Wednesday, May 27, 2015 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Serving Central Oregon Since 1979 Call for: Yard Maintenance • Tree Trimming Property Clean-up • Hauling Fire/Fuels Reduction “The service was outstanding, and I couldn’t believe how much they packed on in just one trip to save me money! I defi nitely recommend Kevn and Fifi !” — Jeff Perin Norma “fi fi ” Bailey Home & Garden In Sisters Country 541-382-0811 • 541-419-2204 2 10-eard Hedraulic Dump Trailers 20-ft. Flatbed Trailer • Pressure Washer Commercial Wood Chipper o small! No job too big or to NET CONSTRUCTION REMODELS ADDITIONS DECKS MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS 541-556-4299 13 Spring has well and truly arrived in Sisters Country. The days are growing long, the sun is warming the mountains and valleys, the grass and the flowers are coming up in full color. Time to get to work. Time to get the yard in shape; time to launch that home project; time to stop thinking and start doing. Fortunately, you have a lot of resources to lend a hand. Skilled crews are standing ready to help you get your landscape in shape, to haul off the debris and detritus of winter and bring on the green. Designers and contrac- tors are ready to help you create new space or restore and make the most of the space you have. Dedicated service professionals and skilled tradesmen can help you make your home safer, more functional, more livable — and more beautiful. There’s no end to the talent and experience available in Sisters. They can get your work done or help you do it yourself. Rent the tools for the job or hire folks who have the best equipment. Over 20 years Experience | CCB#171646 Sweeney Plum bing GROHE Parkfi eld I�s��re� By N���r� With its sweeping lines and smooth curves the new Parkfi eld™ fl ows effortlessly like water itself and, like the arching curve of a water fountain, the spout guides water to the perfect position for function and comfort. 541-549-4349 260 N. Pine St., Sisters Sweeney Plumbing provides its clients with top-quality products, from fixtures to the pipes that run unseen beneath. Now they’re offering the InSinkErator Evolution Series garbage disposal. This state-of-the-art device comes in five differ- ent models, including one specifically designed for homes with septic systems. InSinkErator’s Multi- Grind technology handles difficult food items like bones and potato peels, with noise-reduction tech- nology that significantly reduces noise compared to conventional garbage disposals. Bringing this kind of quality product to Sisters homeowners is a hallmark of Sweeney Plumbing — along with prompt, professional service. Sweeney’s plumbers are dedicated to respecting your time, your home and your wallet, providing efficient service with attention to detail and a com- mitment to getting the job done right. Visit their Sisters showroom to find out more about the InSinkErator Evolution Series garbage disposal and other great products and to get all your plumbing questions answered by knowledge- able staff. Licensed, Bonded, Insured | CCB#87587 et Care STOP THE ACCIDENTS Larson's Carp Larson knows how deadly a slip can be. BEFORE THEY HAPPEN! Not Gary too long ago, he slipped on ice, fell and broke Offering SlipDoctor™ traction improvement treatments. Increase safety and prevent slip-fall accidents in your home, bathtub, shower and kitchen. I Care About Your Home! Courteous Personal wervice wenior Discount / Free Estimates Owner / Operator Licensed, Bonded & Insured 541-549-1175 CARPET • UPHOLSTERY TILE • GROUT • AREA RUGS his neck. Delicate surgery and a long, expensive recovery behind him, he’s doing fine now, but he knows he’s lucky to be on his feet, alive and moving around. The experience gave him a mission. Larson’s Carpet Care can help you make virtually any sur- face much safer with non-slip traction surfaces for concrete, tile, wood floors. Bathrooms and tubs are a particular target, and creating a non-slip surface is especially critical for seniors, for whom a fall can be devastating. Creating a non-slip surface is relatively inex- pensive — especially when held up against what a fall can cost you. Contact Larson’s Carpet Care for more information. And don’t forget, they still offer their out- standing cleaning services. So get your carpets in shape after winter and make your house a cleaner, brighter — and safe — place.