The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, March 01, 2017, Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesday, March 1, 2017 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Continued from page 2
airports with noise abatement procedures that are
not only highly effective, but they convey to the
non-aviation public genuine concern. I flew a jump
plane out of Littleton, Colorado, and we would
never have dreamed of dropping parachutists within
three miles of the airport traffic area, which I main-
tain is extremely dangerous to the parachutist and
the unknowing aircraft that is not even required to
have a radio. It doesn’t matter if the FAA has no
regulation against it. The FAA is at odds frequently
with the NTSB (and many knowledgeable pilots).
I have tried to introduce a half-dozen noise
abatement suggestions to principals involved but so
far unsuccessfully.
I support aviation at the Sisters Airport, but I
have to also acknowledge the persons that perceive
the beloved sound to my ears to nonetheless be
noise to them.
Jack Addison
To the Editor:
In response to Yvonne Suckow’s letter in the
February 22 edition of The Nugget: To be absolutely
clear, Trump did not win the majority of votes, he
won the electoral college. What’s further confusing
is you’ve written a letter that is drenched in negativ-
ity and end it by saying “This country doesn’t need
your negativism!”
You aren’t asking those “appalled” by Trump’s
election to join you in this transformative victory,
you’re threatening them to accept it “or go live in
those countries [they] love so much that support ter-
rorism and socialism.”
It’s an interesting approach to unity, but if you
are fully convinced that Trump will achieve all the
things you mention why in the world would you be
so bothered by those that don’t share your opinion?
Get over it and prepare yourself for greatness!
Phillip Goetzinger
To the Editor:
This letter is in response to the February 22 letter
to the editor by Yvonne Suckow. I want to remind
her of two things: First, we live in a democracy.
The First Amendment guarantees free speech. If we
have to support a president we fundamentally dis-
agree with, a dictatorship, not a democracy, comes
to mind.
Second, the majority did NOT vote for Trump.
Yes, he won the most electoral votes, but he did not
win the popular vote. This is not a public mandate.
Additionally, if Russian involvement to sway the
election took place (potentially with the help of the
Trump campaign team—so let’s investigate and rule
that out) it would certainly put a dark stain over his
Releasing his taxes would go a long way to rul-
ing out conflicts of interest with his many overseas
businesses and lay that hornets’ nest to rest.
I love my country. I love it enough to work
within our system of government to express my con-
cerns and make my voice heard. Yea for America! I
resent the suggestion that dissent makes me any less
American than Suckow. Quite the opposite.
One thing we can agree upon, the USA doesn’t
need any more negativism. Name-calling and criti-
cizing people for exercising their rights as citizens
are acts of negativity. Wouldn’t it be better if both
conservatives and progressives treated one another
with respect — agreeing to disagree at the very least
— but with the intent of finding ways in which we
can work together to govern for ALL the people?
Robin Lewis Kane
To the Editor:
I was so happy to read about the informative,
courteous town meeting held by our U.S. Senator
Wyden last week at Sisters High School. Those
of us who choose to participate in this democracy
have been through a contentious and cloudy elec-
tion, where we have been overwhelmed by unprec-
edented amounts of information, true and false.
How great it was to hear directly from a hardwork-
ing public servant of Oregon, have him answer
our questions, to participate in this continuing and
robust national conversation.
It was then with a sinking heart that I read the
letter to the editor on the next page, belittling and
insulting to ostensibly half of our little town.
The truth is that only 58 percent of eligible vot-
ers went to the polls in November, we all know by
now that Donald Trump was elected president, but
certainly not by a majority. I think it is understand-
able that statistics like this can cause a little uproar.
260 N. Pine St., Sisters
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To the Editor:
I concur wholeheartedly with the February 8
letter from Wendie Vermillion in regards to what
seems a blatant disregard for the approximately
3.2 million women and men who participated in a
world-wide march in protest of President Trump’s
I understand that, in general, The Nugget does
not report on world or even national events (other
than in editorials or commentaries); keeping closer
to home in regards to events happening in Sisters,
or Oregon in general. However, even given that cri-
teria, the fact that there were marches consisting of
hundreds, if not thousands, of people held in Bend,
Portland, and other Oregon cities and towns, I feel
that this was certainly an event worth noting in The
President Trump has often complained about
the press being biased — let us hope that this is not
what is happening in The Nugget.
Michelle Tormey
See LETTERS on page 16
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If this election motivates people to organize, com-
municate, even consider acts of non-violent civil
disobedience, I’m for it; it is the very essence of
being an American. The right to speak up for what
we believe truly is the freedom we have fought and
paid for with American lives for the past 200 years.
President Obama left the White House with a 57
percent approval rating from the American public
(not just people who voted). The catastrophe Yvonne
speaks of is real for her, but not for everyone, and
certainly not for the majority of Americans.
In a small town like Sisters we have a unique
opportunity to model the behavior we would like
to see in Washington. I am sorry Yvonne cannot see
that — rather than disparaging one another with
hurtful vitriol after a tough election — we instead
can choose to build meaningful connections through
music, church, food, cultural events, sports, volun-
teering etc. When we reach out to each other we
stop seeing the liberal, or right-wing, caricatures
that we are bombarded with in certain media or that
are referenced in her letter, we can instead build
a strong supportive community, the real Sisters
Country we all love.
Susanne Redfield
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