22 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon WHYCHUS: District has returned substantial water to creek Continued from page 6 piping another six miles of canal that will power a second hydroelectric project. TSID sees this production of clean and renewable energy from an existing resource as yet another milestone in meeting the region’s future needs. Holm explained how TSID came to his attention. “My wife and I had been hiking in areas of the Whychus Creek drain- age upstream from the city of Sisters that had recently been rehabilitated, when we saw how part of the creek- flow was being diverted for irrigation. “We saw the path the piped irrigation water made as it flowed to the east...Where the piped water crossed Highway 20 we decided to take a closer look. We found the headquar- ters buildings for the Three Sisters Irrigation District, and we introduced ourselves. To our pleasant surprise we were driven around and offered a fully guided tour of the complex, including the newly installed hydroelectric turbine.” Holm was very impressed with what he saw. “What an incredible effort of coop- eration we thought... It is remarkable how irrigation for farming and ranching in Sisters Country has been cooperatively assured while protecting and enhancing our natural environment. This cooperation between differ- ent user groups in our local community is particularly impressive.” As a result of his visit to TSID, Holm asked Thalacker if he would agree to give a pre- sentation to the public as part of the Sisters Trails Alliance speaker series. Thalacker readily agreed, and the pro- gram will take place next week, Thursday, March 24, in the Sisters Camp Sherman Fire Station Community Hall in downtown Sisters at 355 S. Elm St. Doors will open at 6 p.m., and the formal program will begin at 7 p.m. The pro- gram is free and open to the public. Snacks and refresh- ments will be provided. For more information about STA visit https://sisters trailsalliance.wildapricot.org. is so special.” Sisters hosted the event for the first time, which included elementary, middle, and high school teams from Redmond, Bend, Tumalo, La Pine and even as far away as Fossil. Teams of four compete head-to-head against one another in tournament style. Points are accrued during the first two rounds to determine what teams will advance on to the finals, culminating in the top two teams from each divi- sion going on to a statewide competition. A moderator reads the questions, and teams are given 15 seconds to answer. Two judges are present to help resolve any questions or disputes. Each round consists of two types of questions pulled from a collection of books. First, students are given a factual question from a book and must give the title and the author of the book from which it comes. Secondly, they are Offering Aveda ™ Skin & Body Care! Children & Adults 270 S. Spruce St., Sisters Dr. Inice Gough, DC, 541.549.3583 ThreeSistersChiropractic.com Continued from page 1 asked to give factual answers from a given book. Points are awarded for correct answers. If one team fails to answer a question, the other team has an opportunity to “steal” those points. A complete list of the books used for the com- petition can be found at the OBOB website, http:// oboblsta.pbworks.com Riehle brought the Battle of the Books contest to Sisters Middle School three years ago when she arrived after work- ing at Tumalo Community School. Tiffany Tisdel, a fifth- grade teacher, and Kathy Few from the elementary school were instrumental in build- ing up the program, accord- ing to Riehle. Eighth-grade teacher Kimberly Strong jumped on board last year as well. After last year’s compe- tition, Sisters became excited to have the opportunity to host the event this year. FINE FURNITURE By Commission Dining Tables, Desks, Beds, Chests, Etc. Adam Bronstein, Craftsman TREATING SPORTS INJURIES Three Sisters Chiropractic BOOKS: Fifth grade team heads to state competition 541-410-1309 SpringCreekWoodworking.com “And we hosted it in true Sisters style,” said Riehle, indicating that all sorts of teachers and community members stepped in to help make it all happen. In addition to Strong, Tisdel and Few, Riehle wanted to acknowledge the support of middle school staff members, students, and principal Marshall Jackson, as well as volunteer organiz- ers Kerry Prosser and Sherri Kissinger. “It’s amazing how the Sisters community and our schools came together to make this happen,” said Sister Middle School teacher Susie Werts, who served as a timekeeper. Sisters Middle School’s fifth-grade team finished in second place and will compete at the state level on April 9 in Salem, according to Riehle. “That just topped the day off well,” she said. The Garden Angel 541-549-2882 • Cleanups • Irrigation • Aeration • De-thatching • Fertilizing LCB#9352 hair | massage | nails facials | makeu6 541-549-1784 161-C N. Elm St. Spring Fling Breakfast 6-11 | Soup 11-2 daily | Buy coffee at SistersCoffee.com 541-549-0527 • 273 W. Hood Ave. $300 Discount Heads or Tails… You Lose Loaner Cars Deductible Assistance Windshield Replacement 541-549-DENT 5 4 1 5 4 9 D E N T 332 W. Barclay Dr., Sisters For ihe mogih of March wheg e eg you siari a comprehegsive e ireaimegi program! Crest the Cascades Bike Ride Noi valid wiih agy oiher offer. New Paiiegis Ogly. 541-382-0410 410 E. Cascade Ave., Sisiers s CentralOregonBracePlace.com — Formerly the Ride for 2 Rivers — Smile by Ren ee The Brace P & lace! “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” John 11:25 Palm Sunday, March 20: Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m.; Sunday Mass, 9:00 a.m. Holy Th ursday, March 24: Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7:00 p.m. Good Friday, March 25: Stations of the Cross, 3:00 p.m. Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, 7:00 p.m. Holy Saturday, March 26: Easter Vigil, 8:30 p.m. Easter Sunday, March 27: Mass 10:00 a.m. Saint Edward the Martyr Roman Catholic Church 123 Trinity Way, Sisters | 541-549-9391 | www.stedwardsisters.org Tour the Old McKenzie Pass on a supported excursion that includes music and hot food at the end of your ride. There are three aid stations with food and snacks along the 57.6-mile long course and 26.8-mile summit course. Date: Saturday, June 18 Food: Taco Stand Music: Anvil Blasters Cost: $35 (register by May 15) $40 (after May 15) .com Website: CrestTheCascades.com 1750 W. McKinney Butte Rd. • 541-549-2091 View activities & classes and register online! www.SistersRecreation.com SNO CAP MINI STORAGE Sisters Industrial Park 157 Sisters Park Dr. • 541-549-3575 www.SistersStorage.com • State-of-the-art Security Technology • Sizes from 5x5 to 12x40 • Individual Gate Codes • Long-term Discounts • On-site Manager