Wednesday, July 15, 2015 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon oregon takes first steps into era of legal retail marijuana 23 Nature’s own display... photo by Jerry baldoCK By Jeff Barnard Associated Press WILLIAMS (AP) — Forty-two years after Oregon became the first state to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana, the state is taking its first steps along a road leading to state-licensed stores selling limited amounts of it to anyone over 21. “Oregon has long been a pioneer on sensible mari- juana policies,” said Anthony Johnson, chief petitioner on Measure 91, which on Wednesday, July 1, made Oregon the fourth state to adopt laws legalizing recre- ational use of cannabis for people old enough to drink. He added though that he doesn’t expect much increased demand for it. Smoking it in public is ille- gal, but in Portland police are discouraging residents from calling 911 to report smokers. The Portland chapter of National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws posted on its website that it would have a tent set up on the west side of the Burnside Bridge for a midnight count- down to the end of marijuana prohibition. The site offers a big neon sign in the shape of Oregon as a background for selfies of revelers who light up. Adults will be allowed to possess up to half a pound and grow four plants, but not to buy or sell it yet. It will be a few months to more than a year before it is legal to sell, and then only with a state permit. The Legislature is consid- ering a bill to allow medical marijuana dispensaries to start selling small amounts to anyone over 21 on Oct. 1, in order to get over the incon- gruity of marijuana being legal to have and to grow, but not to buy. The state-regulated retail system is not expected to be fully up and running until late next year. Growers are expected to be able to start applying for licenses in January, with permits for processers, wholesalers and retailers rolling out in succession. Growers are already gear- ing up, particularly in south- ern Oregon, long known as a prime climate for outdoor growing. Mother Nature got into the act, displaying her own colorful tapestry over Sisters Country last week.