6 Wednesday, July 26, 2017 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Foundation offers artist scholarships PHOTO BY MACGREGOR HAY Magnificent jumping action is to be found for free at the High Desert Classic. sop horses/riders featured in classic Now is Sisters’ chance to see top-flight horses and rid- ers at the annual Oregon High Desert Classic at the J Bar J Boys Ranch. This show, which began in 1989, is an international event with over 600 horses and 3,000 professionals from Canada and through- out the U.S. It is a fundraiser for J Bar J Youth Services, which serves at-risk boys at a 40-acre ranch in Bend. The show itself is free for spec- tators and features hunter/ jumper competition. The hunter division began with fox hunting; the hunters in the show ring demonstrate the obstacles you might find in the field while fox hunting, fences, traveling efficiently, enduring long distances while remaining well-mannered. The judges’ scoring consists of detailed qualities in both the rider and the horse such as position of the rider’s legs and body alignment, tradi- tional dress. The horse has rigid requirements as well: expression, jumping position, smoothness and grooming. The jumper category is a dis- play of athleticism on the part of the horse and rider. The judging is based on accuracy and speed alone. They are marked down for refusing to jump an obstacle, knocking down rails or exceeding the time limit. The course con- sists of 10-14 jumps. The best time to see the show is from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday. Two special events are on Saturday, July 29, at 5 p.m., which is the Grand Prix and/ or Sunday, July 30, at 2 p.m. which is the Mini Prix. J Bar J Boys Ranch is located at 62895 Hamby Rd., Bend. For more information visit www.oregonhighdesert classics.org. The Roundhouse Foundation based in Sisters supports a thriving arts economy and the educa- tion of working artists. The Foundation recently announced opportunities for Central Oregon artists. The Roundhouse Foundation is sponsoring two scholarships at Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina. Artists residing in Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson counties may apply for an eight-week concentra- tion or a one-week concen- tration in the fall of 2017. Applications are due by August 1. Penland School of Crafts is an internationally recog- nized school of craft, offering workshops from master art- ist instructors in wood, clay, iron, printmaking, metals and other traditional mediums. Local artists are encour- aged to visit the Penland website for details: http:// penland.org/classes/fall/ fall_scholarships.html and http://penland.org/classes/ classes_by_session.html The Roundhouse Foundation is also seek- ing two artists who may be interested in a residency on the Oregon Coast at Sitka Center for Art and Ecology in Otis (www.sitkacenter. org). Residencies include 2 to 3 days of instruction with Sitka master teachers, Stan Peterson, woodworking (www.stan-peterson.com) or Jef Gunn, painting, drawing, encaustic painting (www. jefgunn.com) in November and December 2017. In addition, the artist may stay on at Sitka for up to two weeks to work on their own projects. If interested in the Sitka opportunity, contact Kit Stafford, The Roundhouse Foundation community arts liaison, at inquiries@ roundhousefoundation.org. For more information visit http://roundhousefoundation. org/news/art-scholarships- and-artists-residencies- available/. Year-round POKER AT THE SALOON IS BACK AUGUST 2! First hand dealt at 7 PM . Late arrivals can buy-in until 7:30 PM FIREWOOD SALES — Kindling — — — SISTERS FOREST PRODUCTS 541-410-4509 SistersForestProducts.com Menu at SistersSaloon.net 541-549-RIBS 190 E. Cascade Ave. SEE YOU THERE! A lab of lov or e s Siste e r d! n Ow “Peter made my day: no exaggeration! The carpets looked new when he left. He was thoughtful, focused and did an excellent job.” — Kelly Sheets 541-549-6471| 35 Years Experience | Peter Herman, Owner CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT CLASSES MULTI-STATE | VALID 35 STATES Valid in Washington Includes Oregon Honored Do Not Honor Utah Residents Only Wednesday, August 9 • 1 p.m. & 6 p.m. Best Western Ponderosa Lodge, 500 Hwy. 20 W., Sisters 360-921-2071 Call or Text | FirearmTrainingNW@gmail.com | www.FirearmTrainingNW.com