ID) T L AUT SEC frC Ia'T o T0 TT TT K? Some of The Men Who Are Making Salem An Automobile Center 1.. v ' - . s ....... w AUTO OWNERS' ATTENTION! I There will be a Free Lecture on Proper Lubrication at this store tonight at 8:00 p. m. by L. H. Steinau, a representative of The Joseph Dixon's Cruciblie Company of Jersey City. It will pay every Auto owner in this vicinity to hear what an expert has to say regarding the proper lubrication of your car. TIRE TROUBLE We specialize in taking care of this. If your, old tires are worth fixing, we will repair them for you. If not, we can sup ply you with a new Pennsylvania , . Vacuum Cup TIRES We have the best. Any one who knows will tell you that . Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup and United States Tires are best. They cost about the same as other good tires. Insist on having them. TIR F REPAIRING Don't let anybody fix your tires just because they hang out a sign. Our repair.experience is from the factory up and we do your work right We charge no more than others. 5 "3 SI THE lubricating expert of the Joseph Dixon Crucible Co. is in town and will be glad to aniwet any of your lubrication troubles. Drive around and get his advice. . We have a supply of No. 677 on hand, which will reduce friction in the transmission and differentials to a mere nothing. ' Aih m for tho Dixon Lubricating Chart 1ST 7 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF GASOLINE, OIL, GREASES AND ACCESSORIES. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BUY GASO LINE TICKETS, WE SELL YOU ANY AMOUNT AT 21c -ft !ll GRAPHITE If ' jjpEAR GREAStjl . I H No.677 jl 1 l! 'V fc Jy City. - "i, jl 5 QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLIES and VULCANIZING I y mat Farnham says business is good but he can t get enough cars to supply demand. 219 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET PHONE 66 : AUTOMOBILE NEWS' I " Where ' number 83. I saw her .round here a couple of minutes ago looking pretty good." "She's gone to the hospital to be operated on. I guess you'll find her in Ward Two."... That isn't war talk, but simply a eouple of mechanics at the Chevrolet factory in Oakland discussing what happened to a car which had just been ibrought m by a tester. . The new 'hospital' installed at the ibig Oakland plant is. designed to take eare of cars which have failed to come lip to the high, efficiency demanded by the road force. like a regular hospital, the 'operations' are performed in 'wards' and to carry out .the idea further specialists in distinct sections of motor car anatomy use their mechanical tool kits like a doctor em ploying his knives and saws. "' A valve-in-head "2 man power" grass cutter is employed at the big Oakland factory of the Chevrolet Mo tor Company of California to cut the eleven acres of green surrounding the modern buildings. The big green stretches were trimmed by the old stylo mower until a bright mechanic in the Chevrolet shops built an automatic machine from discarded parts. The '1918 model' has been designated, as a "two man" machine because it has speed enough to go just twice as fast as a man will walk unless it is cut down to a half throttlo. S3VG i w " - Axles for the new Chevrolet one ton truck which will be announced shortly are being made entirely in California. The billets are cast at a foundry con trolled by the .Chevrolet Motor Com pany of California and rimmed in the Industrial Equipment- shops at the big Oakland factory The housings are al so cast there, and fitted and refined in the Chevrolet plant. Exporting Many Autos to Foreign Countries "Cars and trucks have been going out of the Detroit factory of the Maxwell company for foreign ports with a regu larity that -is surprising when one con siders the extreme difficulty in ship ping goods during the war. One of the most recent orders to ar rive in Detroit and which shipment has been starjed was for Klauber Trading corporation a new dealer at Dalny, Man churia. The ears and trucks go to Har bin, where there is now considerable nn r(8tthe town being filled with sol diers from various countries. Other towns which orders have twen or are being filled are: Soerabaja, Java; Valparaiso, Chili; Bordeau, France Mel bourne, Australia; Antofagastan, Chili; Grenada, West Indies; Monteviedo, Ur uguary; Buenos Aiws, Argentine; Gua dalajara, Mexico; Havana, Cuba; To koyo, Japan; Kobe, Japan; Shanghai China. United States Tires, Too, Will Meet increased Demand Prising need for much greater space in which to manufacture United S.fltcs solid truck tires, which have had such huge sales that the output has more than doubled in quantity in the past two years, is the reason given by the United States Bubber company for its rec.nt purchase of the large manufacturing plant of the American Locomotive com pauy at Providence, B. I. The property immediately adjoins the Bevere plant of the United States Bub ber conmanv. where the company haf Auto More Valuable In War Than In Peace - j The automobile in 1018 is moro valu able and important in war, than In peace, an absolute necessity of tint nation, says Lee L. Gilbert, ,Elgin '.'0" distributor. ', 4 1 Tho great problem of today is trans portation, and 'he automobile helps to solve the problem. Tlw light powerful gas engine is independent of rails and roads, inexpensive, swift, adapted to all work, of trade, of industry, railroads and, steamships. The business man, the busy tanner ,tlie fruit man and the stock man, moving rapidly from plaM to place, thinking as he goes with comfor: and speed, is mado infinitely more valu able by the automobile's power. J be tanner is the foundation and cor nerstone of the nation's prosperity. More fiBaential to success in war than bullets that kill, for he keeps alive those thai di the fighting. Above all, the automobile is the great est invention of the ago, and is the far mer's greatest time saver. His light swift running car takes him to town, to his neighbor's, to ,'Jie picture show and back in a very short time ,eujoying ev ery minute, while his horse saved from exhaustion, fast driving, continues the work at the plow, the binder, tho disc or harrow. Take the automobile from tho farmer and you take the food of millions from our world's production. Every day you hear of the farmer's increased prosperity; few realize what the engine and four wheels of the on tomobile have done to create that pros perity, and the farm's productiveness. Jt is the duty of everyone that can af ford it, to encourago the automobile nianufaoAirers' as an individual, buy ing the machine he can afford and ev ery man can afford to own some ma chine now. Only tho man whoso time has no real value, whose brains amounts to little, whose energy is not worth while, can truly say, I do not need an automobile. Buy that machine now. Hoover Requires Help During Canning Season In order to make sure that there is sufficient sugar to meet the require ments, of the 1918 canning season, the united tood administration is t . r : . DRIVE ' YOUR CAR ? YES? -If tfo cmM ittat it from the seat. The Mode EW-Ninty"' Chev rolet is light in weight, high grade in construction and 3i an unfailing ELECTRICAL STARTING AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS. The Chevrolet has all the features of the Higher priced cars. ' " It would be a pleasure for your wife to drive such a car; and priced c;rvty at . . $765.00 t o. b. Salem'. i t r i t . t r lalem Automobile Co. F. G. DELANO 246 State Street Phone 97 A.I.EOIT concentrated its solid tire acuities. The making a renewed appeal for greater nf,w r.lant will be cart of the tteven conservation or wigar. If you want to be sure of your fav orite marmalade, quince jelly, or can ned Loganberries next winter, help Mr. Hoover eavo sugar for the house wives, who are relied upon to fill tho pantry shelved with all these good things in the canning eam. Arrange- present position is thus recognized. I;hon()ewife b git,nine an offial ePr. unit which thus" boecmae esa dominant factory in the' country for the manufac utre of solid truck tires. The enlarged organization of the unii will remain under the direction of H. W. Waitc, the factory manager of the Eevere plant whose successful administration in hip ""u,u" l" -"- '"5 nticato, will Tie uMe to secure an aim- tires, e factory wiU give considerable lple mwj of sug,ar for cannin(f antI preservine fruits for her tamilv upon assuring the government over her own I signature, that too sugar will be used for this purpose only and that she will limit her household in tho use of su gar for all other purposes to three space to the development of its businesi in pneumatic cord tires for commercial vehicles. "la enforced use of auto trucks in order to meet the transportation prob lems brought on us by the war," ac cording h a recent statement by J. i Gunn, president of the United Statei Tire company, "will give the busiues) men such a taste of the satisfactory re' suits to be obtained by the nse of thes' trucks that I see noting but a tremen dous business prospect for our trucl tire manufacturing departments." In centering its truck tire productio" in Providcnoe, the United States Tir? company believes it has adop jed a wise bit of business strategem for as yet the pounds per person per montSi. Now in ord'tr to provide this sup ply of sugar for.' the home cannera, Mr. Hoover calls upon ub all to do o little extra saving on sweets. By using less sugar in your tea or coffee and eliminating ell floating or "awcetenc fillinm. m cokes and by eating lfHB candy or no candy at all everybody can i help save sugar for the carriers. In stead of sneer uso cane, corn and ma ple syrups, honey or molasses in cook ing. To sweeten your cereals serve) them with syrup or Hwcet fruits, and i most important of all stay your hand when it reaches for the sugar bowl. I That extra spoonful sprinkled over! your stra-wberrics or ladled into your coffee may seem only a' little bit, but, with everybody doing it, the upconf ul j soon mount up to sacks. j F. A. EiedcJtel one of Chalmers and Brisco agents, skle a march on his; competitors this week and took on a wife- i WC. Andc-Tson, prewdent of the' Aumsvillo tank, wbo recently pnrcnas ed an Elgin Six, was ftaloai visitor Wednesday. C. M. Miller, prominent tawrmill man of Aumsville. and Hcio, motored to Sa lem Tuesday in their Elgin Bix. W. C. Heggerty, the lfading Teal estate and insurance man of McMina villa .accompanied by Mrs. HoRKw'r drove over to 8ale,m in their Elgin Hi ;Friday. USED CARS IN DEMAND With the manufacturers cutting down the produc tion of pleasure cars it makes used cars very much in demand. However we have some good buys in the following: Absolutely New Maxwell 1918 Truck. Studebaker '18 series, like new. Studebaker 1914 six cylinder. Overland, Electric Starter and lights New Baby Grand Chevrolet. . . . ( Six. cylinder Studebaker, 1917 series. We will be pleased to show you any of the above cars. Ferry and High Streets CAR CO. Phone 121 WAE BULLETINS Washington, May i Showing that the U-boats are losing thmr effective ness againt allierr shipping, further heaviest truck sales are on the Atlantic seaboard, n-ovietcnce is admirably sit lht-" in marine iirane uated as a distributing point for this t-r wiU fce ann,pa,ed sw,n by the war risk ritory and offers excellent transporta Ln81lrance bureau. WilSisun A. Delancy, tion facilities especially by water routes' jirfotor of tine bureau, told the hous For its output o ftires for passenger linterstU and foreign cc-mmroe com cars, the company centers its efforts at mmPe today the profits of the war Detroit, the greatest car producing ci y',.; plan have piled up to in.000,000 in the nation, and at Indianapolis j despite several reduction in rate, with a large eastern factory at Ilart j 1 ' JOURNAL -WANT ADS PAY VULCANIZING gmaiautecd work. NEW TIRESfeest on the market i TUBES -quaEty rdgns RELINERS-at suitable prices INTERNATIONAL RUBBER SALES CO. 177 S. Commercial St. Phone '428" ft-- 8 n