Sisters educator retiring after 33-year teaching career page 5 Journey’s adventure page 9 Dr. Seuss celebrated at Sisters school page 17 The Nugget Vol. XXXX No. 9 P OSTAL CUSTOMER News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon Wednesday, Marc2 1, 2017 Work underway on Sisters roundabout Work has begun in earnest on the roundabout at the west end of Sisters. Access to Barclay Drive at Highway 20 will be closed for about a month while Knife River excavates, places base rock, installs curbs and sidewalks and paves the Barclay side of the round- about. By constructing the roundabout in phases, clos- ing first Barclay Drive and later McKinney Butte Drive (in April), it will be possible to maintain the Highway 20 traffic with no significant impact during daytime hours. Both signed and unsigned detour routes will carry Barclay and McKinney Butte traffic around the construc- tion zone. Work will be ongoing during the daytime Monday through Saturday. Highway 20 remains open, with through traffic guided by an extensive lay- out of orange traffic control posts. Travelers who seek to input in all phases of plan- ning the roundabout project. See ROUNDABOUT on page 22 See UBER on page 30 PHOTO BY JIM CORNELIUS As with the Cascade Avenue improvement proj- ect, ODOT has made exten- sive effort to include citizen Uber may be headed to Sisters Sisters’ city government is moving toward clearing the way for the Uber ride-sharing service to operate in town. Action by Sisters would com- plete the triangle of Central Oregon cities. “I saw Bend and Redmond were doing it,” said Interim City Manager Rick Allen. He met with Uber repre- sentatives, who are interested in being able to operate here. If Sisters doesn’t opt in, Uber drivers could drive passen- gers to Sisters, but would not be able to pick up passengers here. “They can Uber up, but if we don’t have an agreement, they can’t Uber back,” Allen said. City action would entail a simple ordinance Detours and p2ased work will allow t2roug2 traffic to continue during construction of t2e Sisters roundabout. access Ponderosa Lodge off Barclay Drive can follow signed detour routes using Pine Street. PRE-SORTED STANDARD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID Sisters, OR Permit No. 15 Sisters school program Shed fire causes $12,000 in damage named best in Oregon By Steve Kadel Correspondent A program for young people in Sisters was named O r e g o n ’s E x c e p t i o n a l Program for 2017 at the February 16-17 Oregon Transition Conference in Portland. “The Sisters Transition Program is designed to pre- pare our students with spe- cial needs in the Sisters School District for adult- hood,” Sisters High School Principal Joe Hosang wrote in an email. “This includes job training, internships and employment, socialization activities, classes at COCC, exercise opportunities and much more.” He noted the program, Inside... headed by Josh Nordell with a dedicated crew, has a phi- losophy of “no barriers.” “This is a very creative group of people,” Hosang said in his email. “Additionally this same group started our Unified Sports Program and secured a $300,000 grant to fund a regional coordinator so all schools in Central Oregon can have a Unified Team.” Unified Sports joins stu- dents with special needs and general education students on the same basketball, soccer or softball teams. Nordell is a life skills/ transition teacher for Sisters School District and is case manager for more than 20 stu- dents. He said the transition See PROGRAM on page 31 Smoldering fireplace ashes were the culprit in a shed fire last Thursday that did an estimated $12,000 in damage. According to Deputy Fire Chief Tim Craig, a home- owner on Camp Polk Road cleaned out his fireplace at about 1 p.m., placing the ashes in a plastic container and leaving the container next to a yard shed. He believed the ashes were dead out. They weren’t. The homeowner left the property for errands. At about 5:45 p.m., his daughter called 911 to report a fire. Heat or flame from the ashes had flared up into a blaze. “Before she could fin- ish the 911 call, the fire had run up the side of the shed,” Craig reported. Sisters firefighters responded quickly and got PHOTO PROVIDED Improperly disposed fireplace as2es were t2e culprit in a s2ed fire last week. Always dispose of as2es in a metal container wit2 a lid. the fire knocked down before it spread to the house. The shed and its contents, how- ever, were a total loss. Craig estimated contents loss at $10,000 and the shed damage at about $2,000. The deputy chief told The Nugget that fireplace ashes should always be disposed of in a metal container with a lid, and left for many days to ensure that they are dead out. Better yet, he said, is to add water to the container and mix the ashes into a slurry. Letters/Weather ................ 2 Bunkhouse Chronicle ......... 6 Paw Prints ....................... 10 Movies & Entertainment ....13 Classifieds .................. 27-29 Meetings ........................... 3 Sisters Naturalist ............... 9 Announcements ................12 Crossword ....................... 26 Real Estate .................30-32