Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 26, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1915.
Social and Personal
fl'Pepita Woolen Develops a j
smart momsag rruui
jfi Jlejlt cHt bcfjiiiMiiifr preparations for their cafe
The Capitol Journal is al-
ways glad to print social news sje
?te from outside of Salem, and will
appreciate anything of this
kind Bent iu over the telephone
or by mail. In sending in news
the writer's name should al-
way be signed, not for pullica-
tion, but as a guarautco that
4c the matter is reliable. Wo do
not print anything sent in un-
lees we know the author of it.
$ tcria at the stato fair
l ...
j Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Brown re
turned Monday evening from a motor
trip to Orcnco, where they hail teen
entertained since Haturduy as guests of
tho T. 1'. (iooilins. Mr." Goodiu is a
brother of It. li. Ooodin, of Salem.
PREl'AKATIONS ure well under
way in the various schools for the
commemoration of Memorial duy.
Appropriate suuirs, readings and in
strumental number:) by the pupils will
supplement the patriotic speeches by
Iho members of the CI. A. If., whose as
signment to the vurious schools was
announced in yesterday's Journal. The
Indies of tho Woman's Helict' Corps
will also form groups of five ur more
attending the different exercises aud
assisting with brki speeches aud ad
dresses. Those who visit Willamette
university will meet at that place at
30 o'clock Friday morning, the high,
public schools and Sue red Heart acad
emy to bo visited at 2 o'clock in the
afternoon. The assignments have been
made us follows:
Willamette I ni voisity Mrs. Kie.ella
llntc, lectured-; Mrs. A. K. Watson,
-Mrs. Mury ilowd and Mrs. li. t llalley.
Jligh School Mr.;. C. M. I.ocltwood,
Mrs. A. L. Clearwater and Mrs. Clara
Clarfield Hchool Mrs. A, h. Schmalle,
Mrs. Fred Bynon, Mrs. II. West, Mrs.
Tho Oregon State Grand Chapter of
tho 1'. K. (J. .Sisterhood opened yester
day in Forest tirove and will continue
today and tomorrow. Mrs. Klla 8. Her
man, past stato president, and Mrs.
Adda K. ilolbrook, first state vice -president,
members of Chapter C, 1'ort
land, aro attending the convention in
an official capacity. A number of the
members will bo in Forest liruvo for
part or all of tho meetings. Mrs. Carrie
li. lieaumont, of Portland, is official
pianist, appearing as soloist and accompanist!.
Mrs. Koliert Knkin left todav
Portland to bo gone several days.
Miss Hazel Stephenson and Miss Fern
Stoehel, of Sterling, Illinois, who have
been visiting friends and relatives here,
left Monday night for Sun Francisco,
whero they will do the exposition be
fore returning to their homes.
liev, and Mrs. (icorgc Schunko are
among Salem people attending the ex
position, going down the first of the
Eh' i4,' t i
't it" "Vi, f tti
smermmmi frock
Very chit! and smart is this little
morning frock built of checked pepitu
woolen in black and whi'e. The skirt
is plaited and is trimmed with tabs
Alvin Miclile.juhn, a graduate of Wal
la Walla college, who is to leave toinur
row for I.odi, (.'al.. to take rost-irrnd- upon either side, studded with buttons,
ante work at Pacific. Union college, and j The bodice is made with a yoke. Tabs
whii has been head instructor in local: un the shoulders, collar nnd cuffs of
private school conducted by the Ad-; white silk. The cirdle is of black lib-
William Lichel, Mis. Fisher und -Mrs.! ventists, was honor guest at a surprise : ertv. as is also the smart bow at the
Stewart, entertainment given at the Hath home, I collar.
Washington School (Fast) Mrs. F.jon Center, last night. Mr. M ickeljohu j
U. Houthwicli, Mrs. A. IS, Hotson, Mrs. has made ninny friends since coming! $;($:4cc:4:':$$$9'!cj&
Nuima Loffitigwell nnd .Mrs. Mary here, both among niembers of the eon-j j,
Fnglewood School Mrs. Charles
Ppencer, Mis. Lizzie Smith, .Mrs. liuttie
Kkeltou anil Mrs. Altu Nnyd-T.
(irant School Mrs. C. (). Matlock,
Mrs. Henry Schott, .Mrs. Klfio Wright
I'nruh, Mrs. T. C. Davies and Mrs.
Highland School Mrs. T. I.. Pope,
Mrs. .1. V. Pratt, .Mrs. .Newman, Mrs.
Jj. P. Bennett and .Mrs. Ida llnbcuck.
Yew Park Sciioul -Mrs. Mnybelle
Smith, Mrs. Ackrmau ami Mrs, i.u.iis
Kichmniid School Mrs. T. Uemiiigton
Mrs. II. 1j. Biigas nnd Mrs. Jlary toll-ricli.
West Kuli'in School Mcsdaiiies lioss,
White, Cad" and Bout t ier.
Indian School Mrs. KU.nbcth. T
gregatiou anil outside of church circles,
(nests last night were: Mr. and Mrs.
A. timber, Mr. and Mrs. A. Harrington,
.Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Peterson, .Mr. ami
Mrs. Charles Koelsche, Mrs. P. F.lsncr,
Mrs. K. 0. Parks, .Mrs. Mary Mitchell,
Mrs. Hello Schriber, Misses Miskel
Hath, l-lilna limber, Adeline nnd Finn
Klsner, Flossie Pollen, Vera Thurston,
Kthcl Kelley, Pniinio Shaffer, Alberta
Harrington, Maude Stil'iler and Cam
eron, und Messrs. Chester Horner,
M.urtin Kice, Kudoiph I'ollen, Walde
mar Klsner, Fzra oyer and (ioorge Mur
doch. ...
Tho W. K. C. nnd (!. A. It. presented
Mrs. Ida Halicock, tho first department
president of Oregon, a beautiful gold
badge at a recent meeting in Moose
I hall, tho formal presentut ion beiiiL'
I Jc sfc ?fc jc fc ?fc jc sc sfc r)c )c sjc
I Kmil T.ow, of Silverton, was in the
i city Tuesday.
A. L. Wilbur, of Albany, was in the
city yesterday,
Fred Kvans was in the city yesterday
from W'acoada.
C. A. Keeiiey, of Newberg, is here on
business today.
Mrs. John Cooper is in the city today
from Independence.
C. 1). linbcock returned today from a
business trip to Portland.
Mrs. Sarah Uathbiirn left yesterday
afternoon for O'Neill, Neb.
Solomon Durbiii is home from an ex-
Directors Discuss Need of a
Competent Man to Take
Charge of Janitor Work
Professors Ha!!, Stauifer, and
He!en Milk Semi Elected
for Next Year
l n.,i.
n-u. u - u.' I..' .. ". "u,."y Mn- llutl'0 tameron, past tended visit in southern California,
. r 7i u, V. . : i i,-... ' 'Vpn5v!,.,BI,t u,'""""f Oregon, with (;,,,.,,,. ,;. L, Snv.ier returned today
,: ,:' I1"' ""IU1VM,K w"r": Jtubroi-k,; from a two davs' business trip to Port-
1 nonipsoii. u ,. ,,,,, M. ,.,.., ,
I.lllciilll Si-lool Mrs. .In III S llipp, ' luivk to liinnin-v 'N 1SS1 ., In'tl'.. . it . -v. 1-
Mrs. Alien Caldwell, Mrs. .1. I.. Il,-I. : J , V uSlhn t T ,u M-"'?"' !r.,,a Nor,hl'rn hTC
Mrs. W. M. IllodgetV, Mrs. Skiles, M rsl ; . '. ' ' r ' ' l '1',,,1.! 011 ""
A. I. Ilinniiis Mis l-:iinh,.lli Hull,,,-1; :.: ,i , .. " '"'Miw,
M ' . m , i, ''"" i"" c.i io nun respousiiutity of n
, mun ,MM .win. j.-i,,.,,,,. ' 1 1 1 I III lltlrin III
Sucre ' I.,;;,; Acadeiuy
fiiover, Mn. W. II. Hear
llnrvv Smith. Nfi thci-n Pacific trnv-
itrinlli, f I "ini I, i ''i I i II...I ,1.,.!
I', ,,,,,1.1 n- ' , . H '"" iciiiig passenger agent, ui loriiuim, is
hs W i I''"''? ,"'l's- l"-"visioaal de- l,0r." todav.
Alls. v . 1 1. ui,,, in,, lit n i,. ... ii... ,, . ,', . . ... . .. . .... t. w
Asset.. Mrs. K. K. Heiiiiison. Mrs. Wil- - : a ..7..' .' ' ' .... I . '': ' neiwg, lineman 01 me r,
tin,,, si,,.-. r,,l i,.u ,,,..i.,,- i .' " u"lMMMlt'- i -. l(v i s iu Eugene today on com-
linui Sh,t aii.lMis. .uicoi. wax known of the grand work a few I ,, Uwinv.
,'!"-Vi',1 w"""'" w,,'' struggling to biiug: Mrs. Floicnce Spencer and Mrs. I.iz
A ideasa:,t surprise wus nc-iisioned to (lie front. Not, a slum, has been loll I zi,. Smith are attending a W. li C.
wlicii friends of Carl Krel'l called at j iinluiucd in the work of its upbuilding-, ! meeting at Independence todav.
his home on North Scvent it Ii .street (a society which looks to and cares fori .1 Rosenborg, storekeeper for the
lust night, iu I ir of his birthday. In-; the dear old comrade and his dependent p j-' i- y (v c0 is in Eugene today
formal pastimes filled the hours, the jones; ;a w.i,.ty tit teaches pat riotism ! on his montliiv tour of inspection. "
nierryniiiking ouclu,ing with a repast j ami love ol country; u society of which f (! lt 'superintendent of the log-
r....... ,., b"--.'. " . ... .. .. . i- ... ........ .. un, ui ers. iii ine i mi- gmg department of the Spnuldiug Log
lows: Misses Mild nmi Alexander, rre.la.cd Suites there are 111,171 members. ' gin,. Co, is in Hlnck Rock ti.luv.
Albers, Clara W.-ildorl, Neva Smith, W hen you look up the work iu Oregon : ra II,, ,, Smith nnd Mrs. M. tavloi
Hurn'.hy Vincent, May Christy, Helen ; there were only ;tl meiubers mid three ; left vestenlav for St. Louis, Mo., Mrs
The JtcKinlcy school building con
tract having been disposed of and work
in progress upon the second chimney
for the high school, which latter, ac
cording to the report of the building
committee, is being constructed "ac
cording to specif ictitions," one of the
most importnnt ami delicate prob
lems with which the Salem school board
is now confronted is the janitorship
question as applied to the public school
system of the city.
" While no definite plan of action has
as yet been outlined it is quite prob
ably that there will be a thorough re
organization of the janitor system of
tho schools. It is not improbable that
a head or chief janitor, a man who is
qualified to take complete charge of
all of the schools of the city and look
after every detail of the work, will bo
decided upon by the board in the near
The question enme up at the last
regular meeting, Monday night, nnd
was discussed from every angle nnd it
seemed to be the concensus of opinion
of the board that it would be an uc
of economy and relieve the city super
intendent, the principals and the
members of the board from a grcnt deal
of worry and unnecessary attention to
the little detnils of the work to em
ploy a competent man to oversee the
work of all of the schools. It was re
ported that, while seme of the present
janitors are doing good and conscien
tious work, there are others who mere
ly perform their duties in a careless
and perfunctory manner and it will be
the policy of the board to employ only
such in the position of janitor who will
devote their time and energy, nnd take
a personal pride, in keeping up the re
pairs at the schools and tho buildings
and their surroundings in a cleanly and
sightly manner.
Although it- was announced that
there was a multiplicity of applicants
for all positions and that one or more
persons were in view- who aro compe
tent to act as head janitor, no names
were mentioned in particular except in
the nature of a general review of the
respective qualifications of the present
staff of janitors nml it wns the sense
of tho board that the duty and responsi
bility of selecting and cinplovini: the
janitor for the new MrKinloy school,
and such others as lire deemed neces
sary, should dovolVe upon City Super
intendent Klliott.
Superintendent Klliott announced at
Monday night's meeting that the city
armory had been engaged for the pur
pose of holding tho High school com
mencement exercises, on the evening
of Juno 11, and President Riley, of
MeMiunvillo oolite has accepted the
invitation to deliver the address to the
class of lOU pupils who will graduate
from the senior high this year.
Bills against the district to the aggre
gate amount of ,u'70.87 were audited
and ordered paid by Secretury Burg
hardt. Fate of Five Murderers
Hangs in the Balance
$3.50 to $5.00 Shoes
If you have never worn our shoes you have
missed a lot of comfort and satisfaction.
Wear a pair and see for yourself. We make
strong claims for Queen Quality shoes became
we know they will bear out all we say of them.
Many women are learning that we have more to
offer them for the money than any other dealer.
If you are still to be convinced come and see
us. Wear a pair and you will be happier.
A.. A. Grabcr, Manager Shoe Dept.
Crown Princess Asks Hus
band to Return to the War
Ur. I Phoenix. Any M,,v Oil I. ,, r.,,,lf
Starr. Inllie .liicpiet Dmuthy I lioiiip-; corps. I odny, ex ling over the benii-. Tavlor will return after a short visit, of tremendous pressure) brought to tienr
sou, Margaret llehel, Mors (ileii I'ow- tilul slnto of Oregon, there nr lilii7 I il. ,1. tioarv, general passenger agent' a the slate boaid of pardons, it will
!?" .r""';, ''l"",' ''hity, '"ea'l'ers and Id corps. HedgwicU has ,. H,.k 'MiuhI railway, with head-. hold speciul meeting tomorrow to eon-
, V-V, , ' i . , A,"",' 111 ttooti Kiiiiniing. i oiiin-toi-s in I'ortlaad, is in the eitv to-
lowers, einoii Ment.er. Paul Holes, 1 1 1 mm t ho honor ol one department sec-' day
wewey rioosi, hay i.uter, ,uiv urnell reiary, tw0 department treasurer,! nu.li I' l tr,,.v f i.,cr.,.u., : ; Sn.
i three depurliiient presidents, of which 1 !,.,' liusines's und to niallu a short
.Mm were the first. Wu are uroinl i,, ,. ;u. I,;- ;..... M,. Aii,-i,.l, ,!.,,
Mrs. ( hu,le A. I'ark wus honored at ' l'now Sedgwick Woman's Kelief t'orps has been ill with tonsilitis.
a idiarining ten wivcii nt the home ol'j 1 ''" the first department presi-! Mrs. l.'runlt Jenkins went to Salem
Mrs. Hobeit Kakiu yi sleidiiv ul'ternn in , '" bring In you a little mo- todav to visit her parents, Mr. nnd
by the luembeis of her liible class, 'nentnm of K, molded into a jewel of i Mis, J. ". Woodruff. She will return
which hus been cundueted during the "'""'h every true W. I!. ('. wiiinun is in u few weeks. Kugeue Register,
winter. I u upprccuition of Mis. 1'nrks ' , I'f'.'iid to wear. Vou ihoiild have had W, I', Powers, of Salem, traveling
work, sho wax presented an attia.-tive " "K ,(,"tJ "H", but being un oversight, - freight nnd passenger agent for the
gift, Mrs. (icoiue II, Alden making llu-1 ",1,v t0 'aind the older wo grow ! Oregon l-ileetrie, returned todav from
reeulutiou speech. During the 1 1 . t J J1 0 eloser we are cemented together. 1 an inspection tour of the Forest tirove
wruoou Miss M in gm t llodge delighted 1 " '"" Ihibcoi k, our sister und division,
with vocal solos, Mis.t Alice .Indd with : coworker, Sedgwick I'ost No, HI audi o .
i: , , , .. , S., ..vviel. W..II..I' , ' . .. i I
ii-nuiiiKB ami miss huiu iceier gave . ' '. . i,i.n i, iiko - . ,,
instrumental selections. pleasure in presenting to you t Ii'ih little' iint I .VPPK Klin IVllIflnU
and Curl Krelt.
Three of the new professors for Wil
lamette university next year have been
decided upon, they are Prof. John O.
Hall, l'h. 1)., of Columbia university;
l'rof, Robert E. Stauffer, A. M., of
West Virginia Wesleyan; Helen Miller
Senn, A. B. and B. O., of Boston Col
lege of Expresison. TIiobo three have
been definitely decided upon and will
come here; sometime this summer to be
here for the opening of the school next
September. All come with the highest
recommendations and scholastic stand
ing. I'rofcssor Hull received his doctor's
degree at the University of Columbia
where he finished four years -of gradu
ate work. While at Columbia Prof. Hall
did personal work under the noted pro-
tessors, Seligman, bidding, Deviue and
Brnnder Matthews.
Professor Hall will have charge of the
department of sociology and social
science iu general. His courses for next
year will include one of compiling sta
tistics. l'rof. Robert Stauffer, who will have
charge of thc'Knglish literaluro depart
ment, is nt present en the faculty of
President Honey at West Virginia Wes
leyan. President Doney states that he
is a strong man in l-inglish literature
and that he will fill well tho position.
He hus taken degrees in Mount Union
college, Harvard university, and Uni
versity of Chicago. Just whut courses
he will offer is not known.
Helen Miller Senn, who is to take
charge of the department of public
speaking and debate is from Portlaad.
She has taken degrees in tho University
of Michigan, National Conservatory of
Dramatic Art aad Oratory, Boston t al
lege of expression. She litis been tho
head of a public speaking department
in an eastern college for several years
and has had unusually good fortune
with the studctits which she couched in
inter-collegiate debate and oratory.
Among her courses for next year will
be courses in Elementary work on voice,
body and mind, and their psycliiological
relutions, oratory and great orators, de
bute und extemporary speaking.
She will have direct charge of the
coaching of the debate teams and the
orators who will represent Willamette
in the inter-collegiate contests.
The remainder of the faculty for the
coming year is not as yet deciJcd upon.
Too Many War Notes
Says Uncle Joe Cannon
San Francisco. March 2d. "We have
been sending too funny notes to tier
many. So many that I've lost track
of them," said Uncle Joe" Cannon,
fii nier speaker of the national house of
representatives today as he cinno down
the gangplank of the Matson liner Wil
helininu, jusi iu from tho Hawaiian isl
ands " In fact," he continued. "I've even
ipiit rending the war news. The dreamy,
asy lite ot Hawaii interested me al Berlin, May 20. Crown Princess Co
rreal deal more than Kuropo'n troubles, eile, who recently gave birth to a
1 had such a good time that 1 didn 't 1,:18 IWU tated that while he wus lend
even read the president's lmsitaniu j fur ,inK ,oySi lm8 ,urtlM.r endeared
note to tiermaiiy. 1 haven t got nuv-1 horcl to the (Ionium people by en
tiling moiu to say and t -euro ' i treatinir that her husband leave hoi
and rrtiiui to the front. When the
crown princess gave birth to the ehii
war- V if
i S Vy.
wen t say it." And Uncle Joe gave
Ins stogie ti belligerent tile and walked
token of their love mid esteem.
Mrs, William Fleming, of Brooklyn,
Now York, is the Kuest at her dau'gh-j "wing to various i. her attractions
ler Homo, .Mis. lioorge ,1. Watson, ot v "iy a u small au.liencej
But Mt. Lassen Is Quiet
Redding, Cub, May 2(1. With Hat
haul , Two! ,h sl reel. The bt.lo grand- '' ' Bates wife of the I k ,', , nMy ,.,.
. Hughler which has .just arrived nt the U r .r. p h . 1 u es, n tho, witll . out ,,i.n. iK of Mount l.assen,
Wat,., home has been named Mar-1 ' ' ,h,. 'h. delivered the ,),,, ,.,,. ,.,.,,, to,,HV
garet Kbabeth. Mis. eiuiiig wi l re- " " 'enure mat Mr, Itutes had mvon ! ti, . . , i . i i .
m.in until September. Kar i July ! M. Those present ; ,, "?'r ll it I ll" m .VfiV "t V: wJl."..!- V
eseui ,, U .:ii ...... i: ,....i. ...
. ... i, , ,n p. , ti u ,i , , , i ei ii -t ei-ii ,ie i I
I drink.
K.,,.1. iv ii,.. i Hales nonear HLf nn.lei- il... ,,..; ..el ineanminin oi uie valley remain III
jinu . it. i. .Mrs. I,ii Moine R, Clark
she will be joined by her daughter, Miss "r "", K''''ater part, members of
J(uo hlenilug, und
reiuiive, jotiii;," r"'or orgain.at ions, .Mis
niako up a party alteii.linu thu I'aaauiu
J'ncifie. exposition Inter.
nr that l.ussen niav break forth uirnin.
proceeded the lec'turn with wli iMt li n.' ! ,,ut T' Kvornm.nt f'ri(try
solos, nccimipanied by Miss IMith Hem" "',vil'1' luul scientists are now turning
Mrs. Klw.ird Harvey nnd Miss Boat- 1 I.'"1""' . y"'Hl solos were I .. "... "' " ' ' "
-.I..- M..iii.i.. i,; ...i 'K "y -Miss I uex Hen son. nccom. ' i.'.'.ion no., viuiey nun inns.-
vanm, arrived todav I ,o,n Sun r ! '"T"1 WH"' "''"'on. The,'.''" -l"rvations, Thomas H.
..e,,: where, hey I.i. ,, atteading "".l ! "f. "-! 1 .Tirjr Z !" 'lT
opinion that the mud
idly improve the soil
lis is in contiadiction
hit. I lie 1 i .... ,' , r . ......... ... . ., ,
mmlo the entiie Hip lioni Ncv Vorki , ., ",v " "". """ 10 l""lil' , "," ',' 111 V" "nv,'r v""'-v
riiv In Sin I'ninei i.v it.., ' ' ' oMciusiou of uie lecture an inuo is suuiiow uioi seme
tfip revering IT .lavs. ' Thev 'weie ;"' ""'"!!" liUl 1' i'" oeenrred, ; there
among the lirsl o saii from New York ! 1 V? M!H' UaU' "'''I'l"'1' '"' troal , '"l"'fted.
,h0 '' r -".via visitors to l-:a'!,d1'1!e;n,:::u'"KV!" SI A v iol
the Panama Pacific exposition, and will ! 'mi Ihioiighoat, interest never ,u,. i er .he entire valley
remain for the iver house guest of ' "ffl,,r "" ",!U' I ' "-v ''"M h
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Uiuiev, at their on: . ""'''"'I. and a part of I ''''l""t ould greatly
eountrv place across the i, cr. Thev I A""'1"'11 '""""V brought ngaiu to 'or next year. I his i
sider the cases of five murderers soiled
tiled to be hanged in the state prison nt
Florence on Bhu-k l-'ridav, May 28.
The fate of the five will bo finally
decided at this iinunentoiis session on
the eve of the death day. The pardon
board is composed of three members,
the state attorney general, the superin
tendent of pul, li,. instruction and a
private citizen. , has the power of
life aad death over tho cundenined five
at this time.
Citizen Member Trott and Superin
tendent of Public Instruction Case are
said to be wavcting and inclined to
grant another repii(.v. The attorney
general, however, stands firm for the
The house eveeiitivo committee mem
orilizing th,. ,lu, ,int th(, im,n ,p 1P.
lirieved. whiclrn lirnnrml bv Iho i nr.
dons board at its lust regular meeting,
was offset to.) ny by a memorial from
the state senate iMumending the board
for its refusal to yield to the plead
ings of the mercifully inclined. The
public is sharply divided on the propo
sition. Meniiivl, ;., tho gallows has
been prepared ur.d tho five murdeiers
placed in the condemned cells. Still
they have hope und ure seeing froipiont
report in theii l.mlf. Nine other
men condemned t lttnB llt).r rtf in
the rlorcnce pii-.oii.
Arizona Legislative
Deadlock Is Broken
British Prize Court
to Convene June 7
the crown prince hurried from he bat
tle front. Now the crown nrinccss in
sists that ho return to fight for t
fiahoi'lnnd. Ho likely wa leave foi
ll;e front ia ti few days.
huso of his activity in the Ulster
troubles. All expressed regret that Jehu
I'lush tho Kidneys at Once Wten Back
achy or Bladder Bothers Meat
Torms Uric Acid,
No man or woman who eati mtti
regularly can make a mistake bv flaih-
iug mo KiiiiicyB occntionnllr, Mri a
well-known autliurity. -Mont forms' uric
noid which clogs tho kidney pore! to
they sluggishly filter or strain only
part of the waste, and poiwns from the
blood, then you get nick. Xi-arlv all
rheumatism, lieiulachos, liver trouble,
norvousness, coimtiiation, dizziness!
sleeph'bsness, bladder disorders tome
from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull aehe it
the kidneys or your baek hurts, or if
the urine is cloudy, offensive, fulls
sediment, irroeiilur of iwmire. orst-
leaded by a sensation of sraldinj, ft K
about four ounces ol M Unlit, mm
any reliable pharmacy und take a taWe
spoonful in a Rhus of wutet Wore
breakfast for a few days m join VW
neys will then act flic. Tins fumum
sails is niiiilo fioni the acid ti K'nf"
and lemon juice, comMnei ith litbi
and has been used for generation! t
flush clogged kidneys and stint!
them to activity, also to ncutralia
ucids in urine so it no longer ci
irritation, thus ending bladder lit
Jad Suits is inexpensive nnd cam
in hire; makes a delightful ctlfrvesr ..
lit liia water drink which all rffilu
meat enters should take now and tin
to keep the kidneys clean and th
blood pure, thereby avoiding srnut
kidney complication!.
Three Persons Roasted
Li Gas-Filled House
MilwauW. vITm.i.v 2.-
Iicel.,,,1 .1 eroiicr todnv are t rjiar
, deterioiiie whether th,i 'h
,,,, found itod l '
eiis-fil id houe wns the result ot
rh'suhi'le puctordenMel"-
Wnsbiacton, Mnv -ll. The eases in
volving American cargoes of meat de-; Hedmond, nationalist leader, had rel'ns-
tHiniil in
in prize court June i, the state depart
nient was iiitoruied bv Anibassndor i l.loyil-rl mrge to tun post ot minisier ; a win ' , j,j
I'll,... t,..l,,v U .1,'.. .1.,!.,..,;., iiinitw,i,a t,. ',,! ICiti'lieiici- in I he i ll ill Wl to. II Md .MIS.I"'"""
these vuluuble cargoes that has cnuscil
in Hrit.ish ports are to be tried ; '1 to accept a portfolio. Some papers I suicide. . Inni.lor. "
' court June 7, the state depart- criticised the action of shifting I'avid 'I ho dead 1,1 f1. .,.-,,;' A hneider, 51;
t... i...,. . ..... .i n .. !i... r ..i.m.u ,r i.i .uiri' ic ."i"
i lie num. lustration ine greatest concern
during the past week and which threat
ened to cause another note of protest
to ne sent, to i.ugiancl.
iti. in ii .i 1 1 iui.s iu ui.l jiu.nemi in .... - , .-
!-r:.. I. : .1 I. ,llier of .v rs. .sctua'unr.
Mav Srt. The dead
riioenix. A
ot thei'ocK in llo ntate Igisliiture' over the
recover, Means ":""Kl" the uenral appropriation
The Still I ti Circle of the Ladies' Aid
MMjiety of the Kiist ( hiistiua church
met this ii I'l ci ii nun nt the home of Mrs
W. A. iViniv, 17Ci Sooth Coiuiiii'rcial
tdroct. Tho woiuen of this church nrc
Toaclior . Reader
Interpreter of The Drama
Classes in Klocutiou and Inter,
pretiition. .Public Speaking,
lliblu b'en.rrTi'g, In anilities.
607 N. Liberty. Thoue ainu-W
i yiiiiinnii, vui wiio ns N niemlier oil
a Califn.niii supply coinpunv and tiny-'
cling in the interest of which he hap
pens to be iu Salem, to rise, Mrs, Hates I
then exphiTning that Mr. Whitney, who I
is now iienrly (IU, was the "hid" in
Captain Webster's battery, First Wis
consin artillery, iu the civil war. Mrs.
Hates, who Is a fluent and interesting
spender, will be heard ngaiu nt the
Unitarian (hurra next Sunday evening.
er plays tor love.
b ans a salary, the fid ! predict
On Saturday, Juno .1, the Knights of
Pythias uf Miiriuii county will hold a
pit-litis at Hubbard, arrangements for
which are now milking. Attorney Tour.o
of this city, a prominent K, 1'., will de
liver the address, Dallas Observer.
will prevent tho lit lie illnewsof today
from becoming; the bijj sioUneas of
tomorrow and tif tor. For troubles of
the digestive organs you can rely on
out was iirulioii t,av when the admin-
""" "" the hu,e collapsed. It is
in:u tn,. jrcneral appropriu
Seattle, Wash., Mnv L'tl. Dr. Wil-
helm Mueller, Ceraian consul here who
was translerrcd to Atlanta, (in., early
this week, will not leave Seattle for
several days, it is announced nt the
consulate this morning, lie probably
will remain here until tho first part of
Mr, Mueller has been in Seattle since
let.riinry, coining here from I'hi'udel
phiu whero he had held h similar posi
tion, In Scuttle he received consider-
ill. le nob riety when he wns technically
at rested en a charge of attempting to
bay business secrets of u local ship,
building concern suspccled of sending
siii'inarino parts to Canada. The
charge was dropped.
that l.lovd-Ceorao will acuin become
chancellor ot the exihemior at the cad 1 burners oi
of tho war.
, . ...!, ill!
lOveiy gas .let ' ' ' hiM
,lie rasp-
0( ; -
lion lull w ill lie u xscd late today. This
cousiiierci , ,,,,t(( vielerv for the
senate and the lo,, opposed' to (lev
ernor Hunt.
I he general nm i..-,r;nti.i l.lli t ;i
present form ciiiii,.a'no fn,s for the
maintenance of :, ;,nd commission, for
wnun tne euiei tiu,t was made bv the
udnnuistralion foicrs. A sine die ad
journment is expected Into today or to
morrow. A so, ond extra sessiuu mnv
I'O culled soon to consider the land
mine tax and prohibitum measure.
Washington, May id. Northern Tn
cific tnnt distributors of Washingtin,
Oregon, Idaho and Montana todav com
plained to the interstate commerce com
mission of a if.) chnri'o made by west
ern trunk lilts for the use of refriger
ating cars.
Little Enthusiasm
OverNew Cabinet
London, May 'Jd. Newspapers todai
showed little enthusiasm over the new
coalition cabinet niniuunoed by the gov
ernment, placing I'reniier Asquith at
the taoRil of a ministry comprised of
representative of all parties, except
the iintiiwulmts. Though all tuK,., that
the new cabinet be given every support,
,,. .,,,.,,! i.iiiiueiiin unanimous
Cleveland. Ohio. Mav 2rt. I'red Un
derwood, president of the Erie railroad,
was today indicted by the loiierai
..r.l ;,,'., .. ..l,r,r.. nf finlntilliT till.
interstate" commerce act. It is alleged KXSMSSBXML
he gave William Miller, former Akron,:
Ohio, rubber magnate use of u special
car to take a puny to Heverly, Mass. j
Cripnled Girl Walks
After Surgeon Operates;
1'ortlan.l, Or., May 2tl. lVIlowing an
operation performed by Dr. A. K. liich,
of Taooma, Anila Murtin, aged X, of
Kugene, Oregon, who hus never walked
because of infantile paralysis, was do- ,
ing nicely today. Or. Kieh declared that
little Anita would be able to use her ;
legs for the first time within about 1
two weeks.
The operation is the first of a num
ber to be undertaken uudcr the auspices ,
of tho Stnto Federntion of Women s i
clubs, to nid crippled children, whose
parents are financially unable to give
them the proper attention.
Dr. Rich, ns well us the surgeons who
will operate in succeeding cases, donat
ed his services.
cuMiig ii tempi theWii,
The heal wns so ml " nt w
of the d I ha.l "'"""' 'thn
blood oo,iag fro. 'J'
left a mile asking th." " ' b
1..11... ...;... he niovclcd lor i"
Clever Styles
and Quality
fend .in
. ... i, mi. v..
Scotch . i. " by
.re ipiulitic
niinle-t ''lef
Some women evidently go to the
opera merely to heur themselves make
Had luck never fails to overtake the
niun who is always busy doing nothing.
Wise is ho who selects an obedient
daughter of a cou.l mother for bis wife.
solectcd tnatcriiiis, " IoP
mid last i""1-1 ' .. niitv i ,lu
kind. While cir J ; y,:,,
suits itc riusciiMi; 1
$15 and 20
If .i.,i,i i.ibo. ui'ler mother the
npproval of the ministry was lacking. I father Isn't afraid that son in law will
A uia.-ority apprmed the retention ( impose on his child,
of Lord Kitchener as war inim.i,-, .... i m i '-
eral criticized the selectinn of Sj'r Kd No man ever bought a horse that
jwarj (.arson us attorney general be- turned out to be just us represented.