The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, August 09, 2017, Page 23, Image 22

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    Wednesday, August 9, 2017 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
4-H CLUB: Fair is a lot
of work for young
livestock raisers
Continued from page 1
animal science, home eco-
nomics, art, or other project
areas, it helps youth grades
K-12 develop life skills
through leadership activi-
ties and community service
There are 25 youths in the
Cloverdale Livestock Club
ranging from ages 10 to 17
years old.
Most of the club mem-
bers show sheep in various
classes. This year two mem-
bers showed pigs, and fourth-
grader Faith Keeton from the
Cloverdale area showed a
“Faith’s great uncle and
aunt, Boyd and Hazel Keeton,
were my 4-H leaders growing
up and set a wonderful exam-
ple to follow,” Mitchell said.
Nine of the club members
produced their own market
animals — which means they
own the mothers and bred,
birthed, and cared for the ani-
mals year-round.
The other youths talked to
producers and made arrange-
ments to select and purchase
their market animals.
All the members must
have the lamb and hogs in
their possession by mid-May,
except for the steers which
they acquire by February.
Once they receive their
animal they must feed and
exercise him properly to
reach the appropriate weight
by the end of July.
The 4-H members learn
about finances, nutrition,
record-keeping, healthcare
and marketing.
These youths are learning
hard work and responsibility,
but it also teaches them good
business practices, too.
After the animals make it
to the fairgrounds, the work
still isn’t done. The club
members are at the barn by 6
a.m. cleaning pens, feeding,
filling up water tanks, laying
down bedding and continu-
ing to train their animal for
the show.
Over in the Sheep Barn
there were a couple of new
members getting ready to
show their sheep in the ring.
Sisters resident Leith
The Cloverdale Livestock 4-H Club.
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Hannah Williver raised a lamb for the first time with the Cloverdale
Livestock Club.
Easterling and her 10-year-
old daughter Hannah Williver
were excited about receiving
a blue ribbon for 3rd place in
market and showmanship.
“This is my first time in
the livestock club,” Hannah
said shyly, smiling down at
her lamb.
“Hannah’s passion has
always been with animals
since she was really young,”
Easterling said. “We just
knew that this would be a
great way for her to start and
finish a project. And being
with animals, she absolutely
thrived in her class.”
Hannah had been taking
care of the lamb since last
“Hannah is a great exam-
ple of a first-year member,”
Mitchell said. “She was so
shy at the first meeting, she
sat by herself. But then she
blossomed. It has been fun
to watch her grow and gain
Another member from
Sisters, 12-year-old Adelynn
Kroytz, won first in her class
in showmanship and was
ready to go into the finals.
“She’s had a great time
learning and figuring things,”
said her proud dad, Rick
Most kids just show mar-
ket animals, but seven mem-
bers brought breeding sheep.
Mitchell’s 17-year-old son
Sam brought 11 sheep that he
“Both my sons, Sam and
Nolan, show sheep and it’s
wonderful being able to share
the livestock culture with
them,” Mitchell said.
Mitchell believes in the
program and will continue
to head up the Cloverdale
Livestock Club.
“4-H and FFA have had
a large impact on who I am
today and I am glad to be able
to help provide that oppor-
tunity for others,” Mitchell
said. “I have been so blessed
to have had the chance to be
a part of so many young peo-
ple’s lives.”
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