14 Wednesday, May 27, 2015 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Camp Sherman students spruce up their backyard By diane goble Correspondent The summer influx of visi- tors has begun, as anyone who waited to drive across High- way 20 at Barclay Drive this past week noticed. The stu- dents at Black Butte School (BBS) were doing their part on Friday to tidy up the trails around Camp Sherman to wel- come visitors to one of the bus- iest weekends of the season. Teachers Stephanie Blake- lock and Ethan Barrons assembled the raking brigade of 24 students and four com- munity volunteers, Magda and Pete Schay, Karen and Jon Sheldahl, in front of the schoolhouse to give them their assignments and rak- ing instructions. Their plan of action was to clear the pine needles, cones and branches that have accumulated on the trails over the winter. Barrons took his upper- graders from the schoolhouse to the community center, while Blakelock took her lower-graders and a couple of upper-graders along the path down to the bridge in front of the Camp Sherman Store & Fly Shop, which was already bustling with early-arriving visitors. Residents beeped their horns and waved to the kids as they drove by, thanking them for their community service. Holiday visitors in their RVs, who were already lining up on the road waiting to be able to get into the RV park, cheered them on. “This is an annual event BBS does before Memorial Day weekend to give back to the community,” Barrons said. Among the many lively conversations the children had as they diligently raked the path concerned the concept of paying it forward and doing random acts of kindness, which Blakelock has instilled in her students all year. It’s like you do something without being asked to do it. — Jaxson Chase “It’s like you do something without being asked to do it,” Jaxson Chase said. “ Kimberly was so fun and easy y to work with. She has great t ideas, a positive attitude and d was always available when we e needed her. Not only does she know her market well, she is an extremely hard worker. We loved working with Kimberly Gorayeb of Metolius Property Sales and would highly recommend her to anyone buying or selling a home. You can’t go wrong with Kimberly.” — Jeanne and Roger Sellgren Kimberly Gorayeb , Broker 541-639-5551 | 541-588-6614 ext. 111 kiminsisters@gmail.com kiminsistersrealestate.com Metolius Property Sales 290 E. Cascade Ave. They realized this com- munity service project wasn’t just about raking pine needles, but about giving back to the community that supports their education. “I hope they carry this practice forward into the rest of their lives,” Blakelock said. As Blakelock’s group raked, they also talked about where in the world they wanted to visit (“Paris and Tokyo,” Shelby Gould said), debated whether God controls the weather and whether the earth is alive, and speculated about whether Harry Potter really died in the end. Topics changed rapidly and randomly. Magda Shay, who said she was “impressed with the children’s good manners and politeness and how well they paid attention to Stepha- nie,” paid it forward again by stopping in at the Camp Sherman Store and gathering popsicle treats for all the kid- dos. When they all got back together at the playground, they were excited to share their experiences and gave a cheer for BBS. The teachers and adult volunteers thanked the students for their acts of kindness. photo by diane goble Black Butte School paid it forward with some community service. Kim berly Gorayeb As a real estate agent, Kimberly Gorayeb sees a lot of folks who are hoping to make dreams come true in Sisters Country. She knows how to help that happen — because that’s what she’s doing with her own home and garden in Sage Meadow. Kimberly knows that buying a home can be an adventure. There are so many things to be done. You can buy an old house and turn it into a charm- ing cottage. Create a kitchen garden and feed your family with homegrown, high-quality, nutritious produce. Give your children the priceless expe- rience of raising chickens or livestock in their backyard. Kimberly loves to make things grow and thrive, and with Metolius Property Sales, she can nurture and cultivate your dreams of a life in Sisters as suc- cessfully as she grows berries in her own garden. Give her a call and start your own adventure now. Solar Lig ht Solar Light, your local light-bringers, special- ize in selling and installing Solatube Tubular Skylights. You’ve probably seen their van around town. It’s hard to miss. It’s big, it’s green and it lives in Sisters. That’s because owners Brennan and Melody Morrow and their partner Creed Seibel all live in Sisters as well. The business showroom is located at 19855 4th St. #106 in Tumalo, a good middle ground for all Central Oregon residents to locate the busi- ness and visit the showroom. The owners are all Sisters all the way. Melody and Brennan sponsored and coached soccer when their kids were young, now they coach the Sisters girls rugby team in the summer, working with the Sisters Trails Alliance among all other things Sisters. Bring some light into your home with your local light bringers. This summer, tell them you are a Sisters local and they’ll give you a locals-only discount.