The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, March 01, 2017, Page 17, Image 17

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    Wednesday, March 1, 2017 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Continued from page 16
who oppose the administration’s repressive
tactics and dangerous precedents.
The response from the American people is
a disapproval rate of 56 percent — higher than
any other new president.
Each day brings a new reason to be con-
cerned. There is a documented uptick in hate
crimes since the election and an empowered
“nationalist” faction whose goal is supported
by Trump’s narrative. The “swamp” that he
drained is now populated with billionaires,
including a treasury secretary who increased
his Wall Street fortune by foreclosing on
60,000 middle-class Americans during the
housing crisis and another billionaire for edu-
cation secretary who has spent her inherited
money undermining public education, just to
name two.
Trump inherited one of the best economies
in decades, not a catastrophe. Jobless rates are
4.7 percent, down from 7.8 percent in 2009.
The economy has increased 16 percent since
2009 (including adjustments for inflation).
Lastly, the letter gave those of us opposed
to this administration an ultimatum. She wel-
comed us to join the “conservative people of
this nation” and “either be American … or go
live in those countries [we love] so much that
support terrorism and socialism.”
BECAUSE we love our country we will
stay right here and resist. We are driven not
by negativism, but by a deep concern that the
foundations of democracy and American prin-
ciples are being compromised.
We invite our community to join in a
reasonable and informed dialogue, to keep
America great.
We are better together — indivisible.
Sheryl Rudolph and Heidi Fernandez
To the Editor:
Re: February 22 Letter to the Editor by
Yvonne Suckow:
Dear Ms. Suckow,
Your patriotism and support of our coun-
try is passionately evident from your letter.
However, I hear disparagement in your dis-
missal of Ms. Surmann and the rest of us who
indeed see a pattern here that we had hoped
was eliminated with World War II. Those of us
who saw our fathers, brothers, and other vol-
unteers and draftees go off to fight in that war,
knew that something terrible was happening
that was called totalitarianism. The liberalism
which was claimed to have led to the collapse
of the economy was best corrected by a char-
ismatic individual, who claimed to have the
The free press had been co-opted by their
Need A
government so that only what the government
wanted them to know was allowed. All media
was controlled by the State. We could look to
Russia or North Korea as examples in today’s
In my opinion the projection of a scape-
goat, making them “other” not “us,” keeps
people’s anger and hatred focused on a par-
ticular segment of society, or target, with dire
consequences. We can read about that every
day: attacks on people who are not white, or
are “suspected”of being of a different reli-
gion, a direct result of the criteria set forth of
“white, speaking English, and Christian,” as
being the only acceptable citizen.
No, what has energized our society is the
fact that we woke up one morning to find that
the rules of the game had changed without our
permission. We elect a fellow citizen to be our
president, we elect someone who will keep
our constitution, by-laws, and the rule of law
in place.
What we also find disconcerting is what is
happening behind the scenes. We found out
at the CPAC meeting exactly what the game
plan is: “deconstruction of the administra-
tive state.” Words spoken by Steve Bannon,
whom no one elected, yet who has been given
unprecedented power as a civilian.
Protestant Pastor Niemoller (1892-1984)
spoke about the cowardice of the German
intellectuals who did not speak out with
the rise of Hitler and the totalitarian regime
he ushered in, “When they came for the
Socialists, I did not speak up because I was
not a Socialist. When they came for the Trade
Unionists, I did not speak up because I was
not a Trade Unionist. When they came for the
Jews, I did not speak up because I was not a
Jew. Then they came for me and there was no
one left to speak for me.” He spent 7 years in
a Nazi concentration camp.
Speaking up is the essence of Democracy.
Phyllis Lewis
To the Editor:
I had the privilege of attending the Sisters
town hall for United States Senator Ron
After hearing him refer to “The Oregon
Way” several times, I feel it is important
to remind Oregonians that our state is in
the bottom five states in the national edu-
cational ranking. Our Oregon high school
graduation rates are disgraceful. Furthermore,
Oregonians are taxed by our state and local
governments more per capita than 39 other
states. Per the Bend Bulletin, one quarter of
all Oregonians are on Medicaid! Our state’s
proposed budget has a $1.8 billion deficit. The
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T2e Cat in t2e Hat — imagine t2at!
Dr. Seuss celebrated
at Sisters school
By Erin Borla
Gadzooks! Students here,
students there. Students, we
see, are everywhere.
This whole week Sisters
will see, kids from you and
kids from me. They are in
classrooms and they are in
chairs, standing in the gym,
singing about bears. Wearing
costumes of green, hats and
mustaches too; crazy socks
like they belong in a zoo!
All to celebrate a man,
Dr. Seuss that’s who — who
excited kids to read with crea-
tures like Foo-Foo the Snoo.
Cat in the Hat; The Lorax,
too. Every year we look in
schools all around, and books
with his picture can always
be found.
His birthday so soon,
March 2, it’s true — cele-
brate reading everything, old
or new. He’d be 113 this year,
they say; we celebrate how he
showed so many the way.
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