Wednesday,December23,2015The Nugget Newspaper,Sisters,Oregon5 New adult care facility set to open By Jim Cornelius News Editor Absolute Serenity has beencaringforeldersintheir sunsetyearssinceDavidand LeahTolleopenedtheirfirst homeinSistersin2009. Pennington Place, at 182 E.TallFirCt.inSisters,will open mid-January or early February. It is named after Absolute Serenity resident RichardPennington.Absolute Serenity cared for Gina Pennington,whopassedunder theirattentivecare. “Nowwetakecareofher husband, Richard,” David explained. Pennington Place will be Absolute Serenity’s third adult foster-care home in Sisters — each named for a resident.AccordingtoDavid, sonamingthehomesisaway to honor people who have madealastingimpactonthe program. “Basically all these resi- dentshavehelpedusbecome what we are now,” David says. Otherswhohaveplayeda keyroleinmakingAbsolute Serenity a key service for Sisters’ elder population are theon-site,live-inmanagers ofthehomes. WendyWaltoszistheman- geratHelen’sHouseandis“a huge factor in our growth,” Davidsays. Wendy came toAbsolute photo provided Shannon Rackowski from SPRD doing chair aerobics with residents. Serenityasacaregiver,with some experience in caring for family members, but no formal experience in adult foster-care. “Asshestarted,sheloved it,shesaysitwasapassion, it’swhatshewantedtodo,” Davidrecalled. DavidandLeahgotWendy trained and certified to be a manager — and Wendy ran withit. Once we got her going, shewasjustamazing,”David says. Anna’s Home Manager AshleyRaymondcamehighly recommendedfromadultfos- ter-carefacilitiesinRedmond. Absolute Serenity’s excep- tionalwillingnesstoaccom- modate the needs of their managers made a position there workable for Ashley. Anna’s home offers a sepa- ratelivingapartmentwithits ownentrance,soAshleycould liveandworktherewithher family. “She was young,” David says, “but she’s really ener- geticandhadthewillingness tojustdowhateverittook… She’sjustbeenarockstar.” TheSisterscommunityat large — from medical pro- viderstocontractorsandser- vice-providers — have been photo provided May, Bill, and Maryann make Chinese dumplings with exchange teachers. tremendously supportive of AbsoluteSerenity,recogniz- ingthevitalneedtheyfillin thecommunity. They fill that need in an exceptional way. Each home is comfortable and intimate — a home rather than a “facility.” From the beginning, David and Leah wanted Absolute Serenity to be a place apart from the run-of-the-mill.Whatmakes AbsoluteSerenitydifferent? “Ithinkit’strulylookingat itasafamily,”Davidsays. Residents feel that sense offamily—andsodotheir lovedoneswhocometovisit. Visitorscomeinand“it’slike walkingintomomanddad’s place,”Davidsays. Pennington Place will be the final home forAbsolute SerenityinSisters. “That’s it for Sisters,” Davidsays.“Andwe’rereally on the fence about future growthintootherareas.” WithAbsoluteSerenity,the priorityis—andalwayswill be — creating that healthy, safe,familyenvironmentfor eldersthroughend-of-life.The verynameAbsoluteSerenity marks the commitment to providing a sense of peace and security — not only for theresidentsbutforthefami- lieswholovethem,knowing thattheirbelovedelderisin capable and loving hands. For more information or to inquire about openings at Pennington Place, visit www.absoluteserenity.infoor contactAbsolute Serenity at Pennington’s Place, 182 E. TallFirCt.;541-848-3194;or P’ P - O S After six and a half years of operating Helen’s House and fi ve months at Anna’s Home, Pennington’s Place, our newest adult foster-care facility, will now open in mid-January to early February. Named after Richard Pennington. Final detail being completed on Pennington’s Place ur growth has been very well received in the community, and more people are learning the advantages of an adult foster-care home. We would not have the reputation we do today without the support and trust of our resi- dents and their families, local medical professionals such as Dr. May Fan with BMC Sisters and Joe Bachtold with St. Charles Sisters, home health and hospice agencies such as Partners In Care and St. Charles Home Health of Bend and of course our small-town community of Sisters. Many thanks go out to our contractor Doug Hull, developers Sam and Linda Blackwell, Mark McBride and architect Chris Mayes for helping make this such a wonderful experience for us and helping give Sisters Country a service to be proud of. Absolute Serenity would like to wish each and every one in our community a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and we look forward to your continued support in our small-town adventure. Please call, email, or just stop by to experience or fi nd out more about how we can help you and your loved one today! Sincerely, David (541-848-3194) and Leah Tolle (541-513-0620) and our Absolute Serenity Family H’ H 119 N. Rope St. Sisters, OR 97759 Phone/Fax 541-588-6119 A’ H 192 E. Tall Fir Ct. Sisters, OR 97759 Phone/Fax 541-549-1726 P’ P 182 E. Tall Fir Ct. Sisters, OR 97759 Phone/Fax 541-848-3194 Richard Pennington