Wednesday, January 7, 2015 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Kitzhaber plans low-key inauguration By Jonathan J. Cooper Associated Press SALEM (AP) — Alabama and Texas plan parades to mark their governors’ inau- gurations. Chief executives in Colorado, Georgia and Illinois will have concerts. In Oregon, there will be cookies — and not much else — to commemorate John Kitzhaber’s unprece- dented fourth inauguration as governor. Kitzhaber takes the oath of office in the state House chamber on Jan. 12. He’ll give a speech, and stay for an after- noon reception in the Capitol rotunda funded by his re- election campaign, said Amy Wojcicki, a Kitzhaber spokes- man. He’ll be accompanied by his fiancee, Cylvia Hayes, whose past business arrange- ments tormented Kitzhaber’s re-election campaign. Then the Democratic gov- ernor will retreat with a small group of friends and family to Mahonia Hall, his official res- idence in Salem, to watch the Oregon Ducks play the Ohio State Buckeyes in the college football championship. The plans are similar to those for Kitzhaber’s last inauguration in 2011, when he returned to the governor’s office after an eight-year hiatus. The 2011 inaugura- tion came on the same day the Ducks played in their last national title game. They lost to Auburn. Months later, after the leg- islative session wrapped up, Kitzhaber held an informal hoe-down to mark his inau- guration. No decisions have been made about whether to hold a similar party next sum- mer, Wojcicki said. Kitzhaber has long pre- ferred to keep things infor- mal. He routinely wears blue jeans to work, even to for- mal functions like his first inauguration. Ohio’s re-elected governor, John Kasich, isn’t eschewing the pomp and circumstance of an inauguration, despite Ohio State’s presence in the big football game. He held a “family day at the statehouse” this weekend and an inaugural ball. He plans a second, more elaborate ceremony when he’s sworn in Jan. 12. Oregon will have among the most muted of the dozens inaugural celebrations occur- ring around the country this month, according to a review of inaugural festivities by The Associated Press. 13 American pacific Coast sea bird die-off puzzles scientists Red Cross seeks local heroes SALEM (AP) — Scientists are trying to figure out what’s behind the deaths of seabirds that have been found by the hundreds along the Pacific Coast since October. Mass die-offs of the small, white-bellied gray birds known as Cassin’s auck- lets have been reported from British Columbia to San Luis Obispo, California. It’s normal for some sea- birds to die during harsh win- ter conditions, especially dur- ing big storms, but the scale of the current die-off is unusual. “To be this lengthy and geographically widespread, I think is kind of unprec- edented,” Phillip Johnson, executive director of the Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition, told the Salem Statesman Journal. “It’s an interesting and somewhat mysterious event.” The birds appear to be starving to death, so experts don’t believe a toxin is the culprit, said Julia Burco, a wildlife veterinarian for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. But why the birds can’t find food is a mystery. Researchers say it could be the result of a successful breeding season, leading to too many young birds com- peting for food. Unusually violent storms might be push- ing the birds into areas they’re not used to or preventing them from foraging. Or a warmer, more acidic ocean could be affecting the supply of tiny zooplankton, such as krill, that the birds eat. U.S. Geological Survey’s National Wildlife Health Cen- ter in Wisconsin is conducting additional necropsies on dead birds, researchers said. to be this lengthy and geographically widespread, I think is kind of unprecedented. — phillip Johnson Robert Ollikainen, of Tillamook, found 132 dead birds on the beach there including 126 Cassin’s auklets on Dec. 26. “It was pretty dra- matic,” Ollikainen said. Did you or someone in your life do something heroic this year? Now is the time to nominate local heroes for the annual American Red Cross Oregon Mountain River Chapter Heroes event. Each year the local chap- ter of the Red Cross honors heroes for their bravery, their knowledge of life-saving skills like CPR, and their willingness to help others. In recent years, heroes have been recognized for saving their neighbors during house fires, performing CPR to strangers in parking lots, and for their work caring for local veterans. Complete the nomina- tion form at www.redcross. org/news/event/or/bend/ Real-Heroes-Event. The deadline for nominations is January 10. Selected heroes will be honored at the 11th annual Real Heroes event, from 4 to 6:30 p.m., March 18 at the Elks Lodge in Bend. ENTERTAINMENT•ARTS•SPECIAL EVENTS Starts Friday Fri., Jan. 9 – Thurs., Jan. 15 Selmao (PG-13) Jan. 9th / Fri. Hobbs the Band Capricornucopia 2015 Circus Luminescence 8:30 PM • $10 Fri 4:30, 7:15 Sat 1:45, 4:30, 7:15 Sun 1:15, 4:00, 6:30 Mon 6:00 Tues-Thurs 3:30, 6:15 Unbrokeno (PG-13) An Evening with David Lindley Fri 4:15, 7:00 Sat 1:30, 4:15, 7:00 Sun 1:00, 3:45, 6:30 Mon 5:45 Tues-Thurs 3:15, 6:00 Jan. 17th / Sat. Fri 5:00, 7:30 Sat 2:00, 5:00, 7:30 Sun 1:30, 4:15, 6:45 Mon 6:15 Tues-Thurs 4:00, 6:30 Jan. 11th / Sun. Eclectic electro-acoustic performance 7 PM • $20 online Dennis McGregor and The Spoilers 8 PM Feb. 14th / Sat. Valentine’s Dance with The Notables Swing Band Dessert and Dance Swinging Fun! 7 PM • $10 online PUB OPENS 1-1/2 HOURS PRIOR TO SHOWS Call for Details 541-815-9122 Wildo (R) Intootheo Woodso (PG) Fri 4:30, 7:00 Sat 2:00, 4:30, 7:00 Sun 1:00, 3:30, 6:00 Mon 6:00 Tues-Thurs 3:45, 6:15 Movie times and titles are bsite subject to change. Visit we n. atio rm info st late for or call WWW.SISTERS MOVIEHOUSE.COM 541-549-8800 Wed.~Jan. 7 HarmonyHouse y Live Music with David Jacobs-Strain & special guest Bob Beach 7 p.m. doors open, 7:30 p.m. music begins at 17505 Kent Rd. Suggested gg donation is $20. Bring your own drinks & munchies (and share if you like!) Info, call 541-548-2209. The Belfry y Live Music with Dennis McGregor and The Spoilers p 8 to 11 p.m. For morm info call 541-815-91cc or go onlinm to Sunday~Jan. 18 Sisters Schools “Sisters Shootout” Basketball Tournament 8 a.m. start for day-long mvmnt. For boys and girls in gradms 5 to 8. For Friday~Jan. 9 additional information go onlinm to sistmrsshootout.nom or nall The Belfry y “Capricornucopia” p p Sisters Park & Renreation featuring g Live Music with Distrint at 541-549-2091. Hobbs the Band & the Circus Luminescence Troupe p Monday~Jan. 19 8:30 p.m. $10. 541-815-9122 or go to The Open p Door at Clearwater Gallery Live Music! 7 p.m. No nover! For info nall 541-549-4994 or go to The Belfry y Live Music with David Lindley y 7 to 10 p.m. $20 thenlearwatergallery.nom. online at or Tuesday~Jan. 20 $25 day of show. For info: 541- 815-91cc or The Belfry y Frontiers in Science, “Global Warming: Monday~Jan. 12 Solutions & Costs” 7 p.m. Free, with Nuclear Engineer The Open p Door at Mike Cappiello. Presented Clearwater Gallery Live by the Sisters Science Club. Music! 7 p.m. No covmr! For info call 541-549-4994 or go to Sunday~Jan. 11 Friday~Jan. 23 Saturday~Jan. 17 Sisters Schools “Sisters Shootout” Basketball Tournament 8 a.m. start for day-long mvmnt. For boys and girls in gradms 5 to 8. Info: or call SPRD at 541-549-c091. Sisters Library y Annual Artists’ Reception & Silent Auction 6 to 8 p.m. Meet the artists, enjoy refreshments, and congratulate the “People’s Choice” award-winners! For info call Zeta, 541-549-6157 or Paul Bennett, 541-588-0156. Monday~Jan. 26 The Open p Door at Clearwater Gallery Live Music! 7 p.m. No cover! For additional information call 541-549-4994 or go to Sisters High g School “Outlaws Together” g BINGO, Silent Auction & Community y Dinner 5 p.m. dinner (just $2 per plate!) and 6:30 p.m. for BINGO, 11 g games for $15. Great prizes, with all proceeds going to SHS athletic programs. For more info call Tim Roth at 541-549-4045. Monday~Feb. 2 The Open p Door at Clearwater Gallery Live Music! 7 p.m. No cover! For info call 541-549-4994 or go to Friday~Feb. 6 Sisters High g School Sisters Folk Festival Winter Concert with Foghorn g Stringband g & Beth Wood 7 p.m. $20 in advance, $25 at the door ($10 students). Call 541-549-4979 or go to Items are subject to change. Submit by 5 p.m. Fridays to