The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, May 27, 2015, Page 9, Image 9

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    Wednesday, May 27, 2015 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
bottles, cans
help families
and pets
The bottle and can drive
for Furry Friends Foundation
is gearing up for summer.
Summer weather means
higher consumption of all
sorts of beverages. Furry
Friends would like to remind
everyone to drop off their
redeemable bottles and cans
at The Nugget office.
There are three bright
blue bins on the west porch.
Since the bottles and cans are
hauled from that site to be
sorted, it is really helpful if
they are in plastic bags.
Furry Friends asks folks
to please be mindful of what
they leave and check for the
5¢ mark. Not everything can
be used and unredeemable
items have to be sorted out
and gotten rid of.
“There is competition in
Sisters for redeemable bot-
tles and cans, so we do so
appreciate folks thinking of
us first for their donation,
See BOttleS on page 11
Indian Ford Campground Bridge to be removed
By Craig F. eisenbeis
The Forest Service
announced that the bridge
across Indian Ford Creek at
Indian Ford Campground
will be removed this week.
Amy Racki, recreation team
leader for the Deschutes
National Forest, Sisters
Ranger District, said that the
rotting bridge has been con-
demned and has been closed
to equestrian traffic for more
than two years. Removal of
the bridge has been neces-
sitated by the determination
that it poses a public-safety
The bridge links the
Sisters Tie Trail with the
west side of the Indian Ford
Campground. The trail is a
key link from Sisters to other
east-west trail routes along
the eastern Santiam corridor.
Forest Service officials
were uncertain as to when
the bridge would be perma-
nently replaced.
Racki, however, said, “It
will be replaced just as quick
as we can get funding.”
At present, and until its
removal, the bridge is closed
to all traffic. Removal is
expected to be completed this
“A man trained by a horse is
never quite the same afterward,
and is better.”
— Reub Long
Dr. ponnie Malone, DC
week. The Sisters Tie Trail is
popular with hikers, eques-
trians, and cyclists. Until the
bridge is replaced, the Forest
Service requests that users
avoid crossing the stream to
reduce potential sedimenta-
tion and erosion problems
which can impact fish habitat
and water quality.
The lack of a bridge link
across Indian Ford Creek
also significantly reduces
access to much of Indian
Ford Campground and effec-
tively eliminates numerous
campsites at a time when the
seasonal demand for camp-
ing sites is peaking.
The Sisters Tie Trail
itself is not closed, but users
are being encouraged to
turn around at Indian Ford
Creek, rather than attempt-
ing to cross the stream. The
trail runs for 6.6 miles from
the trailhead on North Pine
Street to the Indian Ford
Campground. Nearer to
Come In…
Tim Westcott
Ronnica Westcott
Jenny Duey
Mary Morgan
220 W. Cascade Ave.
Come in, Relax, Enjoy!
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photo by craig eisenbeis
the dilapidated bridge at Indian Ford Campground is slated for removal
this week.
Sisters, much of the trail runs area, the trail crosses and fol-
parallel to Pine Street as it lows many old dirt roads and
runs out of town to the north. tracks; so, there are numer-
This area borders Trapper ous access points along the
Point and the Indian Ford trail and opportunities to turn
Ranch subdivisions of Squaw around if a 13-mile round-
Back Woods and Indian Ford trip is more than the user
Meadows. All along this desires.