The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, January 07, 2015, Page 24, Image 24

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Local folks have
goals for 2015
Continued from page 3
resolutions on January 1 as
a way to honor the Roman
mythical god Janus, whose
two faces allowed him to
look back into the past year
and forward to the new year.
Romans mostly made moral-
ity-based resolutions, such
as seeking forgiveness from
their enemies.
With every new year
comes the chance to change
our mindsets, eliminate neg-
ativity and choose to move
forward. And many residents
in Sisters are feeling that
sense of adventure to start
over with their resolutions
and goals for 2015.
Whitney Hanson, man-
ager for 281 West: “My New
Year hope is that my fiancé
and I will be able to buy a
home by the end of the year.”
Julia Rickards, Clearwater
Gallery owner: “Last night
at the dinner table, we all
decided to focus on one word
all year. Mine is balance and
Dan’s (Rickards) word is
order. On a personal note I
would like to finish reading
books I start, and as for Dan,
he would like to visit five
National Parks!”
Heather Johnson, Sisters
High School health teacher:
“Let us care and connect with
all of humanity and nature.
Let us accept, respect, and
appreciate the unique diver-
sity of every being and every
Jan McGowan, executive
officer on Circle of Friends
board: “I am going to take a
walk every day, to get ready
for my six-week hike on the
coast this summer. And I am
going to clean out a drawer
every day for the month of
Kathryn Godsiff, presi-
dent of Rotary Club of
Sisters: “Every year I recy-
cle the same resolution; to
write a memoir of my years
in New Zealand, manag-
ing sheep and cattle farms
with my husband, and rais-
ing three sons. I’ll be going
there on my own in March to
visit (one of our sons is there
and he and his wife just had
a baby on Christmas!) It’ll
be my first solo trip back and
might just be a good time to
John Creason, Outlaw
Aviation Flight Instructor:
In the spirit of southern New
Year’s traditions, “I ate black
eyed peas on New Year’s
Day, which are supposed to
bring good luck. So, I’m hop-
ing that holds true in busi-
ness ventures and personal
Tracy Foteff, Barefoot
in Sisters owner: “I want to
hike the PCT Oregon sec-
tions. Give more, spend less,
and spend more time with my
family. Be a better friend and
lose weight.”
David Miller, RE/MAX
Revolution broker: “Love
big, pray hard, and to live
Vickie Herring, livestock
manager: “Worry less, ride
Duncan Campbell, Circle
of Friends founder: “To be
able to serve more children
photo by Jodi Schneider mcnamee
“Miss sew It all” Marsha Marr and her big smile — which she resolves to share more often in 2015.
with mentors, or friends.”
Marsha Marr, owner of
Miss Sew it all: “On New
Year’s Day, I was walk-
ing my daily walk and as I
approached the crosswalk,
a family with a young girl,
about 5 years old, were also
approaching. The little girl
smiled very sheepishly up
at me and I gave her my big
smile. When she realized that
I was really smiling at her,
her eyes lit up and she gave
me the biggest smile back. A
smile can really light some-
one up. So this year I resolve
to smile more! As Connie
Stevens said; ‘Nothing you
wear is more important than
your smile.’”
Bottle & Can Drive!
Furry Friends Foundation can use
your redeemable bottles and cans!
Help us raise funds by dropping them off (in closed plastic
bags only, please) at The Nugget offi ce, 442 E. Main Ave.
For more information, please call 541-549-9941.
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