Wednesday, January 10, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 31 DID YOU KNOW: Aitken building is still in commercial use Continued from page 3 PHOTO PROVIDED Liam Hughes has led SPRD for the past four years. HUGHES: SPRD board will determine next steps for district Continued from page 1 opportunity that I cannot pass up,” Hughes stated. “The Park and Recreation Department in Pendleton has a large array of parks, a recreation center, and a swimming pool. I am excited for the opportunity to work with facilities like these and be able to deliver great services to the citizens of Pendleton.” SPRD recently announced plans to seek a 15-cents- per-$1,000 local-option tax to support its programs. Hughes said that he is proud of the district for expanding programs, espe- cially for adults and seniors, while continuing to focus on the youth of the community (see Letters to the Editor, page 22). “If I had one thing I am most proud of, it has been how our staff have united behind the mission of rais- ing money though fundrais- ers and grants, so that we can keep our services available and affordable for the people of Sisters Country,” he said. Hughes came to Sisters from the Newport Parks & Recreation District. Hughes is a native of Essex, England. He left there at 16 “chasing the dream of being a basketball player.” That dream first took him to Modesto, California, where he attended high school, then to Oregon State University and a year at Western Oregon University. NBA dreams didn’t quite come true, but Hughes had no desire to return to the UK. ”Once I moved to Oregon, I never wanted to go back,” he said. Legacy Realty, Your Authentic Representation purchased from a Portland saloon, had an antique mar- ble counter backed by a large mirror. George made his own ice cream in five-gallon batches, using rich whipping cream, and turning the crank by hand. Grace’s huckleberry topping and George’s ice cream brought people from Bend and Redmond just for the frozen treats. The ice cream was kept frozen in a special room with sawdust- insulated walls, filled with ice that George chopped himself from ponds he had flooded during the winter. Civic activities kept George busy as he served for more than 20 years as secre- tary of the Squaw Creek (now Whychus) Irrigation District. He worked to promote com- munity projects like the construction of sidewalks in town. Although he had little time for it, George loved to fish and people conferred with him about where to find the best fishing holes and what PHOTO COURTESY DESCHUTES COUNTY HISTORIC LANDMARKS COMMISSION The Aitken building is the current home of Drawstrings of Malibu. lures to use. For a number of years, George was a member of the Oregon Fish and Game Commission and worked to see that local streams were kept stocked with fish. It was George who sug- gested Wizard Falls on the Metolius River would be a good location for a fish hatch- ery and supported its con- struction. When the hatchery was completed in 1948, four years after his death, it was dedicated to George Aitken. After George’s death, Grace served for 16 years as the Sisters librarian, begin- ning in 1947. She died in 1975 in Madras. Information from “That Was Yesterday,” Wilson and Scott, and I CAN GET YOU TOP DOLLAR IF YOU WANT TO SELL NOW Sisters is experiencing a record low number of houses for sale. Furry Friends Foundation located in the Sisters Art Works building (next to Habitat ReStore) 204 W. Adams Ave., #109 Tues. & Thurs., 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ali Mayea Sisters HomeLand Realty Principal Broker/Owner 541-480-9658 401 E. Main Ave., Sisters HOWELLS REALTY GROUP Choose your future at The Ranch! 541-797-4023 Mailing address is PO Box 1175, Sisters, OR 97759 This ad sponsored by The Nugget COUNTRY HOUSE CONDO 53 $295,000 mls 201706187 Incredible price, Cascade views! 541-504-9000 0 4 9 0 00 000 00 | Offi O ffi fi ces i in S Sisters i t s & R Redmond d REVERSE MORTGAGES HOME LOANS ...AND MORE! Doing Reverse Mortgages in Central Oregon Since 1999 Julie Nash • 541-410-7526 • NMLS ID 789031 loandepot Centr a & Ra l Oregon ised! Born GLAZE MEADOW 302 • $1,125,000 mls 201706639 Beautiful home, large lot, and on the golf course! Exclusive Onsite Realtor for Black Butte Ranch Open daily, 9 to 5, by the Lodge Pool Complex Over half our agents live at The Ranch! Don Bowler, President and Broker 971-244-3012 Gary Yoder, Managing Principal Broker 541-420-6708 Dick Howells, Principal Broker 541-408-6818 Phil Arends, Principal Broker 541-420-9997 Carol Dye, Broker 541-480-0923 | Joe Dye, Broker 541-595-2604 Ross Kennedy, Principal Broker 541-408-1343 541-595-3838 The Ranch • 541-549-5555 in Sisters see all our listings at