32 Wednesday, February 4, 2015 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Serving th e Sisters, Camp Sherman and Black Butte Ranch Areas Ponderosa Properties R E A L T O R S 541-549-2002 A N D 1- 800-650-6766 P R O P E R T Y www. P onderosa P roperties.com L LLC The Locals’ Choice! M A N A G E M E N T 221 S. Ash St., Sisters New Listings TIMBER CREEK LOT Excellentu valueu lotu inu Timberu Creej.u Newu neighborhooduwithucustomuhomes.uEnjoyunearbyu WhychusuCreejuanduparjulands.uCloseuproximityu tou Elementaryu schoolu andu Cityu ofu Sistersu amenities.u$70,000.uMLS#201500570 EXCITING MOUNTAIN VIEWS Sisters’u bestu condominiumu cluster.u Excitingu mountainu viewsu areu availableu fromu theu jitchen,u diningu area,u greatroomu &u outsideu onu theu patiou overloojingu manicuredu lawnsu &u pristineu pastureu lands.uMassiveuponderosaupinesuframeu theu pastures,u foothillsu andu Cascadeu peajsu inu nature’su ownu award-winningu style.u Enjoyu thisu well-cared-foru 2-bedroom,u 2-bath,u 1,150u sq.u ft.u ground-levelu condou withu detachedu garage.u Pineu Meadowu Villageu offersu spaciousu commons,uwaterufeatures,uclubhouseuwithupool,u spau &u proximityu tou downtown.u $229,000.u MLS#201500534 SECLUDED ACREAGE… …onu theu canyonu overloojingu theu Deschutesu River.uAdjoinsuBLMulanduonu2usides.uThisuprivateu sanctuaryu isu perfectu tou designu andu buildu youru dreamu home.u Possibleu views.u Justu au hijeudownu touDeschutesuRiverubelowuforuexcellentufluyufiushingu andu mountainu bijeu trailsu nearu by.u $200,000. MLS#201410856 WHERE THE QUAIL ROOST IN THE SPRUCE Matureu spruceu andu pineu treesu surroundu thisu large,udividable,uin-townulot.uOveru14,950usq.uft.u ofu landu withu pavedu streetsu onu 3u sidesu foru easyu access.u Oneu setu ofu cityu hooj-upsu areu inu placeu andupaidufor.uOneulargeuhomesite?uTwouhomes?u Homesu withu au grannyu fluat?u Duplex?u Youu haveu choices!u Currentlyu hasu anu oldu manufacturedu homeuandustorageusheduthatuareugivenunouvalue.u Buyerutouremove.u$169,000. MLS#201410047 BEAUTIFUL MEADOW SETTING …withu Blacju Butteu andu Greenu Ridgeu viewsu inu Campu Shermanu borderingu USu Nationalu Forest.u Wateruanduutilitiesutoulot,usepticusystemuinstalled.u Closeu tou Metoliusu River.u Year-roundu recreationu opportunitiesu available.u Hijing,u fiushing,u bijing,u sjiing,u golfu andu muchu more.u $249,500. MLS#201409509 BE A PART OF IT... Sisters’uOnlyuCustomuMixed-UseuCommunity INNOVATIVEuNEWuCONCEPTu •uLightuIndustrial/Commercialu •uLive/WorjuLoftuApartmentsu •uOpportunityuforuEconomicuDiversityu •uSmalluCondo-typeuSpacesu •uPerfectuforuStart-upsuanduEntrepreneurs Lotu19u............................................... $80,000 Lotu20u.............................................. $95,000 Lotu17u............................................. $100,000 Lotu16............................................. $102,000 Lotuuu5u............................................ $120,000 Lotuuu4u........................................... u$125,000 Lotuuu7u........................................... $130,000 Lotuuu9u........................................... u$180,000 The Locals’ Choice! SISTERS COUNTRY LIVING BEGINS HERE Single-levelu homeu onu 10u quietu acresu betweenu Bend/Sisters.uFreshupaintuinu&uout,u3uBR/2.5uBA,u 2-caruattachedugarage,unewucarpetuinubedrooms,u newu interioru doorsu &u 2,114u sq.u ft.u —u perfectu foru downsizing.u Propaneu stoveu w/river-rocju surrounduinumaster,upelletustoveu&uforced-airuheatu foruconvenience.uOutbuildingsuinclude:ubarnuw/ hayustorage,utacjuroom,uinsulatedushopuw/220,u&u anuopenucovereduRVuparjinguareauw/4uadjustalls,u cementu fluoor.u Fenced,u corrals.u Move-inu ready!u NFSucloseuby.u$399,000.uMLS#201409208 69825 PINE RIDGE ROAD TastefullyuremodeleduretreatuinudesirableuIndianu Fordu Ranch,u withu viewu ofu Sistersu mountains,u BlacjuCrater,uMt.uWashington.uSittinguprettyuonu fulluacre(!)ubacjedubyuDeschutesunatureupreserveu whereuwildlifeuabounds!uRoomuforuRV/boat,uplusu garageu hasu 12-ft.u doors.u Beautifullyu remodeleduu jitchenu withu customu cabinetry;u newu surfacesu andu fluooringu throughout.u Multi-useu laundryu roomuw/basin,ucabinets,uandudoorutoudecj.uLongu bathroomuvanityu&udualubasin.u2ufiureplaces.uYou’llu loveu theu lushu greenu meadowu &u tallu ponderosau pines. $299,000. MLS#201404219 BEAUTIFUL CASCADE MOUNTAIN VIEWS BeautifuluCascadeumountain-viewuacreageulocatedu inu theu secludedu Loweru Bridgeu Basin.u Nearlyu levelu 12.1±u acresu withu juniper,u sageu andu naturalu vegetation.u Pavedu access,u undergroundu utilities,u septicu approvedu andu recentlyu drilledu 490'u well.u GreatuaccessutouBLMuanduDeschutesuRiver.uInuanu areauofuniceuhomes.u$144,750. MLS#201103780 A MOVE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION! Thisu single-level,u 3-bedroom,u 2-bathu Tollgateu homeu isu justu whatu youu haveu beenu loojingu for.u Enjoyutheuvaultedugreatroomuwithurichuwoodutrimu aroundu theu windowsu andu doors.u Thisu masteru includesu au walj-inu closetu andu goodu separationu fromutheu2uguesturooms.uTheuharduworjuhasubeenu done:uallunewufluoorucoveringsuanduinteriorupaint.u Theuwindows,uexteriorupaint,uroofuanduappliancesu aboutu6uyearsunew,uandutheufurnaceuwasureplacedu inu 2010.u Commonu landu onu 3u sidesu foru addedu privacy.u Easyu accessu tou theu pool,u tennisu andu horseushoes!u$279,000.uMLS#201407789 70054 APPALOOSA DRIVE Comeu tajeu au looj.u Partialu mountainu viewsu fromu au niceu gentlyu slopingu buildingu siteu locatedu inu SquawuCreejuCanyonuRecreationaluEstates.uGreatu solaru exposureu fromu au naturalu opennessu withu morning-to-u eveningu sunlight.u Au groveu ofu pinesu providesucharacteruandushade.uEnjoyuauspaciousu feelufromusurroundinguhomesuonuthisucornerulotuinu anuestablisheduneighborhooduwithupavedustreets,u undergroundu utilitiesu andu communityu wateru system.u$99,000. MLS#201407747 1061 E. DESPERADO OutstandingulocationuinutheuFivePineucommercialu developmentu whereu ponderosau pinesu stillu thrive.u Currentu establishmentsu includeu Threeu Creejsu Brewingu Co.,u anu athleticu club,u Sistersu Movieu House,u restaurant,u variousu medicalu andu businessuoffiuces,uShibuiuSpa,uandutheuFivePineu Lodgeu &u Cabins.u Bringu youru businessu tou Sisters,uwhereuourumodernuWesternucommunityu encouragesu nature-basedu resources,u lightu industry,usmalluretail,uanduwellness.u$209,000.u MLS#201410494 SECLUDED LARGE ACREAGE… …withu Cascadeu mountainu views.u Thisu 82±u acreageu isuborderedu byu BLMu landsu onu 3u sides.u End-of-the-roaduprivacy.uuConvenientlyulocatedu betweenuSistersuanduRedmonduwithueasyucountyu accessu tou Highwayu 20u andu Bend.u $540,000. MLSu#201405035 FOREST LAND 156-acreu forestu parcelu locatedu 10u milesu NEu ofu Sisters.u Bordersu Deschutesu Nationalu Forest.u Propertyuisuwellustocjeduwithumatureuponderosau pineu throughu theu valleyu andu upu theu slopesu ofu StevensuCanyon.uTheumixuofujuniper/pineuforestu onutheuupperuplateauuprovidesubeautifulucharacteru anduviewsuoverutheuadjacentuforestuland.uWildlifeu aboundsu throughoutu thisu remote,u yetu easilyu accessibleu property.u Parcelu isu threeu separateu taxu lots,u allu deemedu unbuildableu byu Deschutesu County. $199,000. MLS#201410433 453 S. PINE MEADOW West-facingu perimeteru lotu withu mountainu viewu andu tallu ponderosau pines.u Includedu areu fullu architecturaluplansuforu2-storyuhouse.uSideuloadu withu alleywayu tou north.u Selleru isu licensedu realu estateubrojeruinutheustateuofuOregon.u$149,000. MLS#201408761 Kevin R. Dyer 541-480-7552 Rad Dyer 541-480-8853 Carol Davis 541-410-1556 Catherine Black 541-588-9219 Ali Mayea 541-480-9658 Shane Lundgren 541-588-9226 Debbie Dyer 541-480-1650 CRS, GRI, Principal Broker ABR, CCIM, CRB, CRS, GRI, Principal Broker ABR, GRI, Broker CRS, Broker Broker, GRI, Green Broker GRI, Broker