18 Wednesday, April 19, 2017 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Alcohol dependence relates to impulse-control deficiency By Steve Ltndeberg OSU College of Liberal Arts CORVALLIS — Would you rather receive $55 today or $75 two months from now? If you chose the former — and if you’re severely alco- hol dependent — functional magnetic resonance imaging would likely show that you hadn’t activated the “cognitive control” region of your brain as much as someone with a lower level of dependency would have. Research at Oregon State University sheds new light on what happens in the brain when a person with alcohol use disorder, or AUD, is pre- sented with an opportunity for “delay discounting” – forgoing a larger reward later in favor of a significantly smaller one sooner. The findings are important because they suggest that more effective AUD treatment could involve neuropsychological tasks designed to help patients train themselves to make more-reasoned, better-planned decisions by using cognitive control to rein in impulses. The collaboration among psychological scientist Anita Cservenka of OSU’s College of Liberal Arts and researchers at UCLA involved 17 alcohol- dependent individuals making decisions similar to the $55 vs. $75 choice while their brain activity was monitored with functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI. As they lay still in the MRI tube, each subject read a series of 27 questions on a screen and had five seconds per ques- tion to answer via an elec- tronic pad resting on his or her stomach. Choosing a smaller amount of money sooner was categorized as an SS response; a larger amount later was clas- sified as LL. On average, participants gave an SS response not quite two-thirds of the time. “If you just look at the behavior of individuals, those with more severe alcohol use disorder had a trend toward steeper delay discounting,” Cservenka said. “How much they preferred smaller, imme- diate rewards was not signifi- cant, but it was a trend; the severity of the alcohol use disorder was positively asso- ciated with the wanting of smaller, immediate rewards.” The fMRI scans showed that in the brains of alcohol- dependent people, severity of dependence negatively corre- lates with activity in the cogni- tive control regions when par- ticipants make impulsive deci- sions – the more dependent someone is, the less active the control part of his brain is. Most people are nattrally driven to rewards, btt in certain disorders stch as AUD there’s a tendency to display even greater orientation toward ‘meaningftl’ rewards. — Anita Cservenka The scans also indicated dysregulation in other regions associated with decision mak- ing and higher-order cogni- tion. The alcohol-dependent individuals showed greater activation of the brain’s reward-evaluation regions during “delayed decisions” – choosing the larger, later prize. Activation of those regions during delayed decisions is positively associated with alcohol dependence severity, suggesting individuals with greater dependence may need to activate those areas more to make less impulsive decisions. “Most people are naturally driven to rewards, but in cer- tain disorders such as AUD there’s a tendency to dis- play even greater orientation toward ‘meaningful’ rewards,” Cservenka said. “For example, someone with alcohol use disorder might display much greater orientation to an adver- tisement for alcohol than an individual who did not have that disorder. However, in this study we found deficits in cognitive control may be more related to impulsive decision making than reward-driven behavior.” Cservenka notes that impul- sivity tends to decline with age but that adults with severe alcohol use disorder can show heightened levels of impulsiv- ity compared to individuals without alcohol use problems. “That’s one of the key research questions: Were these individuals who have severe alcohol use disorder especially impulsive as children, prior to the onset of dependency?” PHOTO PROVIDED Psychological scientist Anita Cservenka. she said. “It could very well be that more impulsive indi- viduals have more of a ten- dency to engage in problem drinking. That’s something that long-term studies that track individuals over time are aiming to answer: How much is impulsivity a predictor of alcohol use disorder severity as opposed to it being a result of using alcohol?” Findings were recently published in the journal Alco- hol and Alcoholism. The Foundation for Alco- hol Research, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse sup- ported this research. Metabolic Maintenance For over three decades, Metabolic Maintenance has been steadfast in producing pure, high-quality, preservative-free health supplements, with no added excipients, fillers or binders. Our products are manu- factured per the highest standards with only the most conscientious sourcing of ingredients. The foundation of who we are is not only evident in the products we produce, but the environment in which we work — and the fact that we are the oldest family-owned com- pany in our industry of nutritional supplements. Based out of the High Cascades in Sisters, we are fortunate to live and manufacture in a commu- nity that is beaming with health and wellness pro- fessionals, extreme world-class athletes and families that strive for optimal health and longevity of life. 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