Wednesday, September 7, 2016 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 27 C L A S S I F I E D S Metolius Lawn Maintenance Cleanup, lawn care, pruning, hauling, etc. 541-508-9672 Easy Green Landscape Maintenance • 541-699-7404 701 Domestic Services ~ I and I Crystal Cleaning ~ Have your home and business crystal clean! with the best rates in town. Now accepting new clients, so call today to schedule. Licensed & Bonded, Refs. 541-977-1051 – CUSTOM HOUSE CARE – TLC for your Home, Business or Rental Cleaning in Sisters, Black Butte Ranch & surrounding areas. Let us sparkle your home for a fresh start! Call to schedule an immaculate home cleaning. Lic-Bonded-Ins. Refs Avail. Call Emilee Stoery, 541-588-0345 or email CORNERS and CREVICES Residential Housekeeping 541-923-3093 13 Years Local Experience BLAKE & SON – Commercial, Home & Rentals Cleaning WINDOW CLEANING! Lic. & Bonded • 541-549-0897 801 Classes & Training COCC Community Learning Better Bones & Balance™ movement and fitness classes can help decrease the likelihood of osteoporosis and improve overall strength for all levels of fitness. Meets Tues. & Thurs., 10/4 to 11/17, 10:45-11:45 a.m. at Sisters Athletic Club. CRN 49604, cost $99 for Sisters residents; $49 for Sisters Athletic Club members. Call 541-383-7270 to register. 802 Help Wanted Solid Rock Granite, DDC in Sisters is seeking a full-time slab countertop fabricator/installer. Looking for a dependable person with attention to detail and a positive attitude. Will train. $14-16/hr. DOE. Submit résumé to or call 541-549-8550. The City of Sisters is accepting applications for the position of Utility Technician I through September 16, 2016. An application form and detailed job descriptions are available at the City of Sisters, 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Sisters, OR 97759, 541- 549-6022; or via the City’s website at (employment opportunities). To be considered, please mail, email or personally deliver a completed application, résumé and cover letter to Joe O’Neill, Finance/ Human Resources Officer, by the deadline: Salary range is $2,454 to $3,713 monthly. The City of Sisters is an equal opportunity employer. Sno Cap Drive In: Short-order Cooks (experience preferred) and Counter Help (will train). Come in person to fill out an app/drop off résumé, 380 W. Cascade Ave. The Suttle Dodge & Boathouse Come work at the lake! Seeking: BARTENDERS, HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS Wages start at $12-$15/hour plus tips. Competitive benefits package. Send résumés to: Housekeeping / Daundry Friendly and outgoing people needed to join our team! Must be dependable & hard-working, able to flex w/business patterns. • $10/hour starting pay • Pay increase after 60 days • Generous sick-leave policy • Annual holiday party & gift • Lodging discounts at Best Western hotels and motels worldwide Apply in person at the Best Western Ponderosa Lodge The City of Sisters is accepting applications for the position of City Recorder through September 8, 2016, or until filled. An application form and detailed job descriptions are available at the City of Sisters, 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Sisters, OR 97759, 541- 549-6022; or via the City’s website at To be considered, please mail, email or personally deliver a completed application, résumé and cover letter to Joe O’Neill, Finance/Human Resources Officer, by the deadline: Salary range is $3,194 to $4,831 monthly. The City of Sisters is an equal opportunity employer. Black Butte School District 41 Part-time District Clerk Application Deadline Date: Accepting applications until position filled. Black Butte School is a K-8 rural school located in Camp Sherman, Oregon. We are seeking applicants for a part-time District Clerk. Experience working on Apple products and Excel are highly desirable. A detailed job description & application process is available on our website at MONTE'S ELECTRIC is now hiring experienced Journeyman Electrician. Hiring Bonus & Benefits! Call 541-719-1316. Black Butte Painting is hiring for the season. All experience levels, pay DOE. Email 999 Public Notice NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Sisters City Council will hold a public hearing at Sisters City Hall, 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Sisters (mailing address PO Box 39, Sisters, OR 97759) on September 22, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. regarding the application listed below. All relevant provisions of the City of Sisters Urban Area Comprehensive Plan, the Sisters Development Code and Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) will be reviewed for compliance. Please contact Patrick Davenport at 541-323-5219 for more information. File #: TA 16-01; Applicant: City of Sisters Land Use Application/ Proposal: Type IV review of a proposal to revise the following Development Code Chapters: Various subsections within Chapter 4.6 Cluster Developments, Sections and Chapter 4.2 Site Plan Review, Section 4.2.200 Applicability. Location: City-wide Applicable Zoning Districts; Applicable Criteria: Chapter 4.1 (Types of Applications and Review Procedures), and Chapter 4.7 (Land Use District Map and Text Amendments), Chapter 2.6 Cluster Developments and Chapter 4.2 Site Plan Reviews. File #: TA 16-01; Applicant: City of Sisters Project Description: Type IV review of a proposal to revise the following Development Code Chapters: Various subsections within Chapter 4.6 Cluster Developments, and Chapter 4.2 Site Plan Review, Section 4.2.200 Applicability. The proposed text revisions would reduce the complexity and modify certain standards of the existing cottage development requirements. Revisions to Site Plan Review Section 4.2.200 Applicability, would eliminate the requirement for a new site plan application to accommodate a small scale addition to an existing building. Location: City-wide Applicable Zoning Districts Applicable Criteria: Chapter 4.1 (Types of Applications and Review Procedures), and Chapter 4.7 (Land Use District Map and Text Amendments), Chapter 2.6 Cluster Developments and Chapter 4.2 Site Plan Reviews. Questions, concerns and/or written testimony regarding this application should be directed to Patrick Davenport, C/O the Community Development Department, PO Box 39, Sisters, Oregon, 97759. Mr. Davenport 541-323-5219 or Failure to raise an issue in person, or by letter or email before or during the hearing, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision-maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, may preclude an appeal based on that issue with the State Land Use Board of Appeals. All evidence relied upon by the hearings body to make this decision is in the public record and is available for public review. Copies of this evidence can be obtained at a reasonable cost from the City. A copy of the City’s staff report shall be available for review upon request at no cost at least seven days before the hearing. Testimony may be provided in writing to the staff member listed above prior to or during the public fearing, and anyone wisfing to testify will be given tfe opportunity to speak on tfis application during tfe public fearing. All relevant testimony will be considered. Tfe meeting location is accessible to persons witf disabilities. Requests for an interpreter for tfe fearing impaired or for otfer accommodations for persons witf disabilities sfould be made at least 48 fours before tfe meeting by calling Katfy Nelson, City Recorder, at 541-323-5213. FFO - US 20 @ BARCLAY (SISTERS) PROPOSED FHWA SECTION 4(F) DE MINIMIS COMMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR PROPOSED FHWA SECTION 4(F) DE MINIMIS IMPACT TO SISTERS MULTI-USE PATH. Tfe City of Sisters, in partnersfip witf tfe Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and tfe Federal Higfway Administration (FHWA), witf tfe FFO - US 20 @ Barclay (Sisters) project, intends to improve tfe accessibility of tfe congested and feavily utilized intersection of US 20 and McKinney Butte Road/W Barclay Drive, located nortfwest of downtown Sisters. Tfe proposed remediation for tfe US 20 and McKinney Butte Road/W Barclay Drive intersection is to construct a roundabout (known as tfe "US 20 @ Barclay roundabout") tfat will reduce conflicts among veficles, bicyclists and pedestrians wfile improving traffic flow for all users, including freigft. ODOT plans to acquire approximately 28,000 square feet (sq. ft.) of land as permanent and temporary easements from tfe Sisters Multi-Use Patf, wficf runs parallel to tfe west of US 20. Tfe purcfase includes: approximately 26,400 sq. ft. in permanent easements for tfe continued and future maintenance of tfe utilities following tfe construction of tfe roundabout; and approximately 1,600 sq. ft. of temporary easements for tfe maintenance of construction debris, etc. from occurring on tfe patf during construction. Tfe Sisters Multi-Use Patf is owned and maintained by tfe City of Sisters. Tfe patf provides a recreational opportunity for tfe residents of Sisters to walk, jog, and bike, wfile leaving tfe urban core of tfe city. Acquisitions of tfe easements does not affect tfe public's ability to use tfe patf. Tfe patf will still be available for use, just as it is currently, during construction. Subsequently, based on a preliminary evaluation of project impacts, FHWA is proposing a Section 4(f) de minimis finding for tfe impacts described in tfis notice at tfe Sisters Multi-Use Patf. ODOT, on befalf of FHWA, is seeking comment on tfis proposed Section 4(f) de minimis finding. FHWA will consider all comments on tfe proposed Section 4(f) de minimis; prior to making a Section 4(f) decision. Please provide written comments regarding tfe proposed Section 4(f) de minimis finding for tfe Sisters Multi-Use Patf by contacting Teresa Brasfield, ODOT Region Environmental Coordinator, at 63055 N. Higfway 97 Bldg M, Bend, Oregon 97701 (541-388-6041; Teresa.L.BRASFIELD@odot. or Larissa Rudnicki, ODOT Historic Resources Specialist, at 4040 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, OR 97302 (503-986-6782; Larissa.RUDNICKI@odot.state. no later tfan September 13, 2016. Published: 8-31-16 & 9-7-16