The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, January 10, 2018, Page 22, Image 22

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Wednesday, January 10, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Continued from page 2
thank Military Parents Group for their gener-
osity and love.
Another local nonprofit, Heartwarmers,
gathered to stuff stockings with hand-writ-
ten notes on hearts, cut-out fleece hearts and
hand-made chocolate-filled cards to go to my
daughter and son-in-law’s platoons halfway
across the world. Some of these Heartwarmers
and friends sent their own packages full of
goodies and supplied us with presents and sup-
plies to send throughout the year. We would
like to thank Heartwarmers and our friends
and family for their generosity and support.
We are still pinching ourselves for being
part of such a loving and caring community
here in Sisters. This is one more example of
the love and generosity that this community
shares and displays.
Thank you all! And most of all, thank you
to our service men and women for serving and
protecting our country!
Bless you all!
Lori and Dan Chase
To the Editor:
I want to start out by saying that I have truly
enjoyed my last four years working at Sisters
Park & Recreation District. I feel privileged
to have worked with such a fantastic staff
and board of directors. I also feel privileged
to have been given the chance to serve such
a giving and engaged community as Sisters.
Because of how connected I feel to this orga-
nization, it has been tough for me to make this
decision, but I have decided to accept a job
offer from the City of Pendleton to be their
new Park & Recreation Director.
It saddens me to leave Sisters and SPRD
behind, especially at such a busy time, but it is
a great professional opportunity that I cannot
pass up. The Park & Recreation Department
in Pendleton has a large array of parks, a rec-
reation center, and a swimming pool. I am
excited for the opportunity to work with facili-
ties like these and be able to deliver great ser-
vices to the citizens of Pendleton.
I am extremely proud of what we have
accomplished at SPRD these last four years.
Since 2013 we have expanded programs and
now offer over 100 programs to the residents
of Sisters. The greatest part of our expansion
has come in the form of programs for adults/
seniors, and special events, but we still con-
tinue to put the youth of our community first
and foremost.
I am especially proud of some of the new
events we have started such as the Hawaiian
Luau that unites the community of Sisters
every August for great food and Hawaiian
music, and the Great Northwest Cross Country
Running Camp which brings almost 100 kids
from all over the state to spend a week at
SPRD and run some of the best trails in Central
Oregon. Both of these events are big fundrais-
ers, the luau for adult programs, and the cross-
country camp for youth programs. It is because
of events like this, and the support of this fab-
ulous community, that we have been able to
maintain our service to the community while
continuing to have one of the lowest tax rates
of any park and recreation district in the state.
If I had one thing I am most proud of, it
has been how our staff have united behind the
mission of raising money though fundraisers
and grants, so that we can keep our services
available and affordable for the people of
Sisters Country. I am leaving, but the fantas-
tic staff and board here at SPRD will continue
providing exceptional recreational programs
and facilities for the residents and visitors of
Sisters Country.
I will greatly miss all the great people I
have met over my years in this great commu-
nity. Thank you all for everything.
Liam Hughes
A frosted landscape...
Ice fog gave a Nordic feel to Sisters Country at the beginning of
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