28 Wednesday, February 3, 2016 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon C L A S S I F I E D S THE GARDEN ANGEL Landscape Maintenance and Irrigation LCB #9352 • 541-549-2882 “Your Garden’s Best Friend” 701 Domestic Services BLAKE & SON – Commercial, Home & Rentals Cleaning WINDOW CLEANING! Lic. & Bonded • 541-549-0897 ~ I and I Crystal Cleaning ~ Have your home and business crystal clean! with the best rates in town. Now accepting new clients, so call today to schedule. Licensed & Bonded, Refs. 541-977-1051 – CUSTOM HOUSE CARE – TLC for your Home, Business or Rental Cleaning in Sisters, Black Butte Ranch & surrounding areas. Let us sparkle your home for a fresh start! Call to schedule an immaculate home cleaning. Lic-Bonded-Ins. Refs Avail. Call Emilee Stoery, 541-588-0345 or email customhousecare@earthlink.net "CLEANING QUEEN" Serving the Sisters area! Call Maria at 541-213-0775 802 Help Wanted Solid Rock Granite, LLC is looking for a full-time slab countertop fabricator/installer. Starting wage is $16-$18/hour with experience. Opportunity for growth. Call 541-549-8550 or email résumé to info@solidrockoregon.com 999 Public Notice NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Sisters Planning Commission is holding two public hearings at Sisters City Hall, 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Sisters (mailing address PO Box 39, Sisters, OR 97759) on February 18, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. regarding the applications listed below. All relevant provisions of the City of Sisters Urban Area Comprehensive Plan, the Sisters Development Code and Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) will be reviewed for compliance. Please contact Darcy Reed, Associate Planner, at (541) 323-5208 for more information. File #: TA 15-03; Applicant: City of Sisters Project Description: The proposal includes the following Development Code text amendments: 1) Amending the definition of Formula Food Establishments in the Definitions Chapter 1.3; 2) Amending Chapters 2.2 (Residential District), 2.3 (Multi-Family Residential District), and 2.4 (Downtown Commercial District) to better define garage setbacks and requirements in a consistent manner and to increase the maximum building height for residential development; 3) Amending the development and density standards for multi-family development in Chapter 2.3; and 4) Reducing the minimum caliper size from 2” to 1 ½” for planting of street trees as defined in Section 3.2.600. Location: Applicable Zoning Districts; Applicable Criteria: Sisters Development Code (SDC): Chapter 1.3 (Definitions), Chapter 2.2 (Residential), Chapter 2.3 (Multi-family Residential), Chapter 2.4 (Downtown Commercial), Chapter 3.2 (Landscaping and Screening), Chapter 4.1 (Types of Applications and Review Procedures), and Chapter 4.7 (Land Use District Map and Text Amendments). File #: SP 15-03, CU 15-01; Applicant: Steve McGhehey; Owner: James Wolford Trust Project Description: Type III Review of a request for Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit to enable the construction of a new 3,288 square foot Formula Food Establishment with a drive-thru, travel ways, parking and other supporting infrastructure. The proposed FFE is Dairy Queen. Location: The property is situated at the southwest corner of the intersection of US20/OR126 and McKinney Butte Road. The property’s address is 497 W Hwy 20 and is further identified as Tax Lot 3500 on the Deschutes County Tax Assessor’s Map # 151005DB. Applicable Criteria: Sisters Development Code: Chapter 2.15 (Special Provisions), Chapter 2.5 (Highway Commercial District), Chapter 3 (Design Standards), Chapter 4.1 (Types of Applications and Review Procedures), Chapter 4.2 (Site Plan Review), and Chapter 4.4 (Conditional Use Permit). Questions, concerns and/or written testimony regarding these applications should be directed to Darcy Reed, Associate Planner, C/O the Community Development Department, PO Box 39, Sisters, Oregon, 97759. Ms. Reed can be reached at (541) 323-5208 or dreed@ci.sisters.or.us. Failure to raise an issue in person, or by letter or email before or during the hearing, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision-maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, may preclude an appeal based on that issue with the State Land Use Board of Appeals. All evidence relied upon by the hearings body to make this decision is in the public record and is available for public review. Copies of this evidence can be obtained at a reasonable cost from the City. A copy of the City’s staff report shall be available for review upon request at no cost at least seven days before the hearing. Testimony may be provided in writing to the staff member listed above prior to or during the public hearing, and anyone wishing to testify will be given the opportunity to speak on this application during the public hearing. All relevant testimony will be considered. TTY services are available at the Sisters City Hall; the City needs at least seven days’ notice to accommodate this request. Please contact Kathy Nelson, City Recorder, at (541) 323-5213 to arrange. The Sisters City Hall building is a fully handicapped-accessible facility. Advertisement for Bids – PROJECT: APPARATUS ROOM REPLACEMENT AT FIRE STATION 602 CLOVERDALE R.F.P.D., SISTERS, OR, DESCHUTES COUNTY BIDS DUE: 2:00 PM, Thursday, February 25, 2016 Sealed bids for the construction of Apparatus Room will be received from General Contractors by Fire Chief Thad Olsen or his representative, for the Owner, Cloverdale R.F.P.D. at Fire Station 602, 67433 Cloverdale Rd., Sisters, OR 97759, until 2:00 PM, Thursday, February 25, 2016 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. No bid will be accepted after this time. Faxed and emailed bids will be rejected as nonresponsive. All bidders shall submit, in a separate, sealed envelope, within two working hours of the bid opening time, on the bid date, a completed First Tier Subcontractor Disclosure Form in compliance with ORS 279C.370. Failure to submit disclosure form per requirements of ORS 279C.370 will disqualify the non-complying bidder. No prequalification is required for this project. Bids shall be per Contract Documents prepared by Ivars Lazdins Architecture & Planning, Portland, (503) 297-8238, FAX (503) 297-5280, email vars@lazdins.com. The site is located at 67433 Cloverdale Rd., Sisters, OR. The work consists of slab and foundation demolishing of the present apparatus room and construction of a new free standing apparatus room and associated site work. The new structure will be one story with a storage mezzanine, approx. total 6,545 sq. ft. The building enclosure will be a pre-engineered metal building (PEMB); the interior mezzanine with associated spaces below and vestibule appendage of wood framed construction. Construction Documents may be examined on or after February 3, 2016 at the above mentioned Fire Station 602 and following plan centers: Central Oregon Builders Exch, Bend; DJC Plan Center, Portland; Salem Contractors Exch., Salem; Southwest Washington Contractors Assoc., Vancouver, WA; Eugene Builders Exch., Eugene; Contractor Plan Center, Milwaukie, OR; Reed Const. Market Data, Norcross, GA. Contract Documents are also available for viewing or purchase from Willamette Print & Blueprint, Inc. 503-223-5011, www.wpbinc.com/digital_plan room. One-time free registration is required. One set of Construction Documents may be obtained by prime bidders from Willamette Print & Blueprint Co., 3461 NW Yeon Avenue, Portland, OR 97210 (503-223-5011) on or after February 3, 2016 upon deposit of $45.00. Complete or partial sets may be purchased by plan centers not listed above, sub-bidders and additional documents by prime bidders for cost of reproduction. Deposits will be returned to prime bidders upon return thereof in good condition within seven (7) working days after bid opening. An informal tour will be held at 1:00 PM, Monday, February 15, 2016 at the subject fire station. Attendance is optional. Statements made by Owner’s representatives at the conference are not binding upon Owner unless confirmed by written addendum. Bidders are welcome to visit the project site during normal business hours with prior arrangement by calling 541-389-2345. Note: A site visit is a requirement for prime bidders under “Acknowledgments” in the Bid Form. By submitting a bid, the Bidder acknowledges that this project is for a public works subject to ORS 279C.800 to 279.870, and that the provisions of ORS Chapter 279C are to be complied with. Workmen shall be paid prevailing rate of wage as stated in the applicable publication of "Prevailing Wage Rates for Public Works Contracts in Oregon" by the Bureau of Labor & Industries, ORS 279C.800 through 279C.870. A contractor is not eligible to bid if the contractor is listed on the latest "List of Contractors Ineligible to Receive Public Works Contracts" published by the Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industries. No Bid will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or a satisfactory Bid Bond made out to the Cloverdale R.F.P.D. in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the Basic Bid. The successful Bidder will be required to obtain Performance and Payment Bonds with each for the full value of the Construction Sum. No Bid will be considered unless the Bidder is registered and in good standing with the Construction Contractors Board, as required in ORS 701.035 through 701.055. No Bid will be considered unless it includes a statement indicating whether the Bidder is a "resident," as defined in ORS 279A.120. Licensing under ORS 468A.720 with regards to working with asbestos containing materials is not a requirement. No Bidder may withdraw his/her Bid after the time set for opening thereof, unless the awarding of the Contract is delayed exceeding thirty (30) calendar days. The Owner may reject any Bid that does not comply with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements including the requirement to demonstrate Bidder’s responsibility under ORS 278C.375(3)(b); and the Owner may reject for good cause any or all Bids upon the Owner's finding that it is in the public interest to do so. Board of Directors, Cloverdale R.F.P.D. Published: The Daily Journal of Commerce, Portland, OR, February 3, 2016. The Nugget Newspaper, Inc., Sisters, OR, February 3, 2016 COUNCIL TO CONSIDER Proposed Changes to the FY 2015/16 Adopted Budget A proposed supplemental budget for the City of Sisters, Deschutes County, State of Oregon, for the fiscal year July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 will be considered at City Hall, 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Sisters, Oregon as part of the City Council’s regular business on February 11th at 7:00 p.m. The proposed change to the budget is less than 10% of the affected fund. A copy of the supplemental budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after February 3rd at City Hall, 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Sisters, Oregon 97759 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. For questions contact Joseph O’Neill at joneill@ci.sisters.or.us or call 541-323-5222. SPAY & NEUTER Assistance Available Contact Kiki at 541-549-9941 FURRY FRIEND S 501 ( c )( 3 ) FOUNDATION FurryFriendsFoundation.org