The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, October 18, 2017, Page 21, Image 21

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    Wednesday, October 18, 2017 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
CITY: Firefighters to
be thanked at Village
Green on October 22
Continued from page 3
types, tire pressure checks,
hearing and dental checks;
free lunch vouchers for the
Tuesday senior lunch, SPRD
exercise class passes, and
smoothies and trail mix.
• Sisters Country has an
opportunity to thank all the
firefighters who worked for
weeks to fight the 24,000-
acre Milli Fire that struck
the Sisters Ranger District in
August and September. On
Sunday, October 22, 1:30 to
3 p.m. at Village Green Park,
the community will gather
to collect drawings, mes-
sages, cards, and paintings to
be sent to the agencies from
across the state and the nation
who came to Sisters’ aid.
Local choirs will be pro-
viding music. In the schools,
students have been creating
thank-you art. Bring your
own thank-yous, and your
favorite dessert to share;
utensils and plates will be
provided. Volunteers will
serve attending community
members, firefighters, coop-
erating agency personnel,
and public safety workers.
All ages are welcome.
• Sisters City Council
approved the release of a
request for proposals (RFP)
to secure professional facili-
tators for the upcoming
visioning process. Interviews
should occur in mid-Novem-
ber with a proposal back
to the Council by the end
of November. The entire
visioning process is estimated
to take about a year. There
will be a number of opportu-
nities for citizens of Sisters
Country (within the Sisters
School District boundary) to
• The restroom at the East
Portal of the Highway 242
Scenic Byway is now closed
for the winter.
• The City of Sisters will
be receiving approximately
$6,800  in  state  shared  rev-
enue from the tax on mari-
juana sales for the first half of
2017, even though there are
no marijuana outlets in town.
Unless an establishment were
to open in Sisters, no more
shared revenue will be com-
ing to the City after this ini-
tial disbursement.
• The City wants to remind
all residents that to help pre-
vent car break-ins: Be sure
automobiles and trucks sit-
ting out are locked and never
leave valuables in the vehicle.
• Although on the surface
things appear to be booming
in Central Oregon, Sisters
City Manager Brant Kucera
reported to City Council
that at a recent meeting he
attended, there was talk of
several potential problems
percolating behind the scenes.
St. Charles Medical Center is
looking at having to cut some
services and increase costs
for other services. Utility
companies are possibly fac-
ing the need to cut back on
available power to the area.
Because of the high cost for
housing in the area, Central
Oregon is losing employ-
ees who can’t afford to live 
here, negatively impacting
$20 buy-in, no re-buys.
First hand dealt at 7 PM . Late
arrivals can buy-in until 7:30 PM
Menu at
190 E. Cascade Ave.
The Showroom
411 E. Cascade Ave., Sisters
We’ve got something…
…for every member
of your family!
CERTAIN AGE: Gratitude
and positive action
help relieve stress
Continued from page 16
am reminded that time is run-
ning out to set my affairs in
order, so I don’t leave a mess 
for my two sons. And thank-
fully, I have two sons who
are realizing that I need help
around the house and in the
yard. They are both now liv-
ing closer, one in Bend, and
that is a comforting thought,
but may not be a permanent
I know I am fortunate to
have my health with just a
few minor glitches, my fam-
ily and friends, a roof over
my head, no debt other than
the reverse mortgage, and a
car that is paid for. I am living
exactly where I want to be. I
am alive to watch another
summer meld into fall as the
leaves are painted by frosty
nights and the world settles
in for a long winter’s nap.
A deep breath or two to
release the tension, a silent
offer of gratitude for all that
is good, and a focus on posi-
tive action all help to tame
the stress dragon when he
rears his ugly head.
Adam Bronstein,
Cra sman
By Commission
Sisters man guilty
in luring case
A Deschutes County jury
has found a 36-year-old
Sisters man guilty on three
charges related to an attempt
to lure a 15-year-old girl for
sex last year.
Matthew Taylor Smith left
a suggestive note for the girl,
including his phone number,
after seeing her at a Burger
King in Bend last year. The
girl’s  mother  provided  the 
note to Redmond Police, who
began contact with Smith via
text message, posing as the
A relative of Smith told
The Nugget that Smith had
initially thought the girl was
an adult and does not have
an interest in underage girls.
However, after a lengthy
series of text exchanges,
Smith arranged to meet
with (as he thought) the girl
at a park in Bend. There,
Redmond Police officers
arrested him on charges of
luring a minor, first-degree
online sexual corruption of
a child, and second-degree
attempted sexual abuse.
Smith’s  lawyers  and 
Smith’s relative argue that the 
man would not have attempted
to meet for sex with the girl
if the police had not broken
down his objections to hav-
ing sex with a minor and led
him into it through a lengthy,
graphic exchange of texts.
Smith pleaded not guilty,
but  a  jury  last  Wednesday 
handed up guilty verdicts on
all three counts. He faces sen-
tencing on November 1.
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