Wednesday, January 7, 2015 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon A stunning red sky... Library program takes on Constitution Deschutes Public Library is offering a discussion series on the American Constitution. “Let’s Talk About It: Making Sense of American Constitutionalism” is a four- part series of reading and dis- cussions led by author, con- stitutional scholar and OSU- Cascades Professor James Foster. During the series, participants will explore how American constitution- alism, the activity by which we bring to life the prin- cipals of the Constitution, has shaped us and vice versa. The program will be held at the Redmond Library. Foster maintains that, “Our constitution is a verb — not a noun. It is what we the people make of it.” The series explores the nature and three illustrative aspects of American consti- tutionalism. Following the introductory session, the content of the readings and discussions turns to issues, including money, guns, and immigration that highlight the dynamic nature of the Constitution. Series partici- pants will be provided arti- cles for reading that represent the two sides of each issue. Following a brief explanation of the readings by Professor Foster participants will engage in group discussion of the issues raised by the assigned readings. Foster believes that “civil discussion of hot- button issues” is an essen- tial part of being citizens of our body politic and that “interaction with a vari- ety of ideas and opinions” is critical to our under- standing of what American constitutionalism is. Foster specializes in con- stitutional law. He earned his B.A. in political sci- ence from Lewis and Clark College, his master ’s in political philosophy from UCLA and his Ph.D. in pub- lic law and judicial poli- tics from the University of Washington. He has been widely published in a vari- ety of legal journals, reviews and books. Foster regularly teaches classes on constitu- tional law, judicial politics, and gender and law. His book, “Bong Hits 4 Jesus: A Perfect Constitutional Storm in Alaska’s Capital,” pub- lished by the University of Alaska Press, explores free- speech issues. Foster says participants in the series can look forward to “engaging conversations about impor- tant matters with thoughtful people.” The series is limited to 20 participants, and registration is required. All discussions will be held in the meeting room of the Redmond Library. All sessions begin at 1 p.m. The series discussion topics and dates are: • January 31: Constitution and series overview • February 14: Money • February 28: Immigration • March 14: Guns For more information about the series or to register, visit www.deschuteslibrary. org. Experts estimate that 1 in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. DARKNESS TO LIGHT “Stewards of Children” Help Prevent Child Abuse in Sisters FREE Interactive training program provides participants with 5 steps to better protect children from sexual abuse, gives tools for recognizing the signs of sexual abuse, responding to suspicions, and gives simple ways to minimize opportunities for abuse in our community. Monday, January 26, 2015 • 5:30-8 p.m. At Sisters Park & Recreation District 1750 McKinney Butte Rd., Sisters Free through a generous grant provided to KIDS Center. Food and childcare are also provided! RSVP by Monday, January 19 for this training and for childcare. Call Kim Bohme at 541-306-6062. 15 photo by Jay mather the cloud formations above the three sisters drew out enthusiastic photographers. Business Opportunity ...with a cherry on top! Hair’s to a Beautiful 2015! We look forward to serving you this year! 541-588-6611 220 W. Cascade Ave. Come in, Relax, Enjoy! Doug Roberts Principal Broker, GRI, CRB 541-280-6199 Business Opportunity – Sisters Bakery Sisters Bakery is a full-range bakery with a retail compo- nent and café. This is one of Sisters’ most estab- lished businesses, having been open for over 23 years. The prime location affords Sisters Bakery a large well-established customer base. $199,000. 290 E. Cascade Ave., Sisters 541-588-6614