The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, August 19, 2015, Image 1

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    Locals aid in
massive fires page 4
Hawaiian luau draws
hundreds of guests page 7
The Nugget
Vol. XXXVIII No. 33
Peterson takes reins
at academy page 16
News and Opinion
from Sisters, Oregon
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Best friends on the run...
Council to
weigh in on
paved trail
Sisters, OR
Permit No. 15
rule change
By sue stafford
Judging from the number
of letters to the editor and
guest columns in The Nugget
over the past many months,
the subject of a paved trail
between Sisters and Black
Butte Ranch (BBR) is one of
the most hotly debated issues
here in Sisters Country over
the past three years.
Now the matter is before
the Sisters City Council,
which is weighing some kind
of letter of support for reopen-
ing the matter with the Forest
The process surrounding
the first proposal submitted
to the U. S. Forest Service by
the Sisters Trails Alliance in
2012 was fraught with con-
troversy and stubbornly held
positions both for and against
the trail. As a result, Sisters
By Jim Cornelius
News Editor
photo by Jerry baldocK
Dogs took off with their people in tow during the Doggie Dash on saturday (see story, page 10).
See fIshINg on page 30
See trAIl on page 23
DA orders lacrosse
records release
By Jim Cornelius
News Editor
District Attorney
John Hummel last week
ordered that Sisters Park &
Recreation District (SPRD)
must release records regard-
ing the Outlaws Lacrosse
program as requested by
Mike Morgan of Sisters.
The records have to do with
allegations made by parents
regarding the conduct last
season of then-coach Andrew
The DA required that
SPRD must release the
records by August 21 or
determine to fight the order
Local fishermen are wor-
ried about the future of the
Metolius River fishery if the
Oregon Department of Fish
and Wildlife adopts a rule
change in September.
ODFW is trying to sim-
plify its rules and regulations
by eliminating partial closures
and making open fishing times
more consistent. The proposed
change for the Metolius would
make the river open for fishing
year-round above Allingham
Bridge. The move would sim-
plify the rules and also pro-
vide more fishing opportuni-
ties, according to ODFW.
That has local fishermen
concerned about the impact on
sensitive spawning beds.
in court. The release is really
a moot point, since the letters
from the parents detailing the
allegations have been obtain-
able as a public record from
City Hall since June.
SPRD Executive Director
Liam Hughes said the district
will comply with the DA’s
“I’m a little disappointed
by it because I come from the
school of management that
employee records are con-
fidential,” he said. “But we
will release the records.”
SPRD had resisted the
release of the records citing
See lACrosse on page 30
Youths spruce up Sisters Country
By Jim Cornelius
News Editor
All summer long a crew
of Sisters youths has been
fanning out across Sisters
Country to rehab damaged
forestlands, shore up heavily
used trails and remove nox-
ious weeds, graffiti, and ille-
gal structures on the land.
Last week, the Heart
of Oregon Central Oregon
Youth Conservation Corps
(COYCC) crew comprised
of Chelsea Bradley, Madison
King, Megan Calarco, Gary
Jacques and Anicka Hicks
were in the forest south of
town planting willows and
cottonwoods along restored
channels of Whychus Creek
to improve the riparian
photo by Jim cornelius
rikki heath, right, led a crew of sisters students in a summer of work on
the sisters ranger District.
habitat. On a previous visit, District coordinator for the
they laid down Idaho fescue.
COYCC work.
“We try to give them a
While the work is
variety of projects,” said Bob
Hennings, Sisters Ranger
See WhyChus on page 6
Letters/Weather ................ 2 Announcements ................12 Sisters Salutes ................ 16 Obituaries ........................21 Classifieds ..................26-28
Meetings ........................... 3 Movies & Entertainment ....13 Business at Glance............17 Crossword ....................... 25 Real Estate .................28-32