Wednesday, December 6, 2017 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon DONATIONS: Shelter is in operation during cold winter nights Continued from page 1 Distribution of vacation rentals inside Sisters’ city limits. Lots shaded pink are sites of existing vacation rentals. VACATION RENTAL GRAPHIC PROVIDED RENTALS: Concerns about numbers and density Continued from page 1 that the suggested “changes seem like commonsense restrictions.” She thinks that spacing or density of VRs might be something to take into consideration. Councilor Richard Esterman agreed the VR approval should not be trans- ferable with the sale of the property. He supports the idea of caps on the maximum number of VRs allowed in residential zones. He also supports required liability insurance for VR owners. Councilor Nancy Connolly believes that quality of life and maintaining the integ- rity of the community is key. She supports the Planning Commission recommenda- tions. She particularly thinks that adequate onsite parking at VRs is an issue. Community Development director Patrick Davenport cautioned the Council when considering duration and occupancy limits, to create reasonable requirements the City can enforce. Mayor Chuck Ryan voiced concern regarding spacing of VRs, fearing a concentration of VRs in any one particu- lar neighborhood. He shares Connolly’s concern regarding parking. He also stressed the importance of being certain that all legal issues are clearly and completely addressed to avoid future problems or lawsuits. Now that Council has voiced its opinions on the Planning Commission recom- mendations regarding VRs, the staff will draft VR text amendments to be reviewed by the Council at another workshop prior to a formal text amendment adoption. at each of the schools about their fundraiser for the Sisters Cold Weather Shelter. For several weeks, the girls had been discussing what it means to be helpful and of service. At the sug- gestion of co-leader Jolene Havern, shelter volunteer Linda Wolff attended one of their meetings to describe for the girls what the shelter does, who it serves, what the needs are, and to answer any ques- tions. She described for them a typical night at the shelter. The girls were happy to learn there are people who volun- teer to provide housing for shelter guests’ pets. The girls were inspired to sponsor the drive to help the shelter. 25 According to co-leader Regan Roberts, “Girl Scouts is all about helping others and making the world a better place. When the girls decided to help the shelter, it provided them with a purpose and way to be of service.” When the girls decided to help the shelter, it provided them with a purpose and way to be of service. — Regan Roberts This is the third year for the girls as an active troop. Roberts indicated this is a perfect age for the girls to get involved in this project. “It’s wonderful. The girls are right at that age when they are starting to think of others. They saw a problem and decided to do something about it.” Come Warm Up With Us Tasty Thursday: December 7 Diff erent types of Chardonnays, 5-7 p.m. Live Music Sat., Dec. 9 Alan Byer Project 7-9 p.m. No cover! Open T O Tuesday-Saturday d S t d 12 12-8 8 pm 391 W. Cascade Ave. | 541-549-2675