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Wednesday, April 8, 2015 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Community Input Sought
for New Superintendent
The public is encouraged
to attend the Sisters School
Board meeting Wednesday,
April 8 at 6 p.m. at the district
offi ce. Board members seek
community input on desired
qualities and priorities for the
new superintendent. A search
committee will be formed at
a later date, with community
members invited to apply.
Questions? Please call Mel at
541-549-8521 x4013.
Celebrate Earth Day 2015
with Spring Cleaning Event
Join SOLVE, Sisters Park &
Recreation District, Sisters’
schools and Sisters Trails
Alliance to remove litter from
town Saturday, April 18, 9 a.m.
to 1 p.m. Meet at 9 a.m. at
SPRD to receive garbage
bags, gloves, and project
assignments. And enjoy a
“thank-you” party after the
cleanup at 1 p.m.! Call 541-
549-2019 for more info; register
First Aid Class Offered
The Sisters-Camp Sherman
RFPD is offering a CPR/AED
and First Aid class on Sunday,
April 12 at the Sisters Fire Hall.
Cost is $10 ($15 if you require
the AHA certifi cation card). Log
on at sistersfi to register
or stop in at the fi re hall, 301 S.
Elm St. For info: 541-549-0771.
Kindergarten Roundup
Kindergarten pre-registration is
Friday, April 24 at 9 a.m. and
1:30 p.m. Kids age 5 on or
before 9/1/2015 are eligible for
the ‘15-’16 school year. Call
Mel, 541-549-8521 x4013 for
your appointment. Enrollment
forms are at the SSD offi ce
and must be completed and
back to the district offi ce by
Friday, April 17, along with
(1) birth certifi cate, and (2)
immunization records.
Music, Movement & Stories
For ages 3 to 5, fun with music,
movement and stories will be
presented at 10:15 a.m. at the
Sisters Library on Saturday,
April 18. In addition to fun, it’s
a time for skills development.
Space is limited, so come early!
For info call 541-312-1072.
Call to Fiber Artists
The Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show
seeks fi ber artists to participate
in the 12th Annual “Around the
Block” Fiber Arts Stroll to take
place from noon to 4 p.m. on
Sunday, July 5 in downtown
Sisters. Entry deadline is
Wednesday, April 15. Contact
Karen at 541-549-0989 or for entry form.
Animal Poetry Party
Children ages 3 to 11 will have
fun with puppets, poems, and
play at the Sisters Library at
10:15 a.m. on Saturday, April
25. For more information call
the library at 541-312-1072.
Ten Friends Celebration
The Ten Friends Spring
Friendraiser will be held on
Friday, April 17 from 5:30 to
9 p.m. at Aspen Hall in Bend.
Enjoy Nepali food, local brews,
wine, silent auction, live music
with Brad Tisdel and Nepali
imports for sale. There is a $14
suggested dinner donation; kids
welcome. Info: 541-420-5910,
541-280-7778, or 541-549-
4902, or go to
Woody Keen Presentation
Stars Over Sisters Star Party
Thursday, April 23 at 7 p.m. at
the Sisters Fire Hall, the Sisters
Trails Alliance will sponsor
Woody Keen, a professional
trail consultant with over 15
years’ experience in providing
trail education, planning, and
design services. He will speak
on “Leave No Child Indoors –
How to Make Trails Interesting
for Children.” Free! Doors open
at 6 p.m. For info: 541-719-
8822 or
Learn about the night skies!
Stargazers are invited to gather
at the Sisters Park & Recreation
District building on Saturday,
April 18 at 8:30 p.m. for a
presentation and slide show. If
weather then permits, plan on
heading out to the SHS sports
fi elds to observe the night sky
through powerful telescopes.
Free! Call Ron at 541-549-8846
for more information.
Sisters Garden Club
April is National Volunteer
Month and Sisters Habitat
for Humanity invites you to
volunteer with Habitat! The
next orientation takes place
at noon on Wednesday, April
15 at the Habitat offi ce, 141
W. Main Ave. above the Thrift
Store. If planning to attend,
please RSVP to Marie Clasen at or call
her at 541-549-1193.
The Sisters Garden Club will
meet this Saturday, April 11 at
9:30 a.m. at Sisters City Hall.
The speaker will be Chad
Stadeli of C&C Nursery. Guest
are always welcome! For more
info call Larry at 541-549-6027.
Rosenberg Simulcast
Sisters Community Church
will host a free simulcast on
Sunday, April 19, 6 to 8 p.m.,
of Joel C. Rosenberg discussing
the objective of ISIS and the
most dangerous time for
Christianity in the history of
the Middle East. Rosenberg is
a New York Times best-selling
author and recognized expert
on the region. He will speak
on the prophetic implications
of this current persecution and
how Christians can pray for and
help brothers and sisters in the
Middle East. Questions? Call
John Gerke at 541-549-4976.
Sisters Folk Festival
Seeks Volunteers
The 20th annual Sisters Folk
Festival can use enthusiastic,
hardworking volunteers! The
festival takes place September
11-13 and volunteers who
put in 10-12 hours helping
out receive an All-Event Pass!
There are many ways to
help. Sign up to volunteer at or call
541-549-4979 with questions.
Enter the Rodeo Parade!
Entry forms for the 75th Sisters
Rodeo Parade are now online
at The
deadline to apply is May 15 or
as soon as it’s full. Questions?
Contact Jeri at 541-588-0689
Past Sisters Rodeo Queens, call
Yvette at 541-549-6691; you’re
invited to be in a special entry!
Town Hall Meeting
From 4 to 6 p.m. on Sunday,
April 26 at FivePine Conference
Center, four community asset
projects voted on in February
will be presented to area
residents. Your opinions
on these will go to city
council members for further
consideration. There will be
refreshments and a drawing for
a donated fl at-scr een TV and
two rounds of golf at Aspen
Lakes. Questions, contact
Kathy Nelson, 541-549-6022.
FCA Dessert & Auction
The Fellowship of Christian
Athletes in Central Oregon will
hold the annual fundraising
auction on Saturday, April 18 at
Eastmont Church in Bend. Bob
Shaw of KTVZ will moderate,
and the OSU football chaplain,
HD Weddel, will speak.
Dessert will be followed by
a short program, and then a
live auction to raise funds for
ministry needs and camp for
kids. Tickets are $10. Contact
Dennis Legg at 541-815-1274 or to purchase.
Volunteer with Habitat
Women’s Spring Event
Sisters Community Church will
host an annual spring event for
women on Thursday, April 16
at 7 p.m. Special guest speaker
is Leslie Smith, the director
of the Redmond Pregnancy
Resource Center. This event
is free and dessert will be
provided. Come and bring a
friend! For more information
contact Carol, 480-390-3638.
Spinners/Weavers Group
The Central Oregon Spinners
and Weavers Guild will meet
this month at the Sisters Library
on Saturday, April 25 from 1 to
3 p.m. All fi ber enthusiasts are
welcome to attend! For more
information call 541-639-3217.
Family Fun Story Times
Family Fun Story Times for kids
ages birth through 5 are held at
the Sisters Library at 10:30 a.m.
on Thursdays. Songs, rhymes
and crafts are interactive and
designed to grow readers!
Caregivers must attend. For
more info call 541-312-1072.
Annual Chili Feed
The Great American Chili
Feed takes place this year on
Saturday, April 11 from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m. at Sisters Community
Church. Enjoy homemade chili
with all the fi xin’s! $5 adults,
$3 under age 10 (free for kids
under 5). Proceeds support the
activities of Sisters Veterans. For
info call John at 541-280-0847.
Child Car Seat Check
The Sisters-Camp Sherman
RFPD will hold a child car seat
checkup event on Thursday,
April 9 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
at the Sisters Fire Hall, 301 S.
Elm St. For more information,
please call 541-549-0771.
Fundraising Run/Walk
Register now for the 4th Annual
Sisters Better Half Marathon, to
take place on Saturday, April
25. Run or walk this family-
friendly event on your own, or
team up with your “better half.”
Proceeds benefi t the SHS Swim
Team. Call Bryn at 541-549-
1171 or register online at
Pet of the Week
For Families with Infants
Together For Children presents
a kick-off event for a new
program, specifi cally designed
for families with infants. It
will be held on Tuesday, April
14 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
at Sisters Park & Recreation
District and is the start of a
9-week session for parents and
their newborns. For more info “My name is Spencer and
I’m a cute almost-10-yeax-old
call Linda at 541-280-9686
wixehaixed Jack Russell texxiex
or email linda@together-for- It is fee-based, but mix. I axxived as a stxay and my
ownex was not able to xetxieve me.
scholarships will be available.
I may have a few yeaxs undex my
belt, but I still love to xun axound
The Library Book Club
and have a blast! If I sound like
Read and discuss “A Tale for
the pexfect paxtnex to shaxe
the Time Being,” by Ruth
adventuxes with you, come to the
Ozeki, with other thoughtful
sheltex and let’s go exploxing!”
readers at the Sisters Library
Call the Humane Society of
at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday,
Central Oregon at 541-382-3537
April 22. Questions? Please
Sponsored by
contact Linda at 541-312-1074
Cancer Support Group
“Support Our Sisters” will meet
Thursday, April 23 at 10 a.m.
Women who have been
diagnosed with cancer are
invited. For location or other
info call Connie at 541-923-
7586 or Jan at 541-549-2015.
5 9 8836
Pet Place ...
… is published by The Nugget Newspaper free of charge for
AARP Driver’s Safety
FREE PETS seeking homes, and LOST & FOUND animals.
AARP’s Driver Safety Course,
a classroom refresher for
motorists 50 and older, will be
offered on Wednesday, April
22 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in
Black Butte Ranch. There will
be a one-hour lunch break.
Call 541-595-2191 to register.
Cost is $15 for AARP members
and $20 for non-members.
FOUND DOG: Large shepherd mix, older with white muzzle, mostly light brown/
gold, found off Elm St. Collar but no tags. Please call Karen at 541-480-1412.
FOUND CAT: Friendly, mostly white (some light brown & orange), found Sunday,
March 29 on Tumbleweed Turn, Indian Ford area. Call Naomi at 541-410-8688.
FOUND PARAKEET: On Saturday, March 28 in downtown Sisters. Please call Elise
at 541-728-8208 to identify.
Contacts: Humane Society of Central OR, 541-382-3537; BrightSide Animal Center,
541-923-0882; Deschutes Co. Animal Control, 541-388-6596; Sisters Vet Clinic, 541-
549-6961; Black Butte Vet Clinic, 541-549-1837; Broken Top Vet Clinic, 541-389-0391.
Sfepferd of tfe Hills Lutferan Cfurcf (ELCA)
386 N. Fir Street • 54.-549-583.
.0 a.m. – Sunday Worship
Tfe Episcopal Cfurcf of tfe Transfi guration
68825 Brooks Camp Road • 54.-549-7087
8:30 a.m. – Ecumenical Sunday Worship
.0:.5 a.m. – Episcopal Sunday Worship
Sunday School and childcare at both services
Sisters Community Cfurcf (Nondenom.)
.300 W. McKenzie Hwy. • 54.-549-.20.
.0 a.m. – Sunday Worship Service |
Sisters Cfurcf of tfe Nazarene
67.30 Harrington Loop Road • 54.-389-8960
.0:45 a.m. – Sunday Worship |
Mountain Range Cfristian Cfurcf (Nondenom.)
Meets at Rio Restaurant • 54.-390-0569
9:30 a.m. – Sunday Worship
Westside Cfurcf – Sisters Campus
442 Trinity Way • 54.-382-7504
9 a.m. & .0:45 a.m. – Sunday Services |
St. Edward tfe Martyr Catfolic Cfurcf
.23 Trinity Way • 54.-549-939.
5:30 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass
9 a.m. & 4 p.m. Sunday Mass
8 a.m. Monday-Friday Mass
Vast Cfurcf (Nondenom.)
.700 W. McKinney Butte (Sisters High School) • 54.-7.9-0587
9:37 a.m. – Sunday Worship |
Calvary Cfapel (Nondenom.)
484 W. Washington St., Ste. C & D • 54.-588-6288
.0 a.m. – Sunday Worship
Cfapel in tfe Pines
Camp Sherman • 54.-549-997., 54.-389-74.0
.0 a.m. – Sunday Worship
Seventf-Day Adventist Cfurcf
386 N. Fir Street • 54.-595-6770, 54.-306-8303
.. a.m. – Saturday Worship
New Hope Cfristian Center (Assembly of God)
222 Trinity Way • 54.-549-2277, 54.-504-922.
.0:30 a.m. – Sunday Worship
Tfe Cfurcf of Jesus Cfrist of Latter-Day Saints
68885 Trinity Way • 54.-977-2766, 54.-549-4587, 54.-549-.385
.0 a.m. – Sunday Sacrament Meeting
Bafa’i Faitf Meetings
Call for location • 54.-549-6586
.0:30 a.m. to noon – Sunday Devotional Gatherings
Announcements Polzcy: Non-profi t organzzatzons, schools, churches, bzrth, engagement, weddzng & annzversary
notzces are welcome to run on thzs page (no charge). Szsters communzty events take fi rst przorzty. Submzt zn
wrztzng at (contact lzst, Teresa Mahnken), emazl, or drop off at The
Nugget offi ce, 442 E. Mazn Ave. You must znclude a “for more znfo” phone number. Deadlzne zs noon, Mondays.