The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, March 29, 2017, Page 18, Image 18

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Wednesday, March 29, 2017 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Councillors reluctant
to set precedent
Continued from page 15
therefore, under the organi-
zations’ nonprofit tax iden-
tification numbers, filing for
the event permits as nonprof-
its, which cost less. Central
Oregon Shows is a for-profit
Included in the event nar-
rative and traffic plans filed
with the City for each event,
was an additional state-
ment in boldface type at the
“UPDATE: Due to hostel
(sic) treatment with the tem-
porary city manager. All fees
will be paid as a profitable
event under duress and in
disagreement. The disagree-
ment pertains to the new fee
structure that was suppose
(sic) to be a reviewed in the
Fall of 2016, before the 2017
season and was postponed
by the temporary city man-
ager. When and if the fees
are addressed and reduced
Central Oregon Shows will
expect a refund of the differ-
ence. Also in disagreement is
the temporary city manager’s
actions and hostel (sic) treat-
ment toward the 2017 pro-
posed partnership between a
non profit, in which, there is
no city definition or city code
stating what can qualify or
LINEUP: Festival
has sold out several
years running
Continued from page 3
Montana-based newgrass
band, The Lil’ Smokies; nine-
piece Hawaiian swing band
Kahulanui; Afro-Cuban act
Battle of Santiago; legendary
songwriter Chuck Cannon;
artists Lindi Ortega; Freddy
and Francine; Jon Stickley
Trio; Gangstagrass; Lindsay
Lou & the Flatbellys; uku-
lele master James Hill and
Anne Janelle; songwrit-
ers Scott Cook; Kristin
Andreassen; Justin Farren;
Carrie Elkin and Danny
Schmidt; the Portland-based
duo The Talbott Brothers;
barefoot troubadour Beth
Wood; Didgeridoo and gui-
tar player Trevor Green; and
Canadian banjo player &
singer Kaia Kater; and many
“Each year we seek new
and unique talent to present
to our Central Oregon audi-
ence,” said Creative Director
Brad Tisdel. “With 11 stages
throughout town, two of them
free to the community, we’re
able to present the best in
acoustic music from up-and-
coming talent to established
career artists.
benefit from a non profit fee.”
This is not the only dis-
agreement between the City
and Esterman’s Central
Oregon Shows. Prior to join-
ing the Council in January,
Esterman had conflict with
the City and the Quilt Show
regarding transient merchant
permits and fees. He also
disagreed with the Council’s
decision that no other public
events may take place at the
same time as the few major
public events like the Quilt
Now that he is a City
Councilor, Esterman
must declare a conflict
of interest and recuse
himself from any
discussion and/or vote
on an issue directly
affecting his Central
Oregon Shows business.
Now that he is a City
Councilor, Esterman must
declare a conflict of inter-
est and recuse himself from
any discussion and/or vote
on an issue directly affecting
his Central Oregon Shows
“We offer a wide diversity
of eclectic and outstanding
live performers – in intimate,
beautiful venues – which
helps bring out the best in
their performances.”
The Festival also hosts
the 15th annual Americana
Song Academy at Caldera,
September 5-8. “Song
Camp” has become a pil-
grimage for songwriters to
learn from the pros and build
community around music.
Teaching artists for 2017
include: Chuck Cannon,
Claire Lynch, Robbie Fulks,
The East Pointers, Freddy
and Francine, James Hill,
Jon Stickley Trio, Kristin
Andreassen, Danny Schmidt,
Carrie Elkin, Scott Cook and
Justin Farren.
The Academy is sold out
for this year, and registration
for the 2018 Academy will
open in early November. The
festival itself is expected to
sell out swiftly.
“The festival continues
to sell out early, so for those
who wish to be part of a
unique musical experience,
purchase tickets soon,” says
For tickets, artist infor-
mation, and a complete list-
ing of the initial lineup, visit
Tickets can also be purchased
by calling 541-549-4979.
Sisters salutes...
Marie Clasen, volunteer
and family services man-
ager for Sisters Habitat for
Humanity wrote:
Many thanks to the
folks that made Collegiate
Challenge 2017 a huge suc-
cess. Eleven students from
the University of Minnesota
spent their spring break
volunteering with Sisters
Habitat for Humanity.
Particular thanks to
Shepherd of the Hills
Lutheran Church for a
place to sleep and Sisters
Athletic Club for a place to
shower after a hard day of
work at the jobsite. Lunches
were provided by Jeannie
Sandecki and Suzanne
The students had a great
time and were grateful for
the welcoming and support-
ive nature of our community.
• Sisters Cold Weather
Shelter would like to
acknowledge the support
of so many Sisters and
Central Oregon businesses
and organizations, without
whom they wouldn’t have
University of Minnesota students working with Sisters Habitat in
Collegiate Challenge 2017
been able to open the doors
and offer needed assistance
to their guests: Shepherd’s
House Ministries; Redmond
Cold Weather Shelter;
Deschutes County Jail;
Central Oregon Veterans
Outreach; I and J Carpets;
Westside Church Sisters;
Sisters Community Church;
Episcopal Church of the
Transfiguration; The Open
Door; Sisters Ace Hardware;
Rio Restaurant; Depot Cafe;
Martolli’s; Sisters Athletic
Club; Sisters Park and
Recreation District; Family
Access Network; Sisters
Saloon and Ranch Grill;
Heartwarmers; Best Western
Ponderosa; Deschutes
Endodontics; Deschutes
County Sheriff ’s Office;
Sisters Bakery; Ray’s Food
Place; Your Store Clothing
Company; Furry Friends;
Sisters Veterinary Clinic;
Sisters-Camp Sherman
Rural Fire District; Sisters
Feed and Supply; Bi-Mart;
and Melvin’s. There were a
number of individuals who
also made generous cash
donations to the shelter.
Spay/Neuter for
Your Cat or Dog
Easy as 1-2-3
1 Stop by The Nugget offi ce to fi ll out a short form
2 Call Bend Spay & Neuter for the appointment
3 Take your pet — Furry Friends pays. Done!
501 ( c )( 3 )
Ask about our vaccination
sponsorships too!