The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, February 04, 2015, Page 19, Image 18

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    Wednesday, February 4, 2015 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Continued from page 6
decision. Perhaps it is not a matter of hiring
a painting crew to eliminate the existing lines
and paint new ones? Does it require an envi-
ronmental study; a special committee; or State
approval? To earn trust Mr. Mayor, some sem-
blance of rational judgment must be exhibited.
Del Heller
Editor’s note: Andrew Gorayeb is city
manager of Sisters, not mayor.
To the Editor:
At Senator Ron Wyden’s Town Hall Friday,
January 2, he made the statement; “There is no
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP),” meaning, I
suppose, that it has not been finalized yet.
He also stated that he was for transparency
of this secret agreement, yet his statement flies
in the face of transparency. He made it clear
that the congress must bring this to a vote and
indicated that this would be a “Fast Track”
vote, which effectively bars public input and
debate. This is not what I call transparency.
We need to know that our Congressional
delegates oppose bringing the Trans-Pacific
Partnership to a “Fast Track” vote.
This is the first trade agreement negotiated
in complete secrecy. As many as 600 corpo-
rate representatives from Wall Street, big
pharma, dirty energy, the military, the chemi-
cal industry, etc. have been at the table, leav-
ing the rest of us out. The only thing we know
about the TPP is from documents leaked from
Only recently, after demanding access,
has Congress been allowed to read texts in a
“secure” room. They are not allowed to take
notes or discuss content publicly. Congress
only has 90 days under Fast Track to read an
immensely complex and several-thousand-
page text, and it stipulates only a yes or no
vote. There are no committee hearings and no
We must demand a 21st Century-style
trade policy that puts people and planet first
before Corporate Profits. Senators, preserve
democracy — oppose Fast Track Authority.
Thiel Larson
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To the Editor:
Our new Mayor Chris Frye’s words “The
concentrated effort of a few to cast aspersion,
attack character, and question integrity on a
personal level is what is causing these indi-
viduals to leave or think about leaving” was a
new low point in the politics of Sisters.
Perhaps Mayor Frye should have first
reviewed the body of evidence in the Wild
Mountain discrimination lawsuit, and in
particular, listen to the public-record record-
ings of several Planning Commission meet-
ings where members of both the Planning
Commission and Planning Department
attacked my character and personally vilified
me in a manner reminiscent of children in a
school yard, rather than conducting them-
selves with the expected character of profes-
sional adults and officials representing the
City of Sisters. Had he done so he might have
found reason to reflect before making the
statements defending the people he did in the
January 28 Nugget article, “Major Shakeup in
City Planning.”
In my opinion Mr. Holzeman (sic), Mr.
Porter, Ms. Hardie, Mr. Bryant and others
have earned the mistrust and animosity being
directed at them by their own word and deed. I
have experienced first-hand the repercussions
of their actions. Mayor Frye’s deriding of crit-
ics demonstrates his lack of ability to effec-
tively lead through the mess he both inherited,
and contributed to when he finalized the issue
by declaring the food cart decision will stand
without review.
Mayor Frye, at the start of each Council
meeting you lead the pledge of allegiance to
our country’s flag, we live in a democracy
that was founded on the principle of free
speech and a citizen’s right to criticize our
government. The expectation of criticism you
so despise comes with the job. If you don’t
like the heat, either rise to the challenge and
lead the community out of this mess, or get
out of the kitchen. But don’t you cast asper-
sion towards those citizens of our community
bravely exercising their rights guaranteed
under the constitution of this country!
Ky Karnecki
City seeks volunteers
for planning, budget
The City of Sisters is
accepting applications for
one “out-of-city” volunteer to
serve out the remaining term
of a Planning Commission
position vacated by the res-
ignation of Cort Horner last
month. The term expires in
June 2018.
The planning commis-
sion’s purpose is to review
major land-use applications;
advise the City Council on
planning policies as well as
needed changes to the com-
prehensive plan and develop-
ment code.
The planning commission
regularly meets in Sisters
City Hall at 5:30 p.m. on the
third Thursday of the month.
There may be additional
meetings scheduled and sub-
committee assignments.
The City of Sisters
encourages interested par-
ties to apply for the open-
ing by completing an appli-
cation by 5 p.m. on Friday,
February 20.
Applications are avail-
able at Sisters City Hall,
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applications and résumés to:
Community Development
Department (attn: Pauline
Hardie, Community
Development Director), P.O.
Box 39, Sisters, OR 97759.
For additional informa-
tion call Pauline Hardie at
The City of Sisters is also
accepting applications for
two volunteers to fill three-
year terms on the City of
Sisters Budget Committee.
To be eligible, a candidate
must be a registered voter
and live in the city limits.
The City’s budget commit-
tee typically holds two to
three meetings in May. An
advisory committee appli-
cation is available at City
Hall, or at Application deadline
is March 4. For more infor-
mation contact Lynne Fujita-
Conrads, Finance Officer,
at 541-323-5222 or at
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