Wednesday, September 28, 2016 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 9 Searchers attempt to aid lost and injured hiker Deschutes County Search and Rescue personnel aided a hiker who fell and injured himself on Broken Top on Sunday, September 25. According to Deschutes County Sheriff ’s Office reports, 9-1-1 dispatch received a phone call from Douglas Amend at about 11 a.m. Amend reported he had been hiking around the north- east side of Broken Top, had fallen and slid a significant distance and had injured him- self. Amend, 54, had been hiking with two other friends earlier, but had chosen to con- tinue by himself, attempting to get to a higher elevation. Amend believed the area into which he had slid was not accessible by his friends and told them to go back to the Broken Top trailhead and he would contact them later. Amend requested rescu- ers respond with ATVs to help transport him back to the trailhead, but due to the wilderness area he was in, ATVs could not make it any- where near his location. Also, mechanized equipment (ATV, snowmobile, helicopter) are only allowed to be used in the wilderness when there is a danger to life, limb or eye- sight, which was not the case with Amend’s reported inju- ries. Amend had knowledge of the area, having hiked there previously and reported he would begin walking out on his own. Amend commu- nicated his plan with a SAR deputy and agreed to stay in contact with updates on his progress and condition. At 3:20 p.m., Amend texted the deputy, reporting he was now lost and his cell phone had one percent of bat- tery life remaining. All other attempts to communicate with Amend were unsuccessful. 14 SAR volunteers and two dep- uties were deployed to search for Amend. Prior to reporting his lost status, Amend had texted he was making good time and should be back to the Broken Top trailhead within 90 minutes. With this clearly not being the case, it was determined it was pos- sible Amend’s injuries were more significant than what was reported. AirLink was FURRY FRIEND S 501 ( c )( 3 ) FOUNDATION Furry Friends Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization contacted and assisted with an aerial search for Amend. At 7:19 p.m., 9-1-1 dis- patch received another call from Amend, stating he was now at the Park Meadow trailhead and needed a ride. Amend had attempted to send additional text messages after reporting he was lost, but they had not gone through. A nearby DCSO deputy responded and made contact with Amend, who was ulti- mately transported to his resi- dence in Bend. Amend sought medical assistance on his own at a later time. The Deschutes County Sheriff ’s Office reminds those that recreate outdoors to prepare accordingly for your activity. Some consider- ations include proper clothing for day and night conditions in your environment, even if you do not expect to be out overnight. Ensure you have adequate water and food, topographical trail maps, extra batteries or charging options for phones or gPS units. Bring a light source and a signaling device. Seek out information regarding the area and what may be encountered, such as current and projected weather con- ditions as well as terrain in the area. Tell someone where you are going, what you will be taking with you and when you plan to return. The Deschutes County Sheriff ’s Office strongly encourages those recreating in the outdoors to do so with a partner(s) and not to separate.