2 Wednesday, March 8, 2017 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon O P I N I O Editorial… Two dead cows; not a drop of milk There is a parable from the perennially strife-torn Balkans, where a farmer’s cow is struck by lightning and killed. The farmer cries out to God for justice and God asks him what would satisfy the farmer’s thirst. The farmer — who is feuding with his neighbor and can’t bear the thought of being the poorer man — beseeches God to “strike my neighbor’s cow dead!” Over nearly two years, we’ve watched this parable play out in Sisters. When Mark Adolf failed to secure financing for a large-scale senior assisted-living facility at McKenzie Meadows Village (MMV) after several years of endeavor, the MMV partners declined to renew his contract. Adolf went his own way and secured a different property for his own project near Sisters’ post office. MMV brought in a new developer for their project. So far, so good. But Adolf did not simply go forward and build his own project, despite a quick and smooth approval from the City. Instead, he filed multiple land-use actions against the City and MMV, alleging unequal treatment. It is hard to discern how Adolf was injured, since he had a clear path to completing his project — very possibly in advance of his now-competitor. The actions and appeals were time-con- suming and costly. Meanwhile, despite Adolf’s assurances that he had money in the bank and was ready to break ground, his permits remain uncollected at City Hall to this day. Now the State of Washington has taken action against Adolf for violations of the state’s Securities Act (see story, page 1), cast- ing the future of his project into further doubt — and MMV has pulled the plug on their assisted-living project. There will be no large-scale senior assisted- living facility in Sisters any time soon. Adolf has lost a lot, MMV has lost a lot — and so has an aging community of seniors who saw such a facility as an opportunity to stay in the town they love. Sisters is left with two dead cows, and not a drop of milk. Jim Cornelius News Editor Letters to the Editor… The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer’s name, address and phone number. Let- ters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is noon Monday. To the Editor: My initial reaction to Yvonne Suckow’s Letter to the Editor of February 22 was that I would spend a considerable amount of time writing a point-by-point rebuttal to her trumped-up rhetoric, but decided that my time would be better spent by exercising my right as an American citizen to protest what I, and millions of other Americans, believe to be a corrupt, misogynist, xenophobic, racist, anti- environmental, fascist-trending and skewed- to-benefit-the-wealthy, government. #NotLeaving. Michelle Tormey s s To the Editor: Today I read two articles in The Nugget (March 1), and what struck me between the eyes was the stark difference in tone, words used, intent expressed. The first was the article on the front page about the Sisters Transition Program and their award as Oregon’s Exceptional Program. It spoke of a philosophy of “no barriers,” a creative group of people, a goal of meeting individual needs … while bal- ancing the needs of the collective, a belief that success comes from a cooperative approach. The second article I read was headlined “A Despicable Incident.” (Editor’s note: the s See LETTERS on page 18 Sisters Weather Forecast Courtesy of the National Weather Service, Pendleton, Oregon Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Rain likely Rain likely Slt. chance rain Chance rain Chance rain Chance rain 47/32 50/36 50/30 51/34 49/31 48/na The Nugget Newspaper, Inc. Website: www.nuggetnews.com 442 E. Main Ave., P.O. Box 698, Sisters, Oregon 97759 Tel: 541-549-9941 | Fax: 541-549-9940 | editor@nuggetnews.com Postmaster: Send address changes to The Nugget Newspaper, P.O. Box 698, Sisters, OR 97759. Third Class Postage Paid at Sisters, Oregon. Publisher - Editor: Kiki Dolson News Editor: Jim Cornelius Production Manager: Leith Williver Classifieds & Circulation: Teresa Mahnken Advertising: Karen Kassy Graphic Design: Jess Draper Proofreader: Pete Rathbun Accounting: Erin Bordonaro The Nugget is mailed to residents within the Sisters School District; subscriptions are available outside delivery area. Third-class postage: one year, $45; six months (or less), $25. First-class postage: one year, $85; six months, $55. Published Weekly. ©2017 The Nugget Newspaper, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. All advertising which appears in The Nugget is the property of The Nugget and may not be used without explicit permission. The Nugget Newspaper, Inc. assumes no liability or responsibility for information contained in advertisements, articles, stories, lists, calendar etc. within this publication. All submissions to The Nugget Newspaper will be treated as uncondition- ally assigned for publication and copyrighting purposes and subject to The Nugget Newspaper’s unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially, that all rights are currently available, and that the material in no way infringes upon the rights of any person. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return or safety of artwork, photos, or manuscripts. N An understandable reaction By Steve Nugent Guest Columnist Eric Wattenburg was evi- dently disappointed in the reaction of the Ron Wyden Town Hall crowd at Sisters High School, when an audi- ence member asked whether Mr. Wyden accepted the out- come of the election. Wyden replied “yes.” The crowd, which was primarily com- prised of Democrats, was reportedly silent and did not signal that they agreed or disagreed. To understand this reac- tion, it’s instructive to under- stand what Trump represents to Democrats and what the position of president means to them. I believe I speak for most Democrats when I say the position of President is not just another government employee. This person rep- resents our values and mor- als and broadcasts these to other countries across the globe. He is a role model for our children. If the President does not represent our values or is immoral in our eyes, this reflects on us. We are personally ashamed, every one of us. Trump has demonstrated over and over through his rhetoric that he does not represent our values. He has disparaged women, Hispanics and the handi- capped. He uses his posi- tion of power to enrich his family. He continually lies and is vindictive toward anyone that criticizes him. He refuses to acknowledge his failures and take respon- sibility for them. He retali- ates, trying to discredit those people that dare to criticize or oppose his policies. Retaliation has been directed at the press, Federal judges, celebrities and even private corporations. He created scapegoats in illegal immi- grants and Muslim refugees. He has inspired violence by white-supremacist radicals toward blacks, LGBTs and Jews. Hate crimes are all up significantly. If the president fails to behave according to the ideology put forth in the Constitution, we are con- cerned that our rights might be taken away. Trump has taken actions and published Tweets that we feel threaten our democracy and our free- doms. He is already violat- ing the Emoluments Clause. We are concerned that the separation of powers will be compromised and he will become a dictator, like Chavez did in Venezuela. We feel that Trump and most of his advisors are too inexperienced. Being the leader of the free world is not something you experi- ment with to see what might work. Being president is serious, professional busi- ness. Many of Trump’s actions seem to indicate that he is oversimplifying very complex issues, including trade, healthcare, military strength and immigration policy. He is not following protocol when he fails to consult with advisors from all agencies before issuing orders. He is not adhering to security protocols. As a result, there have been several missteps in his first month, with unpleasant and unintended consequences, including the travel ban, ACA repeal and the Yemen operation. We have little confidence in his leadership skills or motives, because he has made many attribution errors. These include: attrib- uting a fictitious major crime wave on illegal aliens, ter- rorist attacks having killed huge numbers compared to other crimes and all com- mitted by Muslim aliens, jobs being taken away from whites by undocumented Mexicans and mass migra- tions across our borders. None of it makes any sense. You say that our elec- tions are “the bedrock of our Constitution.” If that’s so, we have every right to be unhappy with the out- come of the election. Aside from the fact that Trump did not win the popular vote, this election was rigged more than any other elec- tion in U.S. history. The Republican Party used ger- rymandering, voter ID laws, voter suppression and even illegal intimidation. Russian hackers provided private emails through Wikileaks, and FBI Director James Comey was unethical in dis- closing ongoing investiga- tion information. There are the ongoing investigations into possible collaborations of the Trump campaign with Russian operatives. All of these things bring serious doubt as to the legitimacy or fitness of this president. Opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the writer and are not necessarily shared by the Editor or The Nugget Newspaper.