Wednesday, January 25, 2017 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Land damage during refuge takeover estimated at $108K Young violinist impresses Sisters audience By Jim Anderson Correspondent Sunday afternoon a musi- cal event took place in the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration that was truly remarkable. Ten-year-old Nicolas Oncken, violinist, and his accompanist, Stephanie King, played together in a recital that audience members thought worthy of Carnegie Hall. Thanks to the friendship that exists between Nicolas’s mom, Ikako, and Sharlene Weed of Sisters Habitat for Humanity, the idea for Habitat to sponsor the recital became reality with the pro- ceeds going toward a Habitat home that’s being built for the Brinkman family of Sisters. Nicolas Oncken has been studying the violin since he was 4. He is currently work- ing with Professor Kara Eubanks of the Willamette Violin Academy in Eugene. King teaches piano and is the musical director of the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Sisters. Oncken’s first piece was a Concert Grosso in F Major, Op. 6 No. 9 by A. Corelli, and this is what Nicolas had to say about it: “Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713) wrote this for string orchestra around 1712, about a year before he died. I will be playing the third movement, the Courante, which literally means run- ning, and in later years it as danced with fast running and jumping steps. I enjoy this Courante for its movement and melody. It echoes through the room when I’m playing it, a sound that fills my home with warmth.” The church was also filled with that warmth as he and Stephanie played, and all the while the audience was cap- tivated by the balanced and beautiful sounds of piano and violin. There were four planned pieces on the program: the “Third Movement from a Violin Sonata in D Major,” by Corelli; “Sonata in A Major,” by G.F Handel; “Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major,” by Bach; and “Concert in A Minor” by J.S. Bach — all of which were delightfully described by Nicolas and played with- out flaw. The fourth piece, “Sonata in A Major,” by G. F. Handel was unaccompanied. And then came the encores, played to a standing ovation. Stephanie King had this to say about her violin partner: “Nicolas is a pleasure to work with. He is mature beyond his years, in his commitment to excellence, his poise, and his musicality and expres- siveness as a musician. It is usually very tricky for kids to understand how to work with a pianist; however, Nicolas and I were right in sync. I look forward to future musi- cal endeavors together.” It is usually very tricky for kids to understand how to work with a pianist; however, Nicolas and I were right in sync. — Stephanie King The Oncken home is filled with music, especially violins. Nicolas’ brother Ezra doesn’t need to be coaxed to pick up his violin and play a duet with his older brother every moment he can. Together, they make for happy and sweet music for the entire family home. “It is fun and helpful because instead of watching someone else play and wait your turn, I get to play at the same time and learn,” Ezra said. “It’s so nice to play with him because I get to have a companion to play with and look up to. I really enjoy it a lot. He is my big buddy and he teaches me a lot by what he does.” Their mom, Akiko, rev- els in the talents of her two boys, and offers this small glimpse into their family life: “Watching my sons play the We Respond when you call us. Your local Sisters contractor for: Earthwork - Utilities - Grading hardscape - Rock Walls Residential & Commercial Banr Enterprises, llc 541-549-6977 ccb#165122 PHOTO PROVIDED Nicolas Oncken, violinist extraordinaire, and his talented piano accompanist, Stephanie King. violin, and assisting them in a classical music lover. I have their practice, have allowed learned so much about how a me the opportunity to get human being develops hab- to know their personality, its (good and bad), how our learning style, and incred- brain works to integrate new ible depth that each one information.” “Playing violin is a fun of them brings out as they express intense emotions, and interesting skill,” said stories and ideas through Nicolas. “It is exhilarating to play violin, and with good music. “Thanks to wonderful practice, I get to meet amaz- teachers that have guided me ing teachers and artists that as a parent coach at home, I teach me technique and tone feel lucky that it has allowed as well as give me advice. me to develop an intimate And then, in performances, relationship with my sons. It I get to share what I have is an incredible treat for me as learned with others.” AUTO ACCIDENT? Quick and affordable relief. Auto accidents, workman’s comp. accepted. Three Sisters Chiropractic & Pain Management Dr. Inice Gough, DC | 541.549.3583 — Since 1997 — 15 PORTLAND (AP) — Federal authorities say it cost more than $100,000 to repair two trenches and a road dug during the occupation of a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon last winter. The Oregonian/ OregonLive reported Wednesday that Jake Ryan and Duane Ehmer are charged with depredation of gov- ernment property for dig- ging trenches on part of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge that’s considered an archaeological site. The FBI hired an expert to assess the area after the 41-day occupation to deter- mine whether the damage violated the Archaeological Resources Protection Act. Attorneys for Ryan and Ehmer say the pair hasn’t been charged with violating the federal act because they didn’t know the site had any archaeological significance. They’ve asked the court to prevent prosecutors from mentioning the repair costs to jurors during next month’s trial. But prosecutors argue the repair costs are relevant to support the charges. Cork Cellars Dinner Specials Wine & Bistro Red & White Blends Thursday 5-7 pm Friday & Saturday Gumbo Free Wine Tasting Live Music Sat., Jan. 28th, 7-9 pm Cup of Joe (Joe Leonardi) Open Tuesday-Saturday 12-8 pm 391 W. Cascade Ave. | 541-549-2675 Celebrate Quilting! Local Quilt Shop Day Saturday, January 28 The Stitchin’ Post is taking part in this national celebration from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Come and “Quilt ’til you Wilt”! Designed to be a day to gather together to appreciate our wonderful quilting community, our local quilt shop and those we share our creativity with. Bring any project of your choice, and take that special time to sew with new and old friends. We have a fun day planned fi lled with demos, games, food, and hourly prizes. Cost: $15. Pre-registration required. 541.549.6061 311 W. Cascade Ave.