Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 04, 1917, Image 1

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- . , .
npr-TTT atthv '
u) ran, ffl i i Jy fijftfw iffi
Prisoners Total 18,000 and
Stream of Them Pours
From Front
Great Victory Unites Fac
tionsGerman Attacks In
West Repulsed
By William O. Shepherd
( United Press staff correspondent)
Petrograd, July 4. Austrian troops
have bees utterly demoralized by the
ferocity of the Russian offensive. The
. free nation's fighting men seem to
have been suddenly endowed with su
per fighting qualities that lead them to
incredible strength in pressing the ene
my steadily backward. And here in Pe
trograd the success of the first offen
sive seems suddenly to have welded
together many diverse elements.
The workmen's and soldiers' con
gress today express elation at the sue-
cess of the fighting and appeald to the
people ror complete support.
' ' The soldiers and officers, ' ' the res
olution recited, "have been tempered
in the fires of the revolution. They will
throw themselves bodily into the fight.
The workmen and soldiers congress and
the peasants' union fraternally greet
the defenders of the revolution, who arc
giving their blood for liberty and for
universal peace. The offensive will add
weight to the revolutionary voice which
is appealing to eur enemies, to neutrals
and to our allies, and trus hasten the
end of the war. , . '
" We summon the eeuntry-to con
centrate in its efforts to help the army
Let the peasants give the army bread.
Workmen, let the army never fail for
Jack of munitions. Citizens, do not
evade your duty. Soldiers and officers
at the rear, do not fail to prepare to go
to the front. Yon arc the reinforcements
of the nation.
"Long life to the revolution and long
live the army."
War department officials today as
serted their reports showed that the
.lighting was severe, but that the us
sinn armies were battling enthusiastic
oily. - A picturesque incident -occurred at
be Cossacks' congress, which had as
sembled to hear speeches from Charles
Edward Russell and James Duncan,
members of the American mission. In
the midst of the meeting word was re
ceived and read from the platform of
the latest successes achieved by the
fighters. A score or more Cossacks bolt
ed from the hall, jumped on their hors
es, wildly cheering, spread the news as
they galloped through the city. Later
the chief of the Cossacks invited Rus
sell and Duncan to repeat some of the
remarks they had made to great throngs
which assembled on the streets to cheer
the news.
Minister of War Kercnsky was report
ed today to have been in the very cen
ter of the fighting. Major General
Scott, ehief of staff of the United
States arniv and a member of the Am
erican mission, with some of his staff,
also witnessed some of the gains achicv
ed in the offensive.
Still Press Forward
Trt'iidon, July 4 The victorious sweep
of Russia's urmy continued today the
Jhird day of the first offensive of the
ire nation without a single cheek of
.consequence from the Teutonic defense.
(Continued on .page six )
Up t '-date, nobuddy has Wen able t'
describe play without makin' ns tired.
Tier's few things that look ag triflin'
a man earryin1 a guitar.
; n-wm l " j
Sherman, Cal., July 4 Inde
pendence Day's first fatality
occurred here early today when
little Baymon Castro, age 12,
curious to know what a strange
looking stick, wag that "spark
led" at the end, picked it up
just as it exploded. Tho lad
was torn to shreds.
A motorist, out early for a
magnum salute to the Fourth,
had tossed the stick of dyna- .
mite from his car and driven a
safe distance away to hear the
report. Hig cry of warning to
the child was too late. As he
saw death overtake the curious
boy, he drove furiously away,
Small But Interested Audience
Hears Debate at Highland
School House
As is usual just before the Fourth,
much oratory, .was expended last night
in tho joint debato between the propon
ents and opponents of the proposed
charter amendments at the Highland
school. The meeting was' called to or
der by Rev. H. E. Pembcrton, who in
troduced Col. E. Hofer as the first
speaker of the evening. Mr. Hofer be
gan his talk by re'fering to the South
Salem sewer controversy of a few years
ago. He then contended that the pav
ing on the streets under construction
in the present campaign for the amend
ments was carelessly done, and that
the people had the right. Roval rieht.
if you please, of kicking.
in defining his position, ho stated
that he came as a champion of the
cause solely aB a private citizen, and
denied all statements to the effect that
he had been hired to conduct a cam
paign against tho proposed charter
emendments. Taking up the gauntlet
npon the issue that only rich men were
delinquent, he produced a list of delin
quents, which totaled some COO names,
as he said, and which represented, not
rich men, but men of very moderate and
even straightened means.
Comparing the present system of col
lecting improvement liens with that
proposed by tho amendments, he stated
that the system advocated would make
the city collection law in harmony with
the state and county delinquent tax
laws, and therefore, would put a burden
of 10 per cent penalty, plus 15 per cent
interest after tho warrant for gale is is
sued, upon the owners of homes whose
street improvement assessments are de-
(Continued on Page Two.)
Sammies and Jackies Know
How It Was at Babel When
Trying to Talk to the Girls
By W. S- Forrest,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
A French Port, July 3. (Delayed)
-Envied of all their comrades, a cer
tain battalion of Genera! Pershing's
Sammies were putting an extra finish
shine 3: their guns and bayonets and
an add.-d brushing to their uniforms
today ;.g they prepared for a friendly
nvasion of Paris. Thev were to be
the center of the French cnpitals cele
bration of the glorious Fourth.
But those left behind took it phil
osophically and got busy at once ar
ranging bcscball games and field sports
as their own American celebration of
Independence Day.
This French town now looks like an
American village all dressed up for
Fourth of July celebration. The army
has just about made it over. American
flags fly in profusion everywhere. The
American sailor blue and whitte and
the American olive drab and khaki
overshadow the occasional dingy war
worn uniforms of a few French, poilu
soldiers here. In the streets rumble
American motor . trucks with barrels
and boes and packages on which are
American names.
But Eye Cam Talk.
It hasn't taken the American Sam
my nor the American jaekie long to
get acquainted with the pretty girls
of. the tr.trn even ii both are biadly
handicapped . by lac ot a connoa
"lingo-" Nor has it taken the Amer
icans any time to search out place to
spend money. The shop keepers are
deluged with spenders.. '-..'.'
. Over, all over . the joyous liberty
hours in the town no lees than over the
grim war preparations in the camp a
glorious gun shines down the trees and
grasses are green and the whole world
it beautiful. - It mar be different later
but Sammy takes things just as they
eeme and is at home everywhere.
The emp of the American expedi
tionary army is in the midst of great,
yellow wheatfields where women and
aged soldiers at work merge into the
landscape almost imperceptibly. Flow
ers dot the roadways and two big bills
stand like sentinels on one side of the
hut eity where the troops are ,-til- i
So Says Colonel Roosevelt
In Speech In Which He
Roasts Pacifists
Takes a Fling or Two at the
President and Is Sorry
for Himself
Forest Hills, L. L, July 4 In a'
speech that fairly bristled with his old
time fighting language, Theodore Roose
velt warned the United States here to
day that the hour has come when it
must decide whether it will be a
"polyglot counting hotiso for dollar
chasers" or a "separate, clorious na
tion. " .
Before a big crowd t the Forest U
Hills gardens Fourth of July celebra
tion, T. R.. hammered the pacifists,
cursed out "pro-Germans and weak
kneed apologists for infamy," in his
own inimitable style and strongly urg
ed that the use of German language
be banned throughout the country in
print and speech.
'We have but one flag," he said.
"We should have but one language."
Koosevclt charged that pro-Uennan
propaganda is still a power in the land
and should be wiped out.
incidentally, no condemned those na
tive born who turn up their noses at
truly loyal Germans and bitterlv as
sailed the government for weeding out
loyal American of Teuton origin trom
American Red Cross units sent to
The colonel also took occasion to
mention that "in entering the war the
country gnoweit a reluctance passing tap
bounds of ordinary timidity."
uives wuaon a Dag .
Later on in hig address he slipped in
this statement in a sort of oratorical
we of America can win to our
great destiny only by service: not by
rhetoric and, above all, not by insin
cere rhetoric, and that dreadful mental
double dealing and verbal juggling
which makes promises and repudiates
them and savs one thing at one time
and the direct opposite thing at an-
(Continued on page seven.)
letcd" while on the other the
rolls away to the distant sea
The First Flag.
There is a great dispute on here as
to which unit had the honor of first
bringing in the American flag to camp.
The driver of one lig "motor lorry"
is believed to have the honor. He hus
tled ahead full tilt as soon as the big
machine was swung to the dock and
unfurled the flag at the .first hut.
The French port has finally recov
ered fro.n its astonishment and pleased
surprise ever being selected as the spot
where MFtory was made in the landing
of American forces.
"We were entirely surprised over
the arrival of the troops," said a mem
ber of tht chamber of commerce to
day. "We hurried out at once seek
ing the band so they could play the
'Marseillaise' and the 'Star Spangled
Banner' in greeting. All of the musi
cians were hard nt work and it was
difficult to round them up. Besides
they hadn't had much time to prac
tice. We got all our citizens we could
to meet at the dock in greeting but
most of our men belong to the army.
We tried to show how we felt in our
hearts and how all France feels about
thfte-American soldiers."
Pert Unprepared.
As a matter of fact the French port
wag totally unprepared to welcome the
Americans. The' town went quietly to
bed one night to awaken the next
morning and see American Bluejackets
nonchalantly strolling about Every
where and out in the harbor great grey
ships creeping into the harbor. Then
the soldiers landed, stretched their
legs, had a brief march and at night
re-embirked again on the transports.
The next morning the real landing took
place. By this time the town had a
chance to get out its American flags
and decorate.
Before long American movie fans
will probably have a chance to gee on
the films some of the incidents of this
landing ar a movie -operator cranked,
away hundreds of feet of film through
out the day.
Ater several days of the Americans
as visitors, this French port agreed
Greece Athena King Alexander has
formally announced that he has en
trusted ex-Premier Elutherios Venize
los with the task of .forming a new cab
inet. His selection ag premier is ex
pected to bring together all elements
in Greece and to signalize the instntu-
tion of immediate reforms.
Copyright Underwood & Underwood
One Great Roar Greeted Gen
eral Pershing and
Papa Mre
By W. S Forest,
( Uhited Press Staff Correspondent ) .
. Paris, July 4. Paris went wild with
enthusiasm today in acclaiming its
gratitude to America.' It's millions
cheered themselves hoarse as a battal
ion of Pershing 's bronzed veterans
swung a ong in parade, eagerness to
get at the foe appearing in every
snappy step. They cheered again so
thunderously that the whole city
seemed to roar, as they espied General
Pershing himself and their idol "Pa
pa" Jolfre hurrying in an. automobile
throughi the streets.
First on the program of France's old
time American celebration of the glor
ious Fourth was the presentation of
flags to the American commander,
Major General Pershing, -at the Inval
ides. There the great court was sur
rounded by troops, massed four deep.
The greatest notables of France were
assembled in the center and they, like
the populace and troops themselves,
cheered as the Stars and Stripes were
Pershing and Joffrc then motored
across the city to the cemetery. The
military review came later; through
streets' that blazed with American
flags tad the tri-color of France, and
were lined with cheering throngs.
The five mile march to the cemetery
was frequently interrupted by enthus
iastic Paris men, women and children
who ran into the street pinning flowers
on the khaki clad Americans. The en
thusiasm was unprecedented. The
streets were literally jammed, the
America .is marching between lanes of
wildly cl.eering French
Never has Paris seen such a display
of enthusiasm.
The same battalisn of American
troops that were the heroes of this
occasion, will leave tomorrow for the
permanent camp of the American ex
jeditionary army "somewhere in
France" and somewhere near the bat
tle line. There they will start train
ing for the trenches. Their comrades,
now at "a French .port," will arrive
later. Boon the whole American force
will move still nearer the fighting
front tnd get into action. ,
emphatically with General Pershing's
tribute, when he set eyeg-on his Sam
mies again:
"Th;y are great, strapping troops
just mignificent. -Their appearance is
inspiring." , ' - - ' . -
San Diego, Cal., July 4-r-Norman
Boss, of the Olympic club, San Fran
cisco, today set six new world's rec
ords in the national mile swim in- San
Diego bay. His time for the mile was
24 minutes. 10 seconds, beating the rec
ord of 24:01 1-5 held by Ludv Langor.
He made the 440 yards in 5:39 4 5, the
COO yards 8:45, 1,100 yard in
14:59 1-5. 1,320 yards in 19:07 4-5, and
1.540 yards in 21il0. Jerry Witt; Los
Angeles Athletic club, was second in
the mile event, and Elliott Burns, an
Diego Bowing club, third.
111 MltlCA WILL
Two Attacks Made On Amer
ican Transports by Fleets
of Submarines
Only Watchfulness of De
stroyers Saved Two Units
from Disaster
By Carl D. Groat.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Washington. Julv 4. Germany's snv
syst cm :bct rayer of America's expeditionary-
forces must be ousted from
America. .
, That mandate went forth today from
tvni nnrl nnw hnnria In the miriMt nf n
nation's rejoicing over America's vic
tory in her rirst battle or tue war.
Secret agents of this nation were put
at work in the most thoroueh search for
spies yet undertaken.
That the attack, made possible by tue
apv gvstem, failed, was due only to Ad
miral Gleaves' desperate destroyor
fighters, who bent off a donblo nest of
submarines lurking at two points on the
trail of the France-bound troops and
their convoys.
JNews of this victory over a careruny
1i.l HApnian nlan nf f ri oh t f 111 ne WM
spread broadcast over tho world on this,
independence iray.
Dewey's daring at Manila, Sampson's
destruction of C'ervera's fleet and tho
daring exploits of earlier American
fighters eontnin no more thrilling talc
of heroism and efficiency thau the two
;,.!, l.ottlo Admiral' Gleaves' men
One or more German U-boats and their
crews- lie a mass of wreckage on tne
.i flnnr and the American trans
ports and destroyers, even to the last
horse and supply Transport, are saio m
One Submarine Hunfc
Officials bolieve America now real
ises that the war is at her doors and
that she must do her utmost to conquer
the foe. 1 . . '.
The transports put out in divisions
from an American port under a heavy
naval escort gnard. Somewhere, in the
Atlantic, the speedy gray transports
were to join with Gleaves' grim do
All went well nntil the night
of June B2 just before the rendezvous
was reached.
While-the rays of the convoy searcn
liht. flflxhed trails of silver along the
sea American gunners fired at the
skulking foe, whose torpeciocs even mrn
were sizzling past bow and stern. At
laaat flVA XUOTO fired from various di
rections, proving there were that many
U-boats about.
Gunfire from the convoy scattered
the skulkers, whose fire decreased and
erred. .
That attack was upon one section or
the transports and occurred at a point
this side the mapped submarine zone.-
A few days later another contingent
encountered a second nest of U-boats.
The destrovers battled viciously, using
an explosive timed to explode beneath
the surface. One submarine succumbed,
(Continued on Page Two.)
New Strahorn Road
Is Duly Dedicated at
Klamath Falls. Or.
Klamath Falls, Ore., July 4. The
new Strahorn railway system was ap
propriately dedicated yesterday at Kla
math Falls, with crowds of visitors,
principally from Central and Southern
Oregon, present.
The first shovel full ,of dirt was
turned by Mrs. Bobert K. Strahorn,
Mrg. George McDonald and Mra. Frank
Arrant, the latter two being the old
est living white women residents of
Klamath eounty. A surprise was given
the members of the Women's One
Thoussnd club by Mrs. Strahorn, they
were asked to participate in the cere
nony as a token of appreciation of
their untiring efforts on behalf of the
rsilroad. , , .
A group of high school boys noxt
threw u a grade upon which ties and
rails were laid by leading citizens.
The eeremony of driving the silver
spike was next performed by Mr. Stra
horn, Governor Withycombe's represen
tative, George Palmer Putnam, and oth
er visitors. ' .
Following this was an address - of
welcome on bchaK of the eity by May
of C. B. Crisler, and speeches by George
Falmer Putnam, W. D. Cheney of Seat
tle, and Mr. Strahorn. Mrs. TToung, of
Paisley, and Bishop Matthew S. Hughes
of Portland.
The most spectacular parade ever
staged here nreceded the ground break
ing eeremonies. Developments of west
ern transportation from the six horse
coach to the pioneer days through its
various stages was featured, ending
with an elaborate float of a Strahorn
London, July 4 Weekly giuk
ings by submarines or mines, '
announced by the admiralty to
day, is the lowest for the past
Fifteen vessels of more than -1,600
tons were sunk- Five of
less than 1,600 tona were de
stroyed. Eleven iishing vessels
were lost. Sixteen vessels were
unsuccessfully attacked.
London, July 4. President
LI Huan Hung, of the Chinese
republic, has obtained refuge at
the Japanese legation at Tien
Tsin after fleeing through a
back door of the palace, accord
ing to word received here, '
$4,500 Hang Up la Prizes,
Twelve Cars Entered
Other Sport News
Tacoma, - Wash., JuJly 4. Tho an
nual coast automobile racing classic
will be run off at the speedway here
this afternoon and with the dozen big
racing csrs tuned up to the highest
pitch, drivers believe rocords are cer
tain to go by the board. Practice runs
have dovdoped great speed and have,
shown the track to be in perfect con
dition. The weather early in the day
was threatening, however, and if
showerB predicted by the weather
bureau arrive on' schedule time, the
speed of the racers may be consider
ably eut down.
Tho 150 mile race will decide the
Pacific Coast championship and win
ning drivers will divide $4,500. This
race will be the class of the day and
each entrant: is out to- win. After
this event there will lo a. 50 consola
tion race. , .
The entrants: : .
Hudson Special, . Malcolm driver;
Ouescnbcrg, Crosby; Hudson Special,
Roads; Chevrolet Special, Durant;
Hudson Special, Hansen; DueBenberg,
Price; Seattle Special, farsong; uai
tera Special, Buttera; Romano Special,
Lentz; jvationaj, vuinn;
Special, Bales; Hudson Special, Pat
terson. .
Gibbons Meats Chip. : .
Youmrstown. Ohio, July 4. Mike
Gibbons of St. Paul and George Chip
of Newcastle, Pa., will be the center of
niioilistie attraction, this afternoon
when they battle via the twelve round
route here. .
Both fiffhtetrs are in the proverbial
pink of condition and were confident
of vanquishing his opponent.' Gibbons
said early today ho plans to take on
Al McCoy after trouncing i;nip.
A Great Horse Baca.
New York, July 4. The Carter
handicap at Aqueduct track today will
be Amorica's Fourth of July turf
classic. .
Twelve horses, among them Old
Rosebud, Roamer and The Finn, 'will
leave tho barrier for tho soven furlong
dash. Old Rosebud is the favorite
with jdds of 2 to 1. The other en
trants are: Hank OrDay, llromo,
Ormesdle, Old Koenig, I ma Frank,
Pickwick, Swan Song, Deer Trap and
To Defend His Title.
Akron, Ohio, July 4. Ted Lewis this
afternoon will defend his newly won
world's welterweight title against
Johnny Griffiths, the Akron flash.
Although Lewis has won three news
paper decisions over Griffiths, they
will enter the ring at even money.
Waltor O Kclley, Buffalo, will re
feree the bout. It starts at four p. m.
and is scheduled to go 15 rounds.-
Staged a Comeback
Saertmento, Cal., July 4 Joe Aze
vedo staged a comeback before the
Amico club last night with a' well
earned four round decision over Chris
George of Oakland. The fight was
fast and furious. A lightning finish
won for Azevedo.
Danuy Edwards of Oakland defeated
Tony - F'eitas 'of ' Oakland; Frankic
Tucker of Oklahoma and Monk Fowler
of New Orleans fought a draw; Eddie
Huse was given a draw with Frankie
Jones of San Francisco; Manuel Aze
t'edo floored . Jimmy Ritchie in the
second round and Kid Frenchie and
Jimmy Marshal fought a draw.
Mir Change Uniforms.
San Fiancisco, July 4. Chief John
son, of Vernon, may change uniforms
this week. Manager Stovall of the
Tigers has offered the Indian twirler
to Hen Berry and Acting Manager
Jerry Downs thinks the chief can win
for the loeala.
The acquisition of Pitcher Hovlih
and Catcher Moore, by Vernon, makes
(Continued a&g sis.)
Story of CScial GwarcEce
One of Foulest la Aser
ican History
Pitiful Scenes As Ncgrses at
, Risk of Lives Search for
Their Dead
East St. Louis. 111-. Julv 4. An un
identified white man was shot by ne
groes Bhortly before noon today. Thai
negroeB escaped. The man is not seri
ousily wounded, it ig gaid.
The body of a negro was discovered
by negroeg hanging to the Illinois Cen
tral trestle this morning. It is be
lieved he was hanged last night.
The situation is generally quiet.
though scattered fights are constantly
reported. Soldiers will continue to pa
trol tonight. Several negroes are still
in their homes and whites have threat
ened to burn them out tonight.
Charges were made today that toe au
thorities aro suppressing aetual fig
ures of the death toll of the eity ' S
hours of rac -war, which ended last
"Klit. -
. May tie zuu ueaa.
The generally accepted figures have
been 100 negroes dead- Predictions
were made freely today, however, that
the total would reach 130 or aoo.- -i na
authorities edmit finding only 30 bod
ies. A United Prese representative,
however, wag informed today , that 31
bodies were buried last night by- under
takers who declared they had receive
no bodies. . ... .
Photographers who gave out this in
formation refusod to allow the use of
their names. They fear mob engeanea
if it is known they assisted in burying
the dead. They were hired, to photo
graph the bodies before burial go rec
ords could be kept for inquiries from
relatives. . '
From the best information available
this morning, a United Press represen
tative who has been constantly n the
ground since the rioting sterted, is posi
tive of the finding of 6! bo.Koe. This
ia a tabulation of Domes Known ii
have been cared for in 'five undertak
ing establishments. ... ; . , ' . ' . , ,
Officials' Cowardly. . . ',
East St. Louis, 111., July 4 A. ghast
ly pall of political scandal cowardice,
labor outrage and inefficiency had set
tled down over the smouldering ruina
resulting from East St. Louis' race war
With Governor Lowden, ef Illinois,
personally in charge of more than 2,000
troops, an investigation was under way
to trace the blame for nearly two day
rioting, the loss of upwards of 100 live
and property damage which may b
more than 1,000,000. , '
Charges and counter charges wer
flying thick and 'fast. . .
The chamber of commerce nd civie
and labor organizations openly declare
the police and the first units of militia
made little or no attempt te curb the
mob. Soldiers fraternized freely with
the negro slayers, it is charged aud
smoked cigarettes furnished by mob
leaders while negroes were hanged be
fore their eyes. ' , .
Business men were also bitter in their
condemnation of Colonel Tripp and Gov
ernor Lowden for their failure to de
clare martial law. Had martial law
been declared, they say, the state and
city would have been jointly iibdhj.
it ia the eity is liable and, already
deep in debt, will be unable to meet it
Mob WM Organise.
t Snriirnted tndav that official
are working on the theory that I. W. W.
leaders, possibly incited by German
agents, had a nand m rgniuS .
plot. And, despite the observation or
eye witnesses, to whom the mob seem
ed to be working without organization
of centralized leadership, there is a
growing belief that the outbreak had
been planned lu auvanco a -
only a favorable incident, attoraea o.v
tho murder ot ucteenve reiKcBt
(Continued on Page Two.)
Weather clerk
(tlekr atinar,
mshe weather t
suit yourserf.