20 Wednesday, January 17, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon FLY FISHING: Stores and companies encourage women anglers Authorities link wolf pack to another kill Continued from page 3 lack of fishing etiquette can appear aggressive when it’s really just ignorance. “We’re entering a time where both men and women are learning how to manage the changing demograph- ics of the sport,” explained Dozer. “How does a 25-year- old male employee greet a 50-year-old woman entering a fly shop? Or how would he greet a 25-year-old woman? “How a woman is greeted by shop employees will make or break a purchase and pos- sibly create a loyal customer. It can be intimidating to walk into what feels like a man’s world,” said Dozer. Dozer hopes the answer is they’d treat a man walking into the shop the same way as a woman. But that doesn’t always happen. There’s the uncomfort- able situation of a man fit- ting a woman for waders. Or handling the awkward cir- cumstance of relieving your- self along the river in mixed company. Jeff Perin, owner of The Fly Fisher’s Place, has had female employees for many years. “Above all, we treat everyone the same and don’t make a big deal that they are women, but welcome them as anglers. Anyone who loves fishing, trout and the beauti- ful places trout live is a friend of ours,” he said. Dozer is still working on how to react when a man makes remarks about women fly-fishing. “More times than not, I get positive comments from everybody,” said Dozer. “I PHOTO PROVIDED Mary Ann Dozer celebrates with Zia Klocke, who caught her first fish on a fly rod in the Lower Deschutes River. hear things like, ‘Wow there’s a woman on the oars or that was the best day I’ve had on the water.’ ‘You did a good job casting.’ Then there’s the comments like ‘Oh my good- ness, there’s three women in a boat.’” During a casting lesson she’s heard “Isn’t that cute, they’re using her as a target?” M a r y A n n w a s n ’ t sure what was behind his comment. “I wondered was it just a joke or just not understanding that I was the instructor and they were the students.” Dozer’s found that over- all women and men differ in what they want from their time on the water. “Women and men have different social needs and behaviors. We are all equal but there are differences,” she said. “Most women like to socialize – so it’s not all about the fishing. The food and con- versations are important, too.” Dozer has found that women make more noise when they land or miss a fish. “For men it tends to be more about the fishing and less about the conversation,” she said. Jeff’s wife, Tina, took up fly-fishing in 2010. She loves the sport and enjoys fishing with men and women. Tina has found that often a guide will prioritize getting a hus- band hooked up on a fish instead of the wife. She’s put together a wom- en’s fly-fishing trip to Mexico this May and there’s only two slots left. The all-female trip takes some of the pressure off of the women. “We’re going to Ascension Bay, and all our attendees are excited to go,” she said. BUTTE FALLS (AP) — Authorities say another calf was found dead on the same ranch in southwestern Oregon where the Rogue Pack of wolves was linked to killing a calf last week. The Mail Tribune reports U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service personnel were installing wolf deterrents on the ranch near Medco Pond when they found the carcass Wednesday morning. Authorities say wolf prints were found at the kill scene and a tracking collar places the young female wolf OR-54 near the scene earlier that morning. Rancher Ted Birdseye says his calf was devoured, lead- ing him to believe multiple wolves were responsible. Authorities say OR-54 was likely responsible for killing one of Birdseye’s calves last week. Let Us Help You Get Through Winter! Wood Fuel Pellets & Delivery Insulated Faucet Covers Foam Vent Plugs Pipe Insulation Ice-melt and More! H Hours: M-F M F 8 to 5 5, S Sat. 8 to 4 4:30, 30 Cl Closed dS Sundays d 440 N. Pine St. • 541-549-8141 • www.hoyts.net