ft fc sc )Jc sc sfi )(c s(c sfc c sc )Jt fc sfc 3c jfc r FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES 44:4c 4c CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY VC 4c THIRTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 184 SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRACTS AMD HBW STANDS TT7B OBWT VV Lll 1 5V TT-l aVJL.il.lV.ii II rA. ISFS' W II el' e-F we I Mil II , J II I II II II II I I II II II 9111 TRANSYLVANIA IS BEING OVERRUN BY lilANi AllES - ? German Positions On 3,000 Yard Front and Half Mile Deep Captured FRENCH ALSO REPORT SOME DECISIVE GAINS Greece Expected to Enter War Soon Italians Say Aus trian Loss Is 450,000 Bucharest, Sept. 4. The whole Trnn nylvoiiiuii county of Hnromszek and the inhabited region of Sekeli have been occupied by Rumanian troops, it was officially announced today. In lively fighting on the northern and northwestern fronts the Rumauians oc cupied the region of Hnrzok Heights and territory west of the heights, taking 154 prisoners. Heavy attacks were made by the Ger mans ami Bulgnrinns on the whole Dob Tiidja frontier. The enemy was re pulsed south of Bazargie. Fighting con tinues on the rest of the Dobrudia border. The enemy bombarded the Rumanian towns of Islasz nud Calafatu. Enemv hydroplanes attacked Constanzn, wound ing several children and civilians. Weather Halts Offensive. Paris, Kept. 4. Bad weather has halt ed the new French offensive north of the Somme, it wag officially announced today. The French spent Inst night improv ing their newlv cantured unsitinna Tl.o Germans made no attempt to recapture posuious uiKeu by tne JrYencb yes terday. Fourteen guns are among the booty taken in yesterday's attack. On the northeenstern front of Verdun there was much, activity last night. OJrenade fighting occurred east and northwest nf Flenrv hut tka Prannli maintained the positions taken Sunday. four nunareci prisoners were tasen on this sector. - . The Germans made several attacks An tkA Vaiiy-PhniiitrA OActnr nn1 elrat of those positions but were everywhere cuecKeo. British Claim Big Gain. London, Sept. 4. German positions on a front of 3,000 vards were captured to a depth of half a mile in yesterday's fighting north of the Somme, General Hme reported this afternoon. The British at one time occupied all the village of Ginchv but later were forced to give ground. Despite enemy counter attacks they retain their hold on part of the village and on the strong ly fortified town of Guillemont, won at the beginning of yesterday's drive. A sweeping advance in ternhc fight ing Sunday gave the French a grip on the outskirts of Conibles and threatens the German hold on Peronne, one of tht objectives of the Somme offensive. Guillemont forest and Clery villages were captured in a forward drive by British and French troops on n front of nix and one-half miles. Combles is now tinder heavy attack from three sides. On the eastern front, the Russians after more than a fortnight of compar ative inactivity are smashing hard at the Austro-German lines in both east ern Galicia and in the Carpathians. Greece to Join Allies. Berlin, Sept. 4. Greece's entry into the war on the side of the allies, pos- - I.inn Sspp haa resigned at th' saw mill an' is tollerin' th' war news. Th' only way f entertain some folks is t' listen t' 'em. BIRTHPLACE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN GIVEN TO CODNTRY President Whon Receives Deed to Pro, 1y and Fund For Mail, vance PAYS GLOWING t Wi TO GRAND CHARACTER "Not Where He Was, But What He Was," Endeared Him to All Humanity By Robert J. Bender. (United Press staff correspondent.) Louisville, Ky., Sept. 4. On Board President Wilson's special train.) Aft er a dav and a night of ovations and demonstrations by crowds led by bauds that greeted the president's passage through everv citv and hamlet en route, Louisville today presented the climax of greetings when the presidential train steamed over the bridge and entered the stntioii here. Shrieking calliopes on big river excur sion boats wailed out "3lv uid ion tucky Home" and patriotic airs. Crowds gathered at every vantage point in the hope of seeing the chief executive.- in cheering at tne station developed into a deafening roar as the train finally came to a stop. It con tinued intermittently . as the special waited for an hour while three excursion trnin-s, bound for Hodgenville, got away loaded to the guards. Despite the uoise, the president did not rise until just before his train pull ed awnv from Louisville station, is Given Great Ovation. On board the special were Senutor John Sharp WiIlHims.. senator nvm lands and Robert Collier, vice-president of the Lincoln Farm association, who will take a leading part in presenting to the United States the old log cabin in which the great emancipator was bom. Joseph Folk, ex-governor of Mis souri, ono of the day's speakers, also was a member of the presidential party. Virginians, West Virginians and Ken tuekians have vied with each other in according the president an enthusiastic reception on his-first extended trip since his, renomination by the demo cratic party. The president Remained np late last night to shake hnnds with thousands who gathered about his private car at every station. He retired about 11 o'clock, however, being too tired tr respond to the call of a crowd of 5,000 who were headed by a brass band at Huntington, W. Va. - Two brass bands and several thousand persons awoke him with their music and cheering as the train passed through Ashland, Ky., at midnight. . Every hamlet and eity through which the train passed turned out en masse re gardless of the hour, during the entire trip here. The private car looked like a conservatory today when it pulled into Louisville with flowers, presented to Mrs. Wilson in every window. A Sacred Spot. Hodgenville, Ky., Sept. 4. Abraham Lincoln's birthplace here, a little hut now preserved and protected within a shrine ot stone today was added to the treasures ot the government of the United States. President Wilson re ceived the deed to the property, togeth er with an endowment fund of $100,000 for its maintenance from the Lincoln Farm association. Standing before the historic cabin, the president spoke of Lincoln as the embodiment ot tne va lidity and vitality of democracy. "This little hut," the president said, "was the cradle of one of the great est soiiss of man, a man of singular, de lightful, vital genius, who presently em erged upon the great stage of the na tion's history, gaunt, ungainly but dom inant and majestic, a natural ruler of men. " . Lincoln was not a typical American, the president said, because no man can be typical who is so unusual. "But," be added, "it was typical of American life that it should produce such men with supreme indifference ns to the manner in which it produced them." The president and Mrs. Wilsou ar rived here at 9:40 this morning.- En route to the Lincoln farm the party stopped at the court house square, where the president placed a wreath on Lincoln's statue there. Mrs. Wilson was presented with a beautiful bouquet by the school children of the village. The party leaves on its return trip to Washington at 2 o'clock, reaching the capital tomorrow afternoon. The President's Address. "No more significant memorial could have been presented to the nation than this. It expresses so much of what is singular and noteworthy in the his tory of the couutryj it suggests so many of the things that we prize most highly in our life and in our svstem of gov erument. How eloquent this little bouse I within this shrine is of the vigor of (Continued Pap Six.) LABOR DAY DEMONSTRATIONS Xm1 P". a,v fit ffiSKi " ( SCENES IN LfilBOS PHY PRfjROe A LABOR LEADERS SAY II MEANS YEAR OF PEACE Think Investigation Will Sifbw Men's Demands Are Rea sonable and Just By Carl D. Groat, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Sept. 4. A lingering year of warfare still clung to the rail road brotherhoods today. Though rea sonably confident the eight hour bill, now a low, means a year of peace on the rail lines, brotherhood men frank ly said there will be a strike if tho transportation chiefs ever try to re store the ten hour system. They thought the railronds may test the constitutionality of the measure which President Wilson signed yester day; but if the courts deem it uncon stitutional and then the lines try to revert to ten hours, the strike threat will bo renewed. The moro optimistic say the wage commission created by the eight hour law will find that the men's cause is just. In this event, they say the rail roads are seercely likely to overturn the law, constitutional or unconstitu tional. Further, the fact that the brotherhoods aro ready and willing to aid the lines in getting rate increases, if such are necessary, is regarded as a peace overture the railroads will not scorn. Only A. B. Cnrretson, W. 8. Carter and W. 8. Stone of the brotherhood heads remained here today. W. G. Lee, trainmen leader, returned to Cleveland last night. To the United Press ho said: "Passage of the eight hour bill will aid not only the organized but also the unorganized laborers of this country. It will show the latter what organiza tion can accomplish and it will be the beginning of a universal eight hour system." ' In view of the fact that some per sons have questioned the legality of a bill signed on Sunday, President Wilson will again sign the document tomorrow. Congress Perfects Bill. Washington, Sept. 4. The senate and bouse celebrated Labor Day by completing the workmen's compensa tion law affecting between 400,000 and 500,000 government employes. The president will sign the bill on his return to Washington tomorrow. The senate nnd house spent less than ten seconds agreeing to the conference report today Tn Inquire Into Cost. Washington, Sept. 4. Senator Reed today introduced a resolution directing the interstate commerce commission to investigate what increase cost, if any. will devolve upon the railroads through operation of the eight hour law for railroad employes. The resolution went over to tomorrow. IN MANY CITIES OF sjc $ $ dc $ $ a(c $ $ $ COMP ANTP M HERE TOMORROW MORNING Dunsmuir, California, 1:20 P. M.. Sept. 4, 1916. He Capital Journal, Salem Ore.; - Company M through Salem. sic 7:30 Tuesday morning, may be 4c late. . HOUSTON. )jc The above - received at 2:30 from Evan Houston, former re- 4c porter on the Capital Journal, ' v.- shows he has not forgotten his old propensities for a scoop and jc at the same time gives all 8a- 4c lem exactly th facts it most .41 4c wanted to know. - 4c . jc sc i(c sfc s(c sc b(c sc se ae sfc s( se ie ic c MURDERED HIS WIFE "TOSAVEHER PURITY" Murderer Is Caught But Leaps' From Tram and May Die From Injuries Chicago, Sept. 4. 'I killed her be cause I wanted to save her purity," was J. Maurice Tettit's explanation to polico toduy for the murder of his beautiful twenty year old bride of a month. Pettit was nrrested Saturday afternoon near Detroit, Michigan, and brought back here yesterday. Ho is now a closely guarded patient at the Bridewell hospital as a result of a des perate attempt to escape from a train en route here. He dived through a window of a coach near Michigan City, Indiana. The speed of the train caused him to strike the ground with terrific force and ho lay where he- fell until detectives eaine back and got him. "She still lives as you and I do," Pettit told the police. ' When 1 killed her I did it materially, not spiritually. ''Other men called at the flat and talked to her," said Pettit. 1 was jealous of her. I was .wrong' in that. She was always good and pure." Pettit was captured at a farmhouse near Detroit. A farmer recognized him from a newspaper photograph. When arrested he admitted he killed his wife, police say. Pettit's condition was still considered serious todav. He suffered two punc tures of the left lung from the ejids of broken ribs when he attempted to escape. Pettit was formerly a bunk teller at Cellar Rapids, Iewa. KID WWLLIAMS WINS. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 4. Bantam Champion Kil Williams of Baltimore, 1 won his ten round bout from Frankie Brown of New York here today. Wil lliams had a big margin in every round. OCCUR UNITED STATES In view of the trouble among the railroad men and among traction men in- New York, the biggest city in the country, and in other places, the Labor day demonstrations scheduled for this year assumed additional importance and interest. . Parades; were planned for mnny cities. Labor leaders deplore the tendency - to devote the day, the last holiday of the slimmer season, en tirely to outdoor sports nnd are en deavoring to educate the public to a recognition of the real and original meaning of the day. Labor day is now a legal holiday in all the fortv-eight states of the Union and in all of the territories. Tho holiday is now about thirty years old. Pictures show seeues in past Labor day parades in which men, women and children participated. Spectators frequently comment on the fact that Labor day parades show many traces of recent foreign origin. KILLING OF LAWYER Hysterical Woman Tells Con flicting Stories About His Being Shot by Robber New York, Sept. 4. Balked after a night of searching, police todav comb ed the Van Cortland Park district for two men who, it is claimed, stepped out of the brush by the side of a lonely road and shot and killed Dwight Ihi worth, a lawyer, as he sat in his automobile. -X t t The only story of the murder the police have is from the lips of Miss Mary McNiff, a stenographer, who was the companion of the murdered man. She was hysterical and incoherent when held by tho polico for examination earlv todav. First knowledge of the crime came to the police when Miss McNiff, breathless and excited ran to officers some distance away and told them Dil worth had been held up and shot by two highway men. Tho officers accompanied Miss Mc Niff to the scene of the murder and found the auto with its wheels cramped across the road and its headlight streaming over the field. Over the driving wheel hung the limp body of the man. (hi the hands of the lawyer were valuable rings and in his pocket was a wallet containing a considerable sum. At King's Bridge station house Miss NcNiff told a slightly different and more incoherent story than that she had told tho officers previously. Dilworth maintains a home in Mont clair, but his wife and family are now visiting in Knnsas City. Miss McNiff, the police learn, has been a client of Dilworth and has known him for some time. Two suspects have been held by the polico but Miss McNiff was unable to identify them and they were released. Six Met Violent Deaths. New York, Sept. 4. As police and detectives continued their search today for the murderers of Dwight Dilworth, the alaying of the well to do lawyer on (Continued on Paita Eight.) 4c4c4c4c4c THE WEATHER 4c4c4c4c4c This being La bor day, the weather clerk isn't working and teasing the rain clouds. fo W IS A, IS OF RED HOT BATTLE OF GIVEAND ME White Put Up Game Fight and Proved Himself Welsh's Equal EACH OF TWENTY ROUNDS WAS HOTLY CONTESTED But Welsh Gets the Decision By Very Narrowest of Margins Colorado Springs, Colo.,, Sept. 4. Freddie Welsh retained his lightweight championship when ho was given the decision by Keteree Billy Hoc hp at the end of the twentieth round of his fight with Charley White of Chicago here this afternoon. The decision threw the crowd into an uproar. Hundreds of cushions were hurled at Referee Roche as ho stood in the middle of tho ring. Cries of "robber", came from all parts of the arena. Newspapermen received the bulk of the fans' ammunitiou. Stadium, Colorado Springs, Colo., Sept. 4. With a blazing sun giving the lie to the town's low temperature boast, hundreds of fans began scrambling for choice seats in the three dollar sections long before the time for Freddie Welsh and Charley White to begin their 20 round buttle for the lightweight cham pionship of the world. When the three dollar seats were put ou sale, 3,500 were grabbed in short or der, and the more rabid bugs immedi ately entered the arena and camped on the better observation points, Colorado .Springs' own band traiied,ftito he big pavilion at 1 p. m. playing the strains of "Knockout Drops." It was reported the band master is a Welshman.. In the third round of the prelimin ary bout Murphy sent Donnelly down for the count. While the fans-were waiting the start of the main event, challenges to the winner were received from Joe Kiv ers and Willie Ritchie. Ritchie's chal lenge bore the offer of a $10,000 side bet. The crowd cheered ititchie 's name. The announcement of a challenge from Ad Wolgnst brought cheers. At 3:30 p. m. Pommery Bob Vernon, Welsh's time keeper, and Johnny Ken- ney, of Denver, White's time keeper, were introduced. Billy Keiity, of Colo rado Springs, the official time keep er, followed them into the ring. When the news of Johnny Kilbane's knockout victory over George Chancy was aauounced the crowd emitted a rousing cheer. At 3:40 p. m. preceded by his man ager, Nate Lewis, and followed by a corps of seconds, Charley White made his appearance. The crowd rose for a minute ana gave nun a rousing oncer. The White party was closely followed by Freddie Welsh and his party of ring assistants. White won tho toss for choice of cor ners and chose the west corner with the sun at his back. A moment luter Johnny Dundee was introduced as a challenger of tho win ner. Both men appeared cool and confi dent while the gloves were being don ned. At 3:r5 p. ni. Billy Roche, of New York, was introduced as referee. At 3:5S p. m. the men were called to the center of the ring to receive their Instructions. The ring was cleared for action. At exactly 4 p. m. the bell rang. Fight by Rounds Bound 1 Welsh Winded the ..first blow of the contest, a left to the face. The men clinched and wrestled around. White jabbed a left to the face. An other clinch and a wrestling match. Welsh put a right hook over the kid neys. White tried to hook to the head but landed high. Another clinch followed. Both men held on. After the break Welsh jabbed left to face. Welsh was tho aggressor. Ho put a left to the face and then ducked into a clinch. Freddie landed two rights to body and a right over kidneys. . The men woro in a clinch at the bell. The round was a series of clinches with no damage done on either side. Round even. Round 2 The men exchanged taps with lefts. White's scab on nose was scraped off by a left jab, and started bleeding. Wolsh ducked into a clinch. Welsh pounded kidney with right. They clinched in a corner, and White put a right uppercut to chin then left and right to head. Welsh stuck to the clinch; pounding kidneys with right. Wey broke and clinched almost imme diately. Round even. . Bound 3 Welsh ran to meet White and sent in left to face. Welsh ducked into a clinch and continued to pound kidney with right. White tried his fa mous "left hook for jaw but it was too high. Again Welsh rushed Into clinch and put right to kidney. White swung right and left to body on the break. In another clinch Welsh continued (Continued on Fag Fire.) WELSH ZEPPELINS RAID , T DOWN J8 KILLED English Shell Hits Big Airship . Which Falls More : Than Mile 'i CROWDS ON HOUSE TOPS : SEE SPECTACULAR FIGHT Bodies of 18 Germans First to Die On English Soil Buried Today 4c4e4t 4c THEY OVERLOOKED ONE 4c - 4f - 4e London, Sept. 4. All the Zeppelins participating in the 4c. 4c Sunday morning raid on Lon- 4c 4c don returned, undamaged, said 4c' 4c an official statement issued by 4c the Gorman -admiralty this aft- 4c 4 ernoon, despite the fact that one 4c 4c of the dirigibles was shot down 4c 4c near London. . 4c 4c The press burenu, in comment- 4c 4 ing on this statement said that 4c 4c not only was one Zepcplin ue- 4c 4c stroyed, but there is good reason 4c 4c to believo that another was 4c very Beriously damaged." 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c 4i 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c By Hal O'Flaherty. (United Press staff correspondent.) London, Sept. 4. Eighteen charred and crushed corpses, the bodies of tha German Zeppelin sailors who cams crashing to earth from a mile abov London in Sunday morning's ; reat raid were burled near Cuffley today : They were the first Germans to die in action on English soil since the war began. One of them wore on irom cross. ',' . Experts attached to the royal flying corps today continued to . dig in th ruins of the destroyed Zeppelin for bitt of machinery that will assist them in reconstructing a dirigible. . ' Much of the machinery was found only slightly damaged. The Zeppelin clock was practically as good as new. It had stopped at 8:10, the hour whett an English shell went bursting through ; the great bag. . . ' '- Thousands of Londoners continued to pour out to Cuffley today to see the pile) of debris they had watched tumble front the sky Sunday morning. The streets and housetops were) crowded while the raid was in progress. General French's official report at midnight that a raid wns in progress, called out the London constabulary and within a few mlnntcs word that a great fleet oJ airships had invaded England had spread throughout the city. It was 2 a. m. before the Londom crowds got their first thrill. A single anti-aircraft gun suddenly boomed, somewhere, announcing the arrival of s Zeppelin. Tho booming became epi demic, spreading all over London. Sharp explosions, evidently of bombs hurled down by the Zeppelins, were heard fa in the distance. A Thrilling Scene. It was an ideal night for raiding purposes, black with but with few stars. The searchlights cut across the black ness like loag white fingors until one of them picked up a tiny cigar shaped object far off in the heavens. The booming now became incessant. A whole handful of searchlight fingera focused on the Zeppelin which swung firBt one way and then another in vain efforts to escape the glare. Shrapnel burst star-Jike above and below the raid er. It was like a great display of fire works. Suddenly tho airship lurched ami pointed its nose skyward. Appar ently she was trying to mount into tht clouds. She trembled a moment in mid air, then returned to her horizontal po sition and while the crowds watched breathlessly suddenly vanishod from sight. The searchlights flashed sharply BAckincr to re locate her. Their shafts fell against a cloud behind which it seemed the Zeppelin might have taken refuge. But while every eye was glued on this cloud bank, there was a burst of flame several hundred feet lower! a flame that reddened half northern London. Tho burning mass seemed to hang suspended in the air for fully two sections. Then it gradually sank from sight. The cheers that went up from tht) London streets and house tops combined in a great roar and out did the yells of all the worlds series baseball crowd that ever cssemblcd. Women withi coats thrown over their nightgowns, barefooted men, some of them wearing; only their pajamas, waved their arma and yelled. , The booming of anti-aircraft guns be came less frequent and then died out altogether. The driver of a street sweeper yelled "Get up" to his horse and his broom recommenced revolving. London yawned aod went back, to bed, - LONDON ONESHO