Wednesday, February 18, 2015 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 27 C L A S S I F I E D S JANITORIAL at Black Butte Ranch: Nights, 4 days per week (approx. 20 hrs). Must be detail- oriented, drug-free, with reliable trans. Call Tara at 541-771-8242. 999 Public Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Notice is hereby given that the City of Sisters will hold two public hearings at Sisters City Hall, 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Sisters (mailing address PO Box 39, Sisters, OR 97759) to consider a Text Amendment (TA 14-07). The first hearing will be held with the Sisters Planning Commission on March 5, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. The second hearing will be held with the Sisters City Council on March 12, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. All relevant provisions of the City of Sisters Urban Area Comprehensive Plan and City of Sisters Development Code will be reviewed for compliance. Please contact the City of Sisters, Pauline Hardie, Community Development Director, at (541) 323-5208 or at for more information. File #: Text Amendment 14-07 (TA 14-07) Applicant: City of Sisters Location: Applicable Zoning Districts Project Description: The proposal includes a Development Code amendment to the definition and regulations of Formula Food Establishments in the Downtown Commercial (Ch. 2.4), Highway Commercial (Ch. 2.5), North Sisters Business Park (Ch. 2.14) and Tourist Commercial (Ch. 2.12) Districts. The proposal also includes amending Section 4.1.700.H. to require Type II Decisions to be forwarded to Planning LETTERS Continued from page 2 environment. I am hoping that this can happen in the next few months. I will make sure The Nugget stays fully informed of this work and that everyone, trail supporters as well as objectors to the last trail process, have the opportunity to be involved in the community-wide discussion. I believe that it is my role as a Deschutes County Commissioner to bring people together, to listen and represent their interests. Alan Unger Deschutes County Commissioner s s s To the Editor: Jim Holcomb was one of the finest teachers I have ever had. He made a lasting contribution to my life and opened my eyes and mind in many ways. From J. Krishnamurti to Carl von Clausewitz, Jim chose-thought provoking material and facilitated significant discussions. He encouraged me to improve my writing skills and approach assignments with open- ness and enthusiasm. He teased me about being a “long-hair” and I teased him right back about owning a hot-pink mountain bike. I loved Jim and trusted that he loved hav- ing me a student. Thank you for everything, Mr. Holcomb. Aaron Barker s s s To the Editor: If someone were to have asked me five years ago: What would be your fantasy addi- tion to Pine Meadow Ranch? I would have said a center-pivot irrigation system that would improve my crop and save water. But I never thought we could afford one – until I talked to folks from the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council and Deschutes River Conservancy. Central Oregon ranchers and environmen- tal groups often have very different perspec- tives. But last year, Pine Meadow Ranch har- vested the best hay crop we have ever seen thanks to a water conservation project on Whychus Creek. If you ask any farmer or rancher like myself, we would all say the same thing about water: keep it flowing for us and don’t let any- one mess with our water rights. That’s why I Commission and Type III Decisions to be forwarded to City Council during the appeal period so they know about the Decision and can call it up for review if they choose to do so. The amendment also includes permitting home occupations with special provisions in the Downtown Commercial (Ch. 2.4), Highway Commercial (Ch. 2.5) and North Sisters Business Park (Ch. 2.14) Districts. The amendment also includes permitting consignment vehicle sales in the Light Industrial (Ch. 2.6) District and permitting distilleries in the North Sisters Business Park (Ch. 2.14). Applicable Criteria: Sisters Comprehensive Plan and Development Code (SDC): Chapter 1.3 (Definitions), Chapter 2.4 (Downtown Commercial), Chapter 2.5 (Highway Commercial), Chapter was skeptical when we started hearing about water conservation ideas that would impact our ranch. But then I realized we agreed on some- thing: inefficient irrigation systems don’t benefit anyone. Ranchers and fish both lose. So over the course of five years, many long meetings, and exploration of several potential solutions we worked together and removed the last remaining concrete dam on Whychus Creek, constructed a new point of diversion, and installed a center-pivot. Everybody wins. Cris Converse Pine Meadow Ranch s s 2.6 (Light Industrial), Chapter 2.12 (Tourist Commercial), Chapter 2.14 (North Sisters Business Park), Chapter 4.1 (Types of Applications and Review Procedures), and Chapter 4.7 (Land Use District Map and Text Amendments). Questions or concerns regarding this application should be directed to the Community Development Department at Sisters City Hall. Public oral or written testimony is invited and that the hearing will be held under Development Code Chapter 4.1 procedures and rules of procedure adopted by the City Council and are available at City Hall. Failure to raise an issue in person, or by letter before or during the hearings, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision-maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, may preclude an appeal based on that issue with the State Land Use Board of Appeals. All evidence relied upon by the hearings body to make this decision is in the public record and is available for public review at the Sisters City Hall, 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Sisters, Oregon. Copies of this evidence can be obtained at a reasonable cost from the City. A copy of the City’s staff report shall be available for review upon request at no cost at least seven days before the hearing. TTY services are available at the Sisters City Hall. The City needs at least seven days notice if possible to accommodate this request. Please contact Kathy Nelson, City Recorder, at (541) 323-5213 to arrange. The City of Sisters City Hall building is a fully handicapped-accessible facility. ___________________________ On Whychus Creek Doug Roberts Principal Broker, GRI, CRB 541-280-6199 1031 E. Timber Pine Dr., Sisters Beautiful home features granite counter tops in kitchen, greatroom with propane fi replace, main-fl oor master, and large deck overlook- ing Whychus Creek. Upstairs has 2 bedrooms, bath, bonus room and hobby room. Easy dis- tance to shopping, schools, library. $535,000 290 E. Cascade Ave., Sisters 541-588-6614 s To the Editor: Thank goodness for Chuck Humpreys! People in the community need to start call- ing the opponents of the proposed paved trails to Black Butte Ranch and Crossroads by what they really are: selfish individuals who are opposing the trail because they don’t want it near their property. We all own the National Forest, but these individuals are treating it as their own private landholding. The letter from Joanne Anttila, who has written multiple letters to the editor plus an editorial piece, has made it clear her opposi- tion to the trail. She wrote in her most recent letter “Let’s learn from these mistakes, stay transparent, find common ground, side-step name-calling and practice respect.” I have attended a number of public meetings where there were vitriolic comments made by the opposition — including Ms. Anttila. Yes, Ms. Anttila, I agree with your statement…please start practicing it. As to the letter from Greg Werts, do you really think that Chuck Humpreys alone choose to allocate $25,000 of Sisters Trails Alliance’s money? The Trails Alliance had a board of seven members at the time of that unanimous decision. Having attended the final meeting with the Forest Service, I per- sonally witnessed the trail opponents taking a “winner-takes-all scenario,” not Sisters Trails Alliance, who was open to compromise and in fact had already made compromises such as relocating the trail more than 100 yards away from the nearest home in the subdivision. Repeating falsehoods does not make them true. See LETTErS on page 31 EXCLUSIVE ONSITE Realtor for The Ranch Lodge Condo 42, 43 – $349,000 furnished mls 201300564 MEADOW & MOUNTAIN VIEWS! NEW PRICE! Golf Home 173 – $349,500 furnished mls 201403304 Gary Yoder, G d Managing i Principal i i l Broker, k 541-420-6708 4 420 6 08 Dick Howells, Principal Broker, 541-408-6818 Phil Arends, Principal Broker, 541-420-9997 Joe Dye, Broker, 541-595-2604 Carol Dye, Broker, 541-480-0923 Steve Post, Broker, 541-480-5415 Don Bowler, Broker, 971-244-3012 Open daily at The Ranch see us in the WELCOMe CENTER! visit us online at 541-595-3838 at The Ranch | 541-549-5555 in Sisters