Wednesday, May 27, 2015 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Old gardeners just go to seed By Susan Stafford Correspondent Backache slowing you down? Arthritis flaring up? Worry not. Pick up your rake and head for the garden. In the average lifetime, one in every five Americans will face either temporary or permanent disability. The ability to continue garden- ing as accustomed is either diminished or lost because of illness, accident or advanc- ing age. I’ve had two rotator cuff repairs and I have arthri- tis in my hands and one knee, which directly impact my ability to garden like I used to. Avid gardeners who are challenged by a myriad of physical problems now can choose from a wide variety of adaptive and assistive tools to ease the aches and pains that come with gardening as we age. Many of these tools are readily available online, by mail order or locally. With a few minor adaptations, you can convert your existing tools into more user-friendly equipment. The most important con- sideration is for comfort and ease of use choosing your tools. Provide a place for tool storage that is close to the garden or use a wheeled tool-storage cart. An old mail- box creatively decorated and placed in the garden is great for holding trowels, pruners, weeders and other small tools and supplies. Use tools that make tasks easier and provide the least amount of stress on body parts. Modify your current favorite tools by building up handles to make them fatter and easier to grip. The addi- tion of bicycle grips, foam, or pipe insulation wrap works really well. Longer handles can provide extended reach. One DIY method is to heat the appropriate length and diameter of PVC pipe to 235 degrees in the oven. Slide the pipe onto the handle of your tool and gently squeeze to create a firm grip. (BE CAREFUL – pipe will be hot.) Small, lightweight tools made of plastic, resin and alu- minum, and child-sized hoes, rakes and trowels are lighter for weeding, working the soil and digging small holes. All tools and adaptations need to be safe to use. The finished product should be free of any rough edges or seams that potentially could cause a sore or blister from extensive use. A lightweight plastic cart with two, three, or four wheels is more stable than a heavy metal wheel barrow with one front wheel. Plastic watering cans with long spouts and well-balanced handles are better than heavy metal cans. Lightweight hoses and hose carriers with wheels make watering easier. Snap-on nozzles are easier to use than ones that need to be screwed on. Before beginning garden- ing, do stretching to warm up muscles and take an anti- inflammatory before gar- dening to ward off potential swelling and soreness. Apply good hand cream and wear gloves. Change your position and activity often. Start well- hydrated and drink water fre- quently. Use sunscreen/pro- tective clothing/hat to avoid sunburn. Take regular rest breaks and you will be able to garden longer. Use a chair, stool, kneeler, knee pads or rolling cart. Use proper lifting techniques. 15 Master gardeners host plant sale The Central Oregon Master Gardener Association will hold their annual plant sale on June 6, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is the first year that the plant sale is being held at the OSU Extension Office on the Deschutes County Fairgrounds near parking lot D. The master gardeners will be selling vegetable plants grown in Central Oregon that will thrive in our difficult growing conditions. There will be nine varieties of toma- toes as well as peppers, basil, chard and kale. They will also have for sale bearded iris from Schreiners’ Iris Garden in Salem that were grown and divided by master gardeners right here in Central Oregon. There are 11 beautiful hybrids for sale. Master gardeners will be available to answer your questions and to demonstrate the proper way to plant a tomato plant and how to plant iris. Many handouts will be available including informa- tion on hardening off your plants prior to planting in the garden, etc. Other activities will be going on during the sale which will make for a fun and educational day. Vendors will be selling flower plants and yard art items. Learn all about season extenders and how much they can help here in Central Oregon. Row cover and soil thermometers will be for sale also. Proceeds support pro- grams in the tri-county area. The mission of the Central Oregon Master Gardener Association is to: • Teach sustainable gar- dening practices which have their foundation in research- based information. • Support the OSU hor- ticulture program in Crook, Deschutes, and Jefferson Counties. • Promote the OSU Extension Service Master Gardener program in Central Oregon and statewide. The Master Gardener pro- gram has trained hundreds of volunteers. LOCAL FIR MIX DYED IN MULTIPLE COLORS! Also: Sliverless Hemlock Bark Mulch! Come take a look! Sister s Rental When spring rolls around and it’s time to get your landscape in shape, folks in Sisters Country turn to Sisters Rental. They have the tools and equipment to get the job done safely, efficiently, and effectively. Sisters Rental also has bulk materials — bark, dirt, and gravel — for your landscaping projects. They also carry base sand and top-coat sand for laying pavers. They’ll be stocking bulk BioFine® top-coat for lawns and compost for your yard and landscape. These products are from recycled lawn trimmings with no additives, supplied locally by High Country Disposal. They’ll also have the equipment to apply the materials. Sisters Rental is an Elite STIHL® dealer, carry- ing products from chainsaws to blowers to safety equipment. Their gold certified technicians are the best around for repairing your equipment. So whether you need to rent equipment, get your equipment repaired and serviced for the season, or buy materials for your projects, Sisters Rental is your headquarters. 541-549-9631 506 N. Pine St. • — Sales • Service • Rentals • Accessories — TREE SERVICES • Pruning specialists • Large tree and hazard removal • Arborist evaluations/ consultations • Land management/ fuels planning LICENSED | BONDED | INSURED CCB#190496 NATE GOODWIN ISA Certifi ed Arborist PN-7987A 541-771-4825 • Stump grinding/ removal • Tree planting/ design • Plant health care • Low-impact rigging and preservation