Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 06, 1917, Image 1

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i lAU V 'ill III i ! kill I s I i r"
, -
Secretary of Commeri "ted
neld filakes This Dife.
Feeling Is Running High and
ahort ahnft Awaits Spies
When Caught
By Cart D. Groat.
( United Press staff correspon dont.)
Washington, July 6. Short shrift
will be the portion of any proven Ger
nmn spies rounded up in the hunt for
betrayers of America's transports.
, The temper is that there should be no
dallyiug with men who endanger Amer
ican lives- by tipping off American
military information, but that they
. suouia ue. made examples of summar
Meantime, while the spy hunt pro
cerus, t-resiuenr. Vinson's cabinet maj
' create a "central intelligence" or se
' crot service agency, co-ordinating and
, extending the present lines. And sonier
' thing will be done to eurb ' German
ojpaed insurance companies, if it is
' found, as popular rumor runs, that they
have been tipsters for the kaiser!
Cable leaks will be stopped as ; the
most prolific meang for informing the
enemy of America 's plans.
Everyone here now renlizes that
there was so little secrecy about pre
parations to have the transports that a
- spy did not need especial efficiency
, Ail ue nart to do was keep his eyes
' p" 'f hit h"'1 tli irpfi" advene
code he could send it to neutral coun
tries adjacent to (formally. '..'-':
"Mary has the measles" might mean
to the code man In Berlin "America's
transports have sailed."
To Block This Leak.
This leak to neutrals will be blocked.
Officials arc now convinced that
Germany could not have had advance
information as to the exact routes the
. American transports were to take or as
to their rendezvous somewhere in the
Atlantic. These orders were sealed and
known to only three or four persons
. in this country and to Admiral Sims,
in England. None of those who had
this information are even - under the
slightest suspicion, being men of the
highest integrity and trust.
Germany, it is now assumed, had a
tip of the transport preparations and
probably of their actual departure.
Then she spread out her submarines on
likely routes, even stretching them bo
yomi the usual death zone. '
The matter of co-ordination of secret
agencies now operating appeared like
ly to come up before today 's cabinet
meeting. There is at present some con
flict and duplication of effort.
Will Investigate Them. .
.German-owned insurance companies,
now operating under permit from Presi
dent Wilson, will probably be investi
gated. In insuring maritime risks these
companies glean a fund of news that
would be valuable to the kaiser. If
it is found they are misusing their po
sition they will be hastily squelched.
The effort to have congress pass a
censorship law may be renewed again,
thus giving the government an author
ity which, it is now arbitrarily assuming-
Chairman George Creel of the' com
mittee on public information is in Xow
jt (Continued on page three.)
Th' i.-ller that can't tarn down an
agent '11 have t' take th' consequences.
One o th oldest of all th' git rich
Themes is marry in' a rich widow.
400 University Students and
Society Girls To Fight In
the Ranks
Little Fighting On Any Front
Italians Show, signs
... of Activity
By William O. Shepherd.
. (United Press staff correspondent.)
Petrograd, July 6. Russian women
who took the stern oath to do or die
when thisy joined the "legion of
death," had a. hard time making up
their minds to cut their hair short, man
fashion. Amt- Pelrojfrad agreed today
that it wm this ciopped head idea that
made the women ihters embarrassed
as they paraded yesterday the first
time in history, probably, that an active
fighting force of women, trained and
ready for the front, was formally re
ceived into thre ranks of a nation's
warriors. The public agreed the feminine
fighters were more embarrassed by the
loss of their hair' than by the trousers
they, wore. .
The -"legion of death" is composed
of 400 university students and society
girls. They wear a uniform exactly like
the male Russian soldier. They parad
ed yesterday through the Nevski Pros
pekt, en route to receive a blessing at
the church of St. Isaacs, armed with
rifles and carrying a regimental stand-,
ara. A ' dozen - bunds kegralded their
pnegresf and five
tirausand coasacks
fr4ld a f icaevof-.fc em-
"" Some- of the girl warriors were ami!
ingly defiant of the trousers and bob
bed hair: others were plainly striving
earnestly to overcome the embarrass
ment. The wholo legion resembld a
boy's parade in the size and appear
ance of its personnel, but they stepped
forward with a ginger and snap of
trained mature troops.
When the legion wag first organized
and a pledge adopted to die fighting,
if necessary, it was voted to adopt the
masculine hair eut. A few of the fem
inine soldiers demurred. But they
quicKiy submitted to the barbers scis
sors when the others derisively dubbed
them '.'boushevilis" the Russian equi
valent for "pacifists."
Shy of Materials.
By William Philip Simms.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
With the British Armies in the Field,
July .0.- Some of the countless make
shifts with which Germany is tiding
over her dearth of war metals and war
power were revealed at headquarters-
First of all, prisones say there is a
tierce demand from the German right
'C-ontinued on page three.)
East St. Louis Hard Hit by
Scarcity of Labor Due
. to Exodus
East St, Louis, 111., July 6. East St.
Louis businessmen were to take up in
earnest, this afternoon the problem of
tne city s regeneration, following Mon
day aud Tuesday's race rioting which
cost close to 100 lives and placed the
city under martial law. -
A meeting has been called for 2
oVloek in the city auditorium at which
the political -and economic situation
will be discussed.
The death of Peter Twardousky, a
laborer, father of five children, who
was shot by" Private Kealing of the
Fourth Illinois infantry last night when
he failed to answer a command to halt,
has inflamed foreigners against the sol
diers. patroUintr the town. Officials ex
pressed fear that this incident might
lead to outbreaks. Twardousky . was
shot as he was walking along a rail
way track. Healing called three times
to hia to halt but he continued advanc
ing and was shot through the heart. He
could not understand English, his com
panions said. The guardsman had or
ders to shoot to kilt
Despite pleas of manufacturers whose
industriehs are crippled because of the
exodus of negro laborers, most of the
aegro refugees on the Missouri aide re
fuse to return. Many of them have left
for the south and others planned to
leave today. The Greenville, Miss,
chamber at commerce- offered to char
ter a boat to take negroes there for
service in the cottaa fields.
Bain added to the discomfort of the
thousands of refugees today. They were
beinj eared for by Red Cross and Mia-,
aouri authorities, "
Berlin, July 6. Imperial
Chancellor Von Bethm&nu-HoU-
wek will probably address the
reichstag Saturday or Monday
it was announced here today.
Previous dispatches from
Germany have indicated that
Hollweg would take an early
opportunity to make answer to
the speech at Glasgow recently
of British Premier Lloyd
George. The British statesman
gave a detailed outline of Eng
land 'a war aims in this address
and concluded that peaee with
out a victory was impossible.
fc s(c jfc sc jjc s(( sjc sf sjc it sc sc
Seattle, Wash., July C. Seat
tle master bakers, at the request
of Herbert Hoover, last night
voted to discontinue taking
back wasto bread. People will
be expected to eat it. Thousands
of loaves have been going te
city garbage plants daily. A
meeting of retail dealers to take
up their part of the program,
will be called next week.
Latter Now Defending Him
self Agamst Charges Be
fore M. E. Inquiry
Portland, Or., July 6 Declaring
that he was not getting a square deal
at tho hards of a grand jury of Meth
odist ministers, Harry McCain accuser
of Dr. Clarence True Wilson, this after-
i noon Pieked UP his belongings and
.'hearing was being held. He said it
would be useless-to continue the at
fair. . . . '
, McCain, Salem, Oregon, ex-ininister,
accused Wilson, nationally known
Methodist temperance worker, of ly
ing and defaming character.
McCain, originally the accuser, be
came the accused when - Wilson of
fered to prove his alleged lying state
ments and made counter charges
against McCain.
- Mrs, McCain Not Present
Portland, Ore., July G. Mystery was
added to the sensational today in the
ecclesiastical grand jury probe of the
charges and counter-charges exchanged
by Dr. Clarence True Wilson, national
executive aeerctary of the Methodist
Temperance society, and Harry McCain,
of Salem, Ore., ex-minister. .AH efforts
today to learn the whereabouts of Mrs.
Roxana McCain, 'wife of Henry Mc
Cain, have failed. It is intimated that
she has dropped from sight to keep
from being iorced to give testimony
which, it is said, would be damaging
to her husband.
Rev. Frank D. Lawyer, pastor of the
First Methodist church at Syracuse, N.
i., made a trans-continental trip to tes
tofy here that McCain introduced a wo
man to him as his wife. A photographic
copy of a New York hotel register page
was introduced showing the signature,
"Henry McCain and wife."
McCain, put on the defense, declares
that it was his wife with whom he
made the eastern trip, and introduced a
deposition from her to that effect. Then
Wilson began a hunt for Mrs. McCain.
She was nowhere to be found today.
Friends and relatives scattered through
out western Oregon denied that they
knew where she was.' Wilson hopes to
find her so that Lawyer may identify
Uier as not the woman he met- McCain
is also alleged to have lived with this
woman in Kansas City.
Wilson introduced today .depositions
from two University of Oregon profes
sors showing thjtt Mrs. McCain was at
tending the university during McCain's
trip east.
The hearing, resembling a grand jury
investigation, will probably not end be
fore tomorrow night.
Miss Zaza De V on is declared to be
the "plump vivacious lady," with
whom McCain is alleged to have ga la
vs nted through the east. But Miss De
Von, like Mrs. McCain, has vanished.
Wilson and his friends declared today
that their search for her availed them
Accuser it Defendant. 1
Portland, Ore., Jnty 6. With the
accuser made the defendant, the hear
ing of the charges of Henry McCain
against .Dr. Clarence True Wilson, na
tional executive secretary of. the
Methodist Temperance society, and
Wilson's eounter charges were resumed
here today before a committee of Meth
odist ministers.
Wilson, originally aecosed by McCain
of lying, defamation of character and
violation of law, turned the tables on
McCain at the first day of the hear
ing yesterday and today McCain is de
fending himself from charges more se
rious thaa those he made against " ll
(Continued on Pago Two.)
$247,801 18
Coast Bridge Company Makes
1 his Koss v Construction
Company's Bid $266,771.-10-These
Were Only Bids
for Complete Construction
Bids for. the construction of a steel
bridge over the Willamette river here
were opened this afternoon at two
o'clock before the countv court and
representatives of the state highway
oepartment. uniy two Dirts tor tho com
plete construction of the bridge were
offered. The three other bids were for
various parts of the construction, such
as approaches, steel superstructures, or
foundation.- " )'':. '
. The bids are as follows:
' The Coast Bridae company and Rob
ert Wakefield, for complete construc
tion of bridge, 247,90 In This bid was
the lowest on all the items.
The Ross Construction company, com
plete construction, $260,771.10.
The Pacific Bridge conjpany; on foun
dation alone, $99,977.o0.
The Monson Construction comuanv.
on steel superstructure, $168, 55G.
li. O. rierrold, of Solent, for west ap
proach, $17,885.40: and for east ap
proach $13,057.80. :
C. H. Purcell, state bridge engineer,
and L. W. Metzger, assistant, and Coun
ty Roadmaster Culver went over the
bids. ,-
For the bids that were apparently
too high, County Judge Busliey said he
would return the certified "checks at
once. The final determination of the
letting of the contract was taken under
advisement. ' -j -
Nearly $700,000,000 Provid
ed For Builffiiig Over
: whelming Fleet
Washington, July 6. Chairman Dent
of the- house military committee, to
day introduced the administration bill
authorizing establishment of a gigun
tic aerial corps. Hearings on the bill
will begin Monday. Dent expects to re
port the bill out next week.
The bill authorizes the purchase, man
ufacture, maintenance, repair and oper
ation of a huge corps of aeroplanes, it
authorizes also the purchse of aviation
grounds and gives the president lull
authority over the proposed air fleet.
A separate bill will be introduced
shortly psuviding B9,241,4.32 asked
by the war department for purchaso
and maintenance of aeroplanes.
The bill does not specify tho exact
number of planes, but the program calls
for between "000 and 3000.
Sassiety Startled at
Stupendous Event
of Gould Marrying
New York, July ' 0. Society, threw
up its hands and gapped in astonish
ment today at the news of the unex
pected marriage in Philadelphia of
George J. Gould, Jr., and Miss Laura
M. Carter, of Ardena, N. J. When
Kingdom Gould was quietly married
this week society was astonished and no
more so than the Gould family.
Then, while the event was still a
source of much interest among friends
of the family came the unexpected mar
riage of George J. Gould, Jr.
Following their marriage Gould- and
his bride went to the latter 'a home in
. Gould would have nothing to say
about his wedding, but his bride de
clared that the Gould family was a wars
that the event was planned.
Mrs. Gould, Jr., is the daughter ef
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Carter, who died
when she .was a child. Sisee that time
she has been living with an aunt and
. Mi. Gould is said to be moderately
wealthy. She is said to hare bee fre
quent visitor at the home of Sir- and
Mrs. Gould. Sr, at Georgian- Court,
Lakewood, X. J.
Paris. July 6. Bases for
training of aviation, artillery,
infantry and medical nnits were
Opened today and started at
once the clutatioa of portions of
Pershing's Sammies for - the
JULY 6, 1917
San Francisco, July 6. It's
too lute to enlist in the enlisted
men's reserve corps.
. Telegraphic orders frora
Washington today directed that
from now all enlistments must
be iu the national army, indi
cating that the draft is near at
hand. Willie Ritchie, prize
fighter, who sought enlistment
in the signal corps, was the last
man to apply at reserve recruit
ing headquarters. "
Petrograd, July 6.-Russia's
1 -only objection to the recent
dynastic changes in Greece is
that Prince Alexander succeed
ed to the throne without a pie-beseite-
An official foreign
office statement today declar
ed free Russia approved of Con
stantino's abdication, but held
that the nomination of his suc
cessor was contrary to the
Greek constitution and the
rights of the people alone to
determine the form of their
7,000 Austrians and Slavs
;Hear Doctrine of Revolt
f Preached
Globe, jirii , July fl. Although three
federal cavalry troops and a machine
gun company maintain order here to
day, the situation is still threatening.
, Seven thousand workmen, many of
Austrian or Slavic birth, are having
the spirit of revolt preached to them, it
is declared''e!nfbremaats for . the
strikers continue (o pour in from Mi
ami, seven miles .away. '
Cavalrymen and machine gun squad
are guarding the Old Dominion mine
and pumping station.
Governor Tom Campbell is optimistic
over the situation. Ho would not be
surprised, he said, to see the Old Do
minion resume within three days.
A. A. Worsley, of Tucson, leading la
bor unio lawyer in Arizona, arrived to
day and disclaims for the union re
sponsibility for the strikes here, at Ajo,
Jerome and Eisbce. They were initiated
(Con tin tied oa pairs four.'
I Dolly Dimples Develops Detective j
I Ability Latent in
Residents of Salefti will
Their Skill at
The majority of folks feel reason
ably sure that they would be more suc
cessful as detectives than the averago
person who gains a livelihood in that
From' childhood to old age there is a
I'Bsciuation in "looking" for those wro
have transgressed the law and who arc
"wanted" for some offense.
While Miss Dolly Dimples has not
broken the law in any way, a reward is
offered for her capture and all of the
elements that govern the science of de
tecting will annlv ill the attempt to
locate this elusive woman of mystery.
Lest some one lanes tne marier too
Band Concert Tonight "
Willscn Park.8 o'Clock
There will be a baud concert by the
Salem Military band in Willson Park
tonight at 8 o'clock. Program:
1 March, "Willard's Triumphal"
2 Overture, "Orpheus."
3 Waltz, " Valse Danseuse."
4 Comie opera selection, "Rose of
Alceria." Herbert
5 Vocal solo, "The Flag Without I
a Stain." White
By Mrs. Durdell
ft March, "Brass Buttons." .. Cobb
7j Grand selection from "Carmen."
. Bizet
(a) Jazs "And They Called It -Dixie
Land." Whiting
8 (b) Medley one-step from "Flora-
Bella." Hchwarzwald
9 Descriptive "Ghost Dance.'? ...
10- -l'atriotie medley "Songs of the
Nation." .. Arranged by Lampe
11 - March ' For the Freedom t.t tin
World." Zameeu:c
H. N. STOCDi.NMEYEB, Director.
One reason the Red Cross drive was
such a success: Every man buried his
Makes Speech That Is "Dry"
But at the Same Time
Full of Spirit
Expected Decision Will Be
Made Tonight and Drys
Will Win
By Robert J. Bender '
(United Press staff conespondent)
Washington, July 6. The death pen
alty for boozo, beers and winos,.was de
manded in a dramatic speech by Sena
tor Borah, Idaho, when tho trial of in
toxicants was resumed in tho senate
Taking advantage of the three hours
tho senate was in session before tbo
limited debate rule was put into effect,
those favoring absolute prohibition held
the floor.
"We do not know what is ahead of
us," Borah declared. "But we do know
that every particle of man power must
bo conserved for this great struggle.
We do know that that which undor
mines, that which weakens and that
which destroys is the common enemy
of the liberty for which this great coun
try of ours stands sponsor.
"Let us be patriotic enough to elim
inate this evil. Why compromise t Why
ialter, dicker or barter!
"Drink demoralizes and weakens
everything it touches. Think of the
wrecks inside jails and asylums. Think
of the widows and orphans left by
drink,' And,, thinking of these things,
how ia tho' name of our common cetw
try, how in the name of those things
held dear and cherished within its
boundaries, can you hesitate to strike
the final and fatal blow;"
Other Senators With Him
When Borah concluded, a dozen sen
ators went over to his seat and shook
his hand. Anticipating dramatic scones
today, the galleries were crowded and
the senate chamber was fined wnen no
rah began his argument.
He was followed by Senator Thomp-
son, Kansas, who urged no quarter for
intoxicants of any kind.
Senator Curtis immediately atter the
(Continued on page fonr.)
Observant People I
hare Opportunity to Try
Detective Work.
seriously, let us say definitely that the
whole affair is ineroly a good natured
effort to pit the wits of a very clever
young lady against the cleverness of
any man, woman or child who may feel
themselves capable of penetrating the
disguise that Hiss Dolly may sec fit
to assume during her visits in rjulein
stores and streets.
Miss Dolly expects to spend six days
playing bide and seek with the people
of Salem. The first opportunity to
meet her face to face and study her
carefully will be given at tho matinee
and evening performance at the llligli
theater Hunday. Don't miss it.
Investigating ' Death
of Sergeant Morton
at Clackamas Range
Portland, Ore., July 6. Army of
ficials today began an investigation of
the incidents leading up to the prob
able fatal wounding of Sergeant
George W. Morton, Company L, Third
Oregon infantry, at Clackamas rifle
range last night.
Soldiers at the range heard a shot
in a clump of trees nearby. They ran
into the woods to find Morton lying on
the ground, a bullet hole through his
head. Morton's service revolver was
found 25 feet from his .body.
The soldier waa harried to Vancouvei
barracks. Army officers will investi
gate thoroughly.
Boseburg, Or., July 6. Five persons
were injured early today when an au
tomobile driven by E. L. Parrott over
turned near Canyonville as the party
wss returning to Roseburg from the
Ashland ound up. Those injured were
Bertha Althouse, Mrs. J. W. Allen, W.
L. Weaver, J. M. Burt and Parrott.
Current market quotations will add
zest to public potato raeB this sea
son. '
General Chang Hssa Veils
Dictatorship Echhj th
Boy Emperor i '
- "-n:
Admirals of Chinese Navy Re
fuse to Lower Hags cf the
Republic 0a SMps
By Rajph H. Turner
(United Press staff correspondent)
Tokio, July 6 Endless chaos ia
China teems to lie ahead.
Dispatches today reveaied the make
shift monarchy tottering on its throne. -
fresKlent Li yuan Hung of the former
republican regime has escaped pursu
ers. The southern provinces are plan
ning secession from any Mancliu ruler.
An armed clash is impending between
Peking and Tien Tsin between the two
factions in the monarchist ranks.
Tho monarchists have so far failed
to force President Li Yuan Hung's res
ignation, although tho former execu- .
tive has so far failed to show any sign
of a fight. General tliang Hsun, who ia
attempting dictatorship or (tuna
through the thin disguise of restoration .
of the monarchy, is issuing one procla
mation after another.
His latest act has been to create-
President Li Yuan Hung a prince. His
manifesto declares: i -
"The president has boen guWty of
misconduct of affairs of stataf thus th
militarists apposition. So ha requested
us to reign over the nation and rescue;
the people from their miseries. The pre
ideftt await punishment, although he'lv
not to blame. We appreciate his servie-
es and he will continue to servs us and
receive Imperial (jraee.' i-
Tho northern mititaris's and a- ma
jority of . the older, officials in Cbinat,
welcome the restoration of the mon
archy, according to advices here. Many
republicans prefer it, being dubious an
to tho success of a republic at tbi
time.' It is in the southern section of
China, however, that tho greatest op
nosition to the monarchy ia apparent, . .
although in a military sense this sec
tion is vastly inferior to the north. ;
Americans in Japan deplore .the resto
ration and their predictions of an up- ;
rising and vast internal idissension ap
pear likely to be borne out. There ha
been a certain amount of opposition
manifested in the north of China, but
mniuly by military chiefs angered be
cause' thev wore not consulted on the
coup by which the republic was over
turned. ...
Japan will firmly maintain aer neu
trality in the present situation and of
ficials believe other nations will do like
wise. .
' Navy Stands by Republic I
c tv.nnin .1 nl v H. .ion" Kai
in and San Tucn Sing, admirals of the
C'hijsse navy, have refused to lower
the flag of the republic on their ships
and have declared against the monarchy
. . iHIt rliunnti'h reeeivcd
today by the Chinese Republic Journal
- Chi Say Chung, a prominent Chinese
statesman, on wnom, "is '
the boy emperor ocpenni-u
political support, has announced his
lo -alty to the republic.
Editors of Chinese newspapers in han
Francisco's Chinatown declared today
that the attitude of Chinese generally
: .:., .usrstinn nf tho ulonttrchv.
They predicted that .the boy emperor's
reign win oe snori.
South China, May Saeeds
London, July 6 The Southern Clii
. ..r. established a Divis
ional government at Nanking, accord
... ,i'irinti'h received here.
.-S... tu .w iiwiiiates secession by
the southern tier of Chinese states from
the attempt at restoration oi m
archy at Peking.
t... i .. T..1 rt Th sensrte into
nsuiiiKiuii, v -- r .
i . - 1 .J .nM mnAnrtmenl 10 t tltl
lUUy V nuuptcu ' ,
bone drv section of the food bill, as
adopted by the nouse, no p-
hibit the importation of liquors to th:a
country Bnd the sale ef liquors i bond.
TH weathzs :
Oreenn: Fair
tonight and' Sat-