Wednesday, December 20, 2017 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 21 Obituaries Mahlon R. (Bob) Palmer December 4, 1923 — December 8, 2017 Bob Palmer, resident of Sisters, passed away on December 8, 2017 from nat- ural causes after living a full and happy 94 years. His much-loved son, Michael R. Palmer of Minneapolis, Minnesota, preceded him in passing in 1997. He will forever be remembered and loved by his surviving spouse, Jolene Palmer. He is also survived by his loved daughter-in-law, Kathleen Palmer of Elk River, Minnesota; three loved grandchildren; and five loved great-grandchil- dren: Beth Kurtz and her husband, David, of Coon Rapids, Minnesota; and Holly Palmer of Holyke, Massachusetts; and great- grandchildren, Alex Palmer of Hartfort, Connecticut and Michael Palmer and great-grandchildren Alicia and Michael Palmer of Elk River, Minnesota. Bob served in the U.S. Navy aboard the USS loving step-daughter: Becka Walters. They moved to Sisters in 2001. Pam is survived by her husband, David; step-daugh- ter Becka Walters (Dave); and two grandchildren. A celebration of life will be held at a later date. Memorial contribu- tions can be made to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Pam Bird September 24, 1947 — December 7, 2017 Thornhill DE 195 during World War II and was a proud veteran. Bob was loved and lived a full and happy life. He and his wife, Jolene, moved to Sisters in 1986. All who knew him will remember his quick wit and as a fun- loving, really nice guy. His memory will be cherished by all who had him grace their lives. At the request of the departed, there will be no formal service. Book Now! Snow Management Subscription discounts available. Pam Bird passed away on December 7 after a 3-1/2 year battle with an aggressive form of chronic lymphoma/leukemia. Pam was born and raised in Kenilworth, New Jersey, and, from an early age, wanted to express herself artistically. After graduating from Glassboro College (now called Rowan University) with a B.A. in art education, she took a job with JC Penney working as a graphic artist in their adver- tising department, followed by working as an art teacher in both public and private schools in New Jersey, Florida and California for several years. After moving to Santa Barbara, California, in the mid-1980s, she served as the Museum Art Educator at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. She moved to Bend in 1989 and took a job with Sunriver Prep School teach- ing art to grades K-12. In addition she was also an artist-in-residence at many schools in California and Oregon. Along the way she picked up the moniker, Pam Jersey Bird, to honor her roots in New Jersey. She was continually learning and expanding on her tal- ents, and most recently was experimenting with cold wax to the delight of new clients. Pam also enjoyed the company of her many artist friends and associates. They will fondly remember her infectious laugh, her skill and passion for art, and her generous spirit in helping them with their own art. David Hewett and Pam were married in 1997, and Pam gained a Check out our amazing home and Christmas decor selections. Dazzle your guests with 22 fl avors of delectable homemade fudge. Call 541-588-0083 20 Years Experience | ccb#191760 25-50% off storewide! Hurry! Limited to in-store stock! Dept. 56 Xmas Villages • Designer Purses Jewelry • Kitchen • Home Decor & More Excludes OTC & Rx S ISTERS D RUG & G IFT 211 E. Cascade Ave., Sisters | 541-549-6221 UNIQUE GIFTS Handmade in Sisters Visit our showroom for one-of-a-kind custom iron work Hand-forged right here in Sisters! 541-549-9280 | 207 W. Sisters Park Drive | | CCB# 87640 541-549-8591 | 150 W. Cascade Ave.