Wednesday, January 10, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 27 C L A S S I F I E D S BLAKE & SON – Commercial, Home & Rentals Cleaning WINDOW CLEANING! Lic. & Bonded • 541-549-0897 MONTE'S ELECTRIC is now hiring experienced Journeyman Electrician. Hiring Bonus & Benefits! Call 541-719-1316. 704 Events & Event Services Black Butte Ranch is now hiring for Line Cook, Dishwasher and Bartender. Apply online at or submit résumé to ATTENTION CRAFTERS! SPRING FAIR, Mar. 23-25 at Douglas Co. Fairgrounds. Our 43rd year! Booths available for quality crafts. For info send SASE to Spring Fair 2018, PO Box 22, Dillard, OR 97432 or 801 Classes & Training A D V E R T I S E H E R E ! Do you offer LESSONS, WORKSHOPS or CLASSES for ... Yoga? Drawing? Swimming? Piano? Violin? Painting? Pottery? Or... Use the "Classes & Training" classified category to let folks know! JUST $2/line the first week, $1.50/line for repeats. And your ad goes online at no extra charge! 541-549-9941 NAIL TECHNICIAN & MASSAGE THERAPIST for Black Butte Ranch. Apply online at or submit résumé to PHOTO BY JIM CORNELIUS Lions club members have launched a food drive for non-perishable items. 999 Public Notice LEGAL NOTICE Directors’ Positions Three positions with incumbents running for reelection on the Board of Directors at Central Electric Cooperative, Inc. are up for election. They are: District # 1 Sisters District # 7 Alfalfa District # 8 Bend 802 Help Wanted Pursuant to the By-Laws of the Sisters Christian Academy is Cooperative, members who live seeking qualified applicants for in that district are eligible to run the position of Office Manager. for election. Applications and for candidates, This is an hourly job, 40 hrs. per information week during the school year, and including district boundaries and requirements, are eligibility 8 hrs. per week during the available at the Cooperative’s summer months. For a full job office at 2098 North Highway 97 description and application in Redmond Oregon. please email: cpeterson@ The application process involves The World’s Children charity is several steps and must be completed and filed at the same hiring an Admin Assistant. Apply at: cooperative office by 5:00 PM, February 9, 2018. admin-assistant Lions Club launches food drive The Three Sisters Lions Club has answered a chal- lenge from its governing district and is stepping up to collect a district-wide total of 15 tons of food for local food banks. Through Wednesday, January 31, they are accept- ing donations of non-perish- able food items at four loca- tions in Sisters: Washington Federal Bank at 610 N. Arrowleaf Trail; Davis Tire & Towing, 188 W. Sisters Park Dr.; and Deri’s Hair Salon, 208 S. Cedar St. The donations will ulti- mately go to the Sisters Food Bank operated by Sisters Kiwanis. Watching for good news in the mail? Are you the one they desperately need when their computer crashes? Hey TECH GURU: Use the Nugget’s classifi ed ad category, Computers & Communications , to get the word out about your services and expertise. Just $2 per line the fi rst week , $1.50 per line on repeat weeks . And it goes online at no extra charge! Placement deadline is Monday before noon, at 541-549-9941 or Send them the local news from Sisters! A gift subscription to The Nugget is a thoughtful gift for loved ones far away. Subscriptions start at just $25 and are looked forward to every week! To order a gift subscription call 541-549-9941.