Wednesday, April 12, 2017 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon C L A S S I F I E D S 605 Painting 701 Domestic Services 802 Help Wanted Black Butte Painting LLC Free estimates! • CCB #209860 Call Nick at 541-848-8214 ~ I and I Crystal Cleaning ~ Have your home and business crystal clean! with the best rates in town. Now accepting new clients, so call today to schedule. Licensed & Bonded, Refs. 541-977-1051 Housekeeping / Laundry Friendly and outgoing people needed to join our team! Must be dependable & hard-working, able to flex w/business patterns. • $10.50 / hour starting pay • Pay increase after 60 days • Generous sick-leave policy • $100 bonus at end of season • Annual holiday party & gift • Lodging discounts at Best Western hotels and motels worldwide Apply in person at the Best Western Ponderosa Lodge ~ FRONTIER PAINTING ~ Quality Painting, Ext. & Int. Refurbishing Decks CCB #131560 • 541-771-5620 Look Sharp with a Fresh Coat! Residential / Comm. Painting Carl Perry Construction LLC CCB #201709 • 541-419-3991 – Earl W. Nowell Painting – Int., Ext., Staining & Decks! Lic. & Bonded • CCB #201728 For free estimate: 541-633-8297 606 Landscaping & Yard Maintenance Metolius Lawn Maintenance Cleanup, lawn care, pruning, hauling, etc. 541-508-9672 THE GARDEN ANGEL Landscape Maintenance and Irrigation LCB #9352 • 541-549-2882 “Your Garden’s Best Friend” All Landscaping Services Mowing, Thatching, Hauling... Call Abel Ortega, 541-815-6740. Affordable Handyman & Yard Care with distinction & integrity. NEEDLE cleanup! 541-514-1190 J&E Landscaping Maintenance LLC ~ Providing All Services! Over 10 years experience. Edgar Cortez, 541-610-8982 or Easy Green Landscape Maintenance • 541-699-7404 GREEN STARR SERVICES – Yard Care Experts – Optimal time to clean gutters, aerate, thatch, hedge & prune. Master Gardener - 14 yrs. exp. Nick or Aubri Burnett 541-220-6513 We also do pine needle cleanup and window cleaning. – CUSTOM HOUSE CARE – TLC for your Home, Business or Rental Cleaning in Sisters, Black Butte Ranch & surrounding areas. Let us sparkle your home for a fresh start! Call to schedule an immaculate home cleaning. Lic-Bonded-Ins. Refs Avail. Call Emilee Stoery, 541-588-0345 or email ~ Touch of Class Cleaning ~ Res., Comm. & Vac. Rentals Free Est.! Janie, 541-280-5962 CORNERS and CREVICES Residential Housekeeping 541-923-3093 14 Years Local Experience "CLEANING QUEEN" Serving the Sisters area! Call Maria at 541-213-0775 BLAKE & SON – Commercial, Home & Rentals Cleaning WINDOW CLEANING! Lic. & Bonded • 541-549-0897 801 Classes & Training A D V E R T I S E H E R E ! Do you offer lessons, workshops or classes for... PIANO? DRUMS? YOGA? TENNIS? POTTERY? COOKING? PAINTING? WOODWORKING? Use the "Classes & Training" classified category to let folks know! Just $2/line the first week, $1.50/line on repeat weeks, and $1/line week #10 & beyond. And it goes online at no additional charge! Call Monday before noon to place at 541-549-9941. Sno Cap Drive In: Short-order Cooks (experience preferred) and Counter Help (will train). Come in person to fill out an app/drop off résumé, 380 W. Cascade Ave. MONTE'S ELECTRIC is now hiring experienced Journeyman Electrician. Hiring Bonus & Benefits! Call 541-719-1316. Black Butte Painting is hiring for the season. All experience levels, pay DOE. Email Taking it to the goal... PHOTO BY JERRY BALDOCK Ottlaws girls lacrosse player Mia Cook attacks the goal vs. Bend in a hard-fotght loss to Bend. There’s something special about gathering around a glowing fi re! e!! Landscape Maintenance: Exp. preferred but will train. Call 541-419-9225 or email: Greatest janitorial company ever seeks new crew members for nights! Sisters area, P-T & F-T. $12/hr. to start. 541-579-1800 Landscape Maintenance, F-T: Sisters Landscape Co. is now hiring! Must have valid ODL. Will train, starts at $15/hr. Call 541-549-3001 or email résumé to: The World's Children charity is relocating to Sisters and hiring an Admin Assistant and Communications Assoc. Apply at who-we-are/job/ T H E N U G G E T FREE Spay/Neuter for Your Cat or Dog! Easy as 1-2-3... 1 Stop by The Nugget office to fill out a short form 2 Call Bend Spay & Neuter for the appointment 3 Take your pet — Furry Friends pays. Done! 29 FURRY FRIEND S 501 ( c )( 3 ) FOUNDATION 541-549-9941 One-of-a-kind, custom ironwork hand-forged right here in Sisters We have many fi re pits to choose from! 541-549-9280 | 207 W. Sisters Park Dr. | | CCB# 87640 DON’T MISS OUT on this week’s inserts in the Nugget: Ray’s Food Place: Enjoy Easter traditions with Hormel Cure 81 Spiral Sliced Ham at $1.69/lb. or Fresh Norbest Turkey, $1.59/lb. Bi-Mart: Get ready for warmer weather and the growing season! 4" Annuals & Vegetable Plants are now 4 for $5! Note: Bi-Mart will be closed Easter Sunday, April 16. SISTERS HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Thrift Store Easter is around the corner and our selection is 1/2 PRICE! We will be closed Easter Day. 541-549-1740 ReStore Come celebrate our 10th Anniversary on Thursday, April 13! There will be yummy cake and specials p ot Pink Look for t “ a H gs” around $10 price e store! th 541-549-1621 541 549 1 141 W. Main Ave., Sisters 254 W. Adams Ave., Sisters Hours: Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, 12-4 p.m. Donations accepted Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed Sundays Donations accepted Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-4 p.m.