Appt. 605 Painting PonderosaProperties.com Happy Trails Estate Sales! THE JEWEL – 27 YEARS! 606 Landscaping & Yard Maint. Printed list at 221 S. Ash, Sisters Jewelry Repair • Custom Design Selling or Downsizing? 701 Domestic Services Locally owned & operated by... Ponderosa Properties LLC gems | 541-549-9388 | gold 702 Sewing Daiya 541-480-2806 www.thejewelonline.com 703 Child Care 104 Vacation Rentals Sharie 541-771-1150 The Nugget Newspaper 704 Events & Event Services Spectacular Mountain Views, SMALL Engine REPAIR NuggetNews.com 801 Classes & Training Seclusion & Comfort! Our log Lawn Mowers, 802 Help Wanted cabin outside Sisters has it all. Chainsaws & Trimmers 301 Vehicles 803 Work Wanted $125/nt. See vrbo.com #455968 Sisters Rental 901 Wanted We Buy, Sell, Consign Quality Or call direct: 541-408-0227. 506 North Pine Street 902 Personals Cars, Trucks, SUVs & RVs ~ 541-549-9631 In the Heart of Sisters 999 Public Notice Call Robb at 541-647-8794 or Authorized service center for 3 Vac. Rentals – Quiet 1-2 Bdrm Jeff at 541-815-7397 Stihl, Briggs & Stratton, Sleep 2-6, start at $135 per nt. Sisters Car Connection da#3919 Honda, Tecumseh 101 Real Estate vrbo.com/442970 or /180950 SistersCarConnection.com or /337593 • 503-694-5923 FIFI'S HAULING SERVICE HEATED CAR STORAGE (2) TOYOTA Venzas, Dump Trailers available! CASCADE Gated, with clubroom and 2011 & 2012, low miles. Also, Call 541-419-2204 VACATION RENTALS car wash. $19,000 ea. Cadillac Escalade, 2007, black, Homes for up to 10 people. SCC PROFESSIONAL 541-419-2502 80K miles, fully loaded car! $140 and up. Monthly available. AUTO DETAILING Call Ralph, 541-390-5187 10 ACRES with Irrigation. (541) 549-0792 • (877) 540-1086 Premium services by appt. Call Ralph, 541-390-5187 Property management Sisters Car Connection 401 Horses Sisters Hometown Realty for second homes. 102 W. Barclay Drive TRITICALE HAY Norma Tewalt, Principal Broker CascadeVacationRentals.net 541-647-8794 • Ask for Robb Barn stored. Big bales. $170/ton. For Old-fashioned Hometown ~ Sisters Vacation Rentals ~ BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Hwy. 126 & Cline Falls. Service! Call 541-419-9629 Custom Homes to Simple Cabins, ~ Olivia Spencer ~ 541-280-1895 Some Dog-friendly / Internet Expert Local Bookkeeping! 102 Commercial Rentals Black Horse Ranch Tumalo $100 and up • 541-977-9898 Phone: (541) 241-4907 Horse Boarding: Indoor/outdoor Prime Downtown Space www.SistersVacation.com www.spencerbookkeeping.com arenas, direct access to 30K acres Both Retail and Office WEDDINGS • CATERING BLM trails. Beautiful! $390/mo. space available. 201 For Sale ~ Willow Camp Catering ~ incl. premium hay. 541-280-5155 Call Lori at 541-549-7132 Plunder Jewelry Call Wendy, 541-923-8675 Cold Springs Commercial GOT YOUR WINTER HAY? Vintage • Trendy • Inspirational Drainfield Restoration Call the Cole Ranch for – CAR STORAGE – Custom Photo Pendants Services, Inc. quality mixed grass, And Other Vehicles! Prices start at just $8 541-388-4546 • CCB #88891 barn-stored, tested, 2-tie bales. Heated 12x20 units, gated 24-hr. plunderdesign.com/jessdraper RestoreYourSeptic.com 541-213-8959 security and onsite car wash. FB: bit.ly/JewelryJess • DERI’s HAIR SALON • Call Jack, 541-419-2502 Certified Weed-Free HAY. 541-977-8494 Call 541-419-1279 Orchard Grass or Alfalfa Hay, MINI STORAGE “Support Sisters” Sisters. $250 per ton. GEORGE’S SEPTIC Sisters Storage & Rental SHOP LOCAL! Call 541-548-4163 TANK SERVICE 506 North Pine Street Hercules Avalanche X-Treme “A Well Maintained 541-549-9631 Horse Boarding in Sisters ~ Studded Tires: 225/60R-17. Septic System Protects Sizes 5x5 to 15x30. 7-day access. New barn, arena, round pen, Just used one season, the Environment” Computerized security gate. and access to National Forest. great condition! $400. 541-549-2871 On-site management. $550/mo. Call 541-323-1841. Call 541-815-2525. U-Haul trucks, trailers, moving MOVING TRUCK FOR HIRE HABITAT THRIFT STORE boxes & supplies. 403 Pets –COMPLETE MOVING, LLC– 141 W. Main • 541-549-1740 Sisters' Only Local Moving Co.! Office Space in Industrial Park A CARING ENVIRONMENT M-Sat, 9 to 5, Sun, 12 to 4 Two exp. men with 25+ years 1,200± sf, upstairs w/private for your treasured Best Friends HABITAT RESTORE bath & kitchenette. $1,000/mo. in your home while you're away! comm. moving. Refs! ODOT Lic. 254 W. Adams • 541-549-1621 Class 1-B • Call 541-678-3332 includes water & elec. Add'l Sisters-Tumalo-Petsitting.com M-Sat, 9 to 5 (closed Sun) onsite storage available for tools, 541-306-7551 Donations taken M-Sat, 10 to 4 501 Computers & equipment, inventory & misc. You Can Help Furry Friends! Communications SNO CAP MINI STORAGE Donations to the 501(c)(3) 202 Firewood 541-480-9152 Gary Miller IT Services Furry Friends Foundation, Inc., SISTERS FOREST PRODUCTS CASCADE STORAGE A Trusted Onsite Business & go toward the purchase of DAVE ELPI – FIREWOOD (541) 549-1086 • (877) 540-1086 Personal Computer Specialist pet food and assist with • SINCE 1976 • 581 N. Larch – 7-Day Access for the Sisters Community spay & neuter certificates and >> Order Now for Fall 2018!! 5x5 to 12x30 Units Available – 541-771-9929 – emergency medical needs LP Pine – Doug Fir – Juniper 5x5 - 8x15 Climate Control Units for pets in our community! SISTERS SATELLITE Camp Wood – Kindling On-site Management Open Tuesdays & Thursdays TV • PHONE • INTERNET LOG TRUCK LOADS from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at For Lease – New Block Bldg. Your authorized local dealer for YEAR-ROUND WOOD SALES 204 W. Adams Ave. #109 Redmond Airport Industrial Park DirecTV, Exede HS Internet – 18155 Hwy. 126 East – 541-797-4023 2,500 to 6,500 sq. ft. and more! CCB # 191099 SistersForestProducts.com FurryFriendsFoundation.org Call Ralph, 541-390-5187 541-318-7000 • 541-306-0729 Order Online! 541-410-4509