Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 13, 1915, Image 1

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i I
Today's News
Printed Today
Leased Wire
iSTTrnlrin Aiif Anno DDVAI! nm, innmiiA n.nn.m.. r-..,T"
sum noi Aiwian ..is i : : :i sss unk lmwn whs
. n i i r r nJj itmm d.. d..m:
jfinoers In ocnooi tssay um.cu vcuuvu upuu i uuiw-
ily Committee Over One Thousand Manuscripts Ex
amined By Teachers-English Students Carry Of First
Honors In High School Class and East School Pupils
In the Grades-Competition Keen
loen very accommodating and willing
! to order for inc. In everv ensa tho
Cash orizes First, Loon. Cul-
, lertsoii; second, TUelma Bless
, lug; third, Helen Karris.
Hotioraoie meuuuii muyu
Bitnea, Grace Farrar, Annie
merchandise lias come without delay
and Mas been entirely satisfactory. Fur
aji.ther, behind my purchases I have had
the reliability of a home merchant,
: where elsewhere even large coucerus
have tried to pass an interior quality
on :iic as an A-l grade.
"The most important part of my ex
perience has been that the inouey I
spent in Salem went to build iin our
(Ma prizes First, Mflbol uwn city, and hence increased mv own
Dotson, 7-B, East; second. Lo- proiperity. 1 also found that the money
t hU B. Davis, 8-A, East; third, put in circulation here, although it
Helen Oorey, cB. Garlieiu. f.nssed through many hands, finally re
Honorable mention Florence turned to me. where if 1 had snout mv
( Jones, 7 A, East; Edna Dairnl- -money with a merchant elsewhere, he
i son, 7-A, Richmond; Mary Jane would never havo come back to eir
t Albert, 8-A, East; Ecbecca Sam- dilute a dollar in money here."
t Ml 8 Lincoln; Arthur Rose- ! second Prize High School Bv
t brjugh, 7-A. Englewood; DeUa Thelma Blessing:
t Beck, 7 A, Richmond. . , , pnyg, Try Salera Flrsti . ,
:.." 'wen. l)ureha!,i"Sl try Salem
, lirst,' is becoming as popular a cry
as was 'swat the fly' last year. In
deed, it is to every one's interest that
they do try Salem f irst.
"One important factor is, that it
keeps the inouey at homo. This brings
, in returns from niuny sources, such as
l here ....... , i.. i, .i. ,. .
ta. i. . i iia'i'i iiimrm emeiiis, wen ng leu
mm cla-si's entered iiiln crituiie-; I , . i .
Again, we are courteously treated and
get better products. We help our fol
lowmen by giving them employment.
"Lot us mention a few of the fac
torial in Salt-in. There are flourmills,
sawmills, plaiiing-mills, glove factory,
Mr. Stolz's pickle and soda factory,
wolleii mill, tile yard, etc., anil Inst but
nut least, cundv faetrries.
Manv people patronize out-of-town
After many hours of blcud-swcating
tlie publicity committee of the'
iva i uiiinieri'iai cluij tins morning
mfil the winners in the school
t:;tis essuv route' in I lie "Su-
Utat" campaign, in whiih
United States. Five British
warships outside Virginia capes
awaiting Prinz Eitel Friederich.
Kitel probably will intern. Re
ported Germany already inform
ally disavowed sinking of Am
erican ship Frye.
(treat battle, opening spring
campaign, impending between
Armentieres and LaBassee. Ger
mans reinforcing heavily to
check British offensive, Paris
announces British and Indian
trois made further progress
against 1)0,0(10 Germans. Air
men hariassing Germans. Vio
lent fighting near Nucve Chap
pelle. England. British auxiliary
cruiser Bnynno torpedoed and
sunk off Scottish coast, 20 sav
ed, 104 perished. Sank in five
minutes. Steamer believed to
bo Swedish vessel Anna struck
mine and sank off Scarborough,
England; two dead, 18 rescued.
Turkey, Six warships rein
forced British squadron bom
barding Smyrna, town's fall ex
pected. Battleship Triumph hit,
not seriously damaged. Bom
bardment Dardanelles contin
ues. roland. Germans four miles
from I'rznsnysz. Petrograd ad
mits Russians again on defen
sive most points Poland. Ger
mans awaiting reinforcements
before geenral assault Przas-nysz.
?fc sfs ?Jc ?Jc iji sjs Jc sjc sfc Jc 'l
With wliuiil uiel i he grades
-'Iin -wWh ilieru were an, i,rin'
A'S ottcrei m oinh Mum., i", ,,r i,;,.i,
to tin' winner. t'l.M u ... , . I nn.i
'I to thiiM, ami honralile im-ut inn was'
"ni.ioi io three eomctnn
Il.e h-t or' piie winners,
H'tlrt'ss.'s fellow:
Hi.-h hi-I .i.w i I
i ages ;
Dardanelles Batteries
Well Placed Shells
British Fleet
Berlin, bv wireless to Sayville, L. I.,
i March 1.1. Two llrilish dost rovers and
two minesweepers have been destroyed
nnd two British luittleshiiis disabled bv
Turkish bntteries on the shores of the
iinrunueiieB, according to a news
agency dispatch received here tonight
from Athens. The dispatch added that
it was apparent from statements is
i rill . ... . . ..... ...
'jet l i vea r, fourth iero, '. , ! n nauts, ami tney nre not sure wnetn-
'til l .-imtol; se, on, T. .. guuus will i-uiiib ll) iu ineir v.-
lfil(, iiifisl lii i-e-ira 'k '! ' 1'i'ctations. Here they can offset that
'"M, 7ut .'orth'('0ninier,-i-,l- .1,;,. 1 '"sndvantage by seeing what they par-sued bv the British admiralty that the
d'hi II,,,.:, . '"' elina, ;,. sl.o T..l.iul. l.i
loiina nenn, -'.m.UjI, i hm.. iioium. unnu-
"'" Cnlein. I "For instance, one lady said to an- most efficient
li'iile Jriiuols Ki;ti i.,M, )uts,(li ! other the other day: 'Do you know, 1
U, hast, liiiil I 'n ion street; seeond " 8l"' '""''c east somp ur'icles, tiiiuk
'?'' " I Ja . 7-A. Ka-t, ."i'J Ncirtli '"K "iat 1 wus netting such a bargain,
"jri'h; third, H,.en c0I.,,v -i," ., ' and when I received them thev were
Muth Winter sir i ; absolutely no good. Upon looking
M wintiors i
ui the iiiiiiumIJ.,
i re given nl.ove.
Judges "Sweat BIooH
i - wi'muor of toe
urouuil here, I discovered that 1 could
get Hie articles cheaper and of good
(nnlity. ' Now she is trying Salem
'By purchasing at home we not only
eive better quality nnd better ser-
every contestant ' OUI umiu up oiisiness ami loyalty
motto be: 'Try Salem
IT int-n. ,L- ,
airn tliP ('Onilii'tif i nu-oil-rt luttni nuolitv nnd twttt-.tP uiir.
luia ui (' IV i.ir.i Vinfl Viiif
deserving f J. . " ' 0,it"s tn
...I . . " " 'I'd' I J 1 M I 1 k'lliM - "i
' trintj of their effnrts. lie slinni.l i " -Pt our
Thiid Prize High School By Helen
Piinili-ltv com.
e;i !' tv. . : ' . .
f '" M Hint- I, i "" 01
iL u" H'-ir hands mav
i'" wit" ' li"cwl'''11"' ""it be-,My Experiences in Trying Salem First.
wt( thi''rt..l'.'i!..l'!'1''' lo i "xr.v experiences in trying Salem
itho era.' '"Kh tirst are that 1 save money on the
"'Mtlive from I """kcu to goods nnd also carfare. I it buying at
"'niiiiii.r!,,,. i... ,';"! K':"io 011 1 of honie I have more time to decide what
x'fclthf,, 111 t,u' t'on- t want, and if the goals nre not satis-
but R1"ers in but h ,.au .... .-.. i. ...i r
total .'V ""'.'O'l'niitteelehasin'g nwav from home there is not
Iho ,' a.'""'nl'ts, every enough saved to mukc .it an object to
ri"".ni i. 'Vu,l"'itteo prunouiieedivou.
1 l'f'ilin . 'lit'liellltv that "HhvIiw. in Sntnm LMII. tlw. nmnov
'' rcu.hod, 1P,-e, n'iB0 buildn up and beautifies the
lllek ot Shneo Ilia Tl... I t ..
l''"'!ilies in full .1... i. i ... ,
.1. . 11,1 Ki'uu" ni're una llic or res arc reason-
in tli inli, .'"'J1' I'fize- ulile. Tho clerks nre courteous and the
"'"vi- tl, ! '' n'l stures are not so crowded but what you
"'"l fnnt, ... .." other can get waited on in a short time, The
lr!'linn ... ...
VI t ,
,4i .ilnirimi
i- II.
Submarine Encotmtercd.
London, March l.'i. Dispatches this
arternoon trom Kosslnre, Ireland, de
clared passengers landed there from the
Irish passenger boat Great Western
reported a thrilling encounter with o
German submarine at sea last night.
The steamer ran at firil speed, tnk
ing a zigzag course, and finally escaped
the Germans in a fog. During the pur
suit, officers said, the passengers were
in a panic.
Reinforcements Sent,
London. March l.'l. Reinforced bv
six British warships from the Dard
anelles, Admiral Peirse's squadron to
day prepare, to begin n final sea hs
sault. which will bring the downfall of
Smyrna Asiatic Turkey.
Steamer Hits Mine.
London, March Ifl: A steamer, be
lieved to be the Anna, a Swedish ves
sel, fouled a floating mine and sank
off Scarborough today. Eighteen of
her crew are reported to have been
saved end two killed.
' "ai.le, ,,i, , a inter date, unalitv of the goods compared with Governor uoes to Portland to Attend
IB 1L , I 1,11 es Ifl the M.ll ,.e 1 'A. . ..... .i.. Wnnuin'a Clnh nnnnBnll HJ
noniirnl,!,, ,. , ,'"'" '"at
'" tn f..i , , ' ,a"s nave same.
' !, the distinc-'
that of other towns l just ubout the
'"'"i"", hp, , ", "'""" f the
koi,l,l i'1 i'"''T"it v eonimir.
,h'' great r, l'",""1 '"'ciiuse
M L. .-r"!",:-'11" iy which
'"t 1. . I "ell!
' Von don't nlunt onts tipona hill,
hundred miles away,
Women's Club Convention and Meet
ing is Postponed.
Because of a lack of a quorum, only
three meinoers Having put in an appear
1 "''i'-h the
V' teJt. .
,,rt '"'e-ll,,h
' Expert,
:'t hai k 1 " "'' ir
H I l eX,.,.,V.
.... "ve fo,.. .,
ii , ' i ne si,-,,,,
I li...
, ' '"I!:,, I
' i , " th
1. 1
i.. i,
'' tins
111 J Salem
ipiality of
'.'liable,' and
i'l'lanee, a
v the same
'crn, made
' 'nne fae
'I ent less
'' pri.-i'd in
"xa.-tly the
" '"brie, ma,,.
' here was
''iiars ' cheap-
"ul "trra, tive
a"'l "lion n,e
",r'ani articles
"' ''I dill fur
th.-y have
And somewhere else your corn to drill once, the new state board of forestry
lulled to liolu a meeting to transact nny
business yesterday afternoon and the
meeting was postponed until a lntor
date when a majority of the board can
be present. The meeting wns arranged
to be held in Salem in order to make it
convenient for the governor, who is
chairman of the board, to be present,
but he went to J'nrtlnniJ to attend o
convention of the federation of worn
en's clubs nnd the meeting was off. The
I-resent membership of the hoard is
Governor Withycombo, chairman; Geo.
A. Penvy. Cui'vallis; A. T. Boxton,
Forest Grove: George 11. ('ceil, Port
land: L. S. Hill. Cottage Grove; Dan P
Smvtlie. Pendleton; .1. V. Alexander
I'uitlnnd, the new member, and F. A.
You know would never uuv
'l uiion Vo:i plant at home to get the yield
elii ate sit Whatever crons are vrown.
)'.i'i l tliotns,.vt. For planting in some other field.
i Will never help your own.
";' winning v.
''"'"i follow: I" 'And its the same with dollars,
ui ;v ,,n,n For dollars, too, are seed,
.The cash toduy you send away
Trying Salem To norrrow you will need.
Don't send vour cash afar to roam,
But wiser learn to sow,
Tust plant .vour dollars here lit home
And watch your dollars grow.'"
The Weather
Villa Is Entrusted by State
Department To Carry Out
Punishment Demands
W. Emrtck, a deaf mute, com
mitted suicide at his homo hero
today by disembowelling him
self with a butcher knife. Ho
had previously slashed his
nrteries and then his throat but
found neither method thorough
enough. His wife, also a mute,
witnessed tho tragedy. It is
believed that Eiurick was in
sane as a result of a fall from
a heavy wagon last summer,
Victim Recently Fled From Monday Afternoon Set For
Hearing Motion to Give
Him Freedom
Wrath of Huerta With a
Price On His Head
Washington, Mareli Kl. Notification
that the men who murdered John B.
McManus, American citizen, in Mexico
City, have been executed by order of
General Emaliano Zapata, is expected
momentarily by the state department.
The Itexican capital was reported to
day to be quiet, with Zapata's soldiers
patro'ling the principal streets. Zapa
ta himself has not yet entered the city.
State department officials believe he
sen only a part of his forces into the
city, moving the remainder to attack
the Carranzistus under General Alvaro
Obre,jon, who are retreating towards
Vera Cruz.
Administration leaders are admitted
ly concerned over the nossibilities of
situation. The Zapatistas have
British Progress In Region of Neuve Chappelle Continues
When Britons Storm German Positions-Indian Corps
Credited With Bravery Under Fire-Germans Report
Three British Airmen Winged by Riflemen -Claim
Further Russian Successes.
many hitter enemies in the foreign col
ony and a demonstration by either side.
nuglil cause a serious not.
There also is considerable apprehen
sion as to what might follow tho exe
cution of the Blatwrs. of McManns.
Zapata's men are mostly desperate
characters, and it is feared that if Gen.
oral Snliiznr, post commander, fulfills
his promise speedily to execute the mur
derers, fheir companions may attempt
reprisals. Such conduct on their part
would start a general riot, officials say,
jeoi) irdizing still further the lives of
i'oiei;;n residents.
The Brazilian minister wns naked by
Seerjtaiy of Stale Bryan today to keep
in constant touch with tho state de
partment. Representations were sent
to Mcneral Villa today urging the re
lease of out) priests who have been im
prisoned in Mexico City.
Shot Two Zapatists.
Chicago, March Kl. Mrs. Mury Dur
gnu, sister of John B. Mc.Mnnus, who
was murdered by Zapatista soldiers in
Mexico City, took steps today to have
his body returned to the United States.
She has been officially advised that
Mrs. McManus and her children are
If the Mexican authorities attempt to
block the removal of the body under
the luw which prevents removing a
corps from the country until two years
after death, Mrs, Dargnn will usk the
aid of the United States government.
It develops that n price was put on
McManus' head during the regimo of
General Victinianu Huerta. He fled to
Chicago, remaining several months. Af
ter Huerta had been deposed, McManus
returned to Mexico City and got into
trouble with Zapatista soldiers. In n
letter he wrote to his sister recently,
McManus admitted ho had shot two
Secretary of State Bryan announced
this afternoon thai he had telegraphed
General Villa regarding punishment for
the slayers of McManus. The message
was sent to American Agent Carothers
for delivery to Villa.
ill Fill
By Bond P. Oeddes.
Jcw York, March IS; Harry K.
lliaw was cleared today of the charge
ot conspiring to escnpo from Mat-
teawnn insane asylum,
After a trial which proceeded with
out unusual incident for a week ami
ended in a wild tumult, the jury at
12:20 this afternoon returned a verdict
of not guilty, and Thaw was taken
back to tho Tombs confident time tin.
liberty for which he has been fighting
ever since he killed Stanford White
nine years ago is at hand.
As soon as the jury foreman had an
nounced tho verdict, Attorney John B.
Stanchfield, for the defense, moved
that Thaw be set free and be returned
to New Hampshire from which he was
extradited to face the trial just ended
Counsel for tho prisoner expressed ut
most contidence this afternoon that
tney would win their motion Mondnv
When Supremo Justice Pugo henrs
nen ine verdict was announcer
tears came into Thaw's eves. He
smiled through them but emotion pre
vent.'d him from speaking as his nttor
neys and the newspaper men offered
congratulations. His mother mid his
sister, Mrs. Carnegie, remained in their
scats, in tears.
Thaw's exit from the controom wns
almost n triumphal procession, his
frieiuis and scores of spectators inter
cepting him to shake hnnds. Tho jury
left the courtroom before Thaw could
thank them.
The verdict, is regarded as a signal
victory for Thaw. The jury was out
I I hours ami 80 minutes and reached
an agreement only after it had re
turned twice to the court room for ad
ditional Instructions. Thnt part of
Thaw's testimony which dealt with the
contention thnt he believed and had
been advised that he would not violate
nny law in escaping from Matteawan,
is believed to have influenced the
12 men.
Just as the trial closed Hie court
room was thrown into an uproar by a
fist fight which occurred directly un
der Justice Page's bench. Sheriff
Grifcnhngen of New Vork county ami
John Lnnyon, head of the detective
agency employed by the district at
torney's office, exchanged blows, Most
of the spectators tried to crowd to the
front, of the room to wnteh the fight
and the polico used their clubs to clear
tho court,
Lnnyon was Directed by order of
Justice Page,
The charges against Thaw's four co
defendants were dismissed as soon ns
tho principal defendant had been acquitted.
Paris, March 13. A groat battle,
marking tho opening of tho spring enm-
pnign, is impending between Armen
tieres and LaBassee.
British nroirress in the recion of
Neuve Chappelle continued today, ac
cording to official announcement by
tho war office. More than a thousand
Germans are said to have been captured
when the British stormed several posi
tions or tbo enemy on tho rond to
Furious fighting was also said to bo
in progress north of LaBassee and near
Lille. Unconfirmed reports said the
Hritish wero nrepnrinir to
tho enemy, who is concentrating troops
in tho region of Arras. Thoy have
destroyed tho railway junctions at
Don and Douni.
Rousing Meeting Held
By Woodburn Boosters
Among those attending the meeting
last night ut Woodburn of the Wood
burn Commercial and Agricultural club,
were J. L. Stockton, president of the
Oregon lietnil Merchants' association;
C. M. Kpph'V, of the Kpplev G merry
company; Win. McGilchrist, Jr., of the
Impcriul Furniture company; Win,
Gnhlsilorf, of the Gnhlsdnrf Tea com
pany, iiimI Hnli.li K, M, H.res. niiimiger
i of the Salem Conimerciiil club.
Woodburn has mi active organisation.
PI I llf ' I II i 1 1 IT "" f'C largest in the country, and
federal Ulticials Hint At na- "i.ity r the members wc,;, ,,r.H
enr lust nigni. .1, i rMoeiiion nnole an
nddress regarding the inrk being done
by the Oregon lietnil Merchants' asso
ciation, ami touched on the evils of the
mail order business. Win. Gnlilsdoif
made a short talk on the iidvnntiigcH
of a fully organized business men's
tional Wide Scheme To
Ship Explosives
Attack Is Abandoned.
Berlin, by wireless to Hayvillo, Tj. I.,
March Kl.-Ofl'ieial admission that the
Germans had abandoned an nttompt to
recapture Neuvo Chapollo wag forth
coming from the wnr offico today. It
was stated that tho attack "had a suc
cessful beginning but that superior
English forces were encountered and
tho attempt was discontinued."
"Tho British," continued tho state-
bombard i ment, "are showing the greatost afl
I tivity in this district. Their nvlatnra
Aii Indian corps was again credited are kent. busy mukinir mans ami ilrnn.
with bravery today in Iho fighting nt. ping bombs. Three British aviators;
Neuve Chappelle. Tho hamlet of Piotro! have been brought down and captured
has been occupied by tho British after' by riflemen. .
a series of charges. I "Isolated British attacks south of
Tho Belgians aro said to havo Ynres have been i-eoulse.1
strengthened their positions along the "Tho French have been repulsed in
const and continued French successes' an attempt to renew the offensive in
at Mensil, with tho capture of 150. the Campagne district and 200 wore
Gerinnus, wero reported. captured,
Gorman charges m tho Vosges have: "Fogs and snow are hampering the
been repulsed, it was announced. 1 operations in tho Vosges.
Dispatches received Indicated the Ger-l "The ret rent of Russians ' defeated
mnns arc bringing up heavy reinforce- lit Augustof continues,
incuts to cheek tho British offensive! " llusinn nttneks near Trzasnysz and
which is developing rapidly in that' in tho Or.oc valley huvo boca re
vicinity. The official commoniipio Is-1 pulsed.''
sued nt Paris today announced that!
British and Indian troops had made; French Stoamor Sunk,
further progresH toward Aubers, hitvingi Paris, March l.'l. It was staled to
delivered a determine,) nftnek on the. day flint tho German submarine II)
German positions near thore. The; on Thursday torpedoed ami sank the
British took Iil2 prisoners yesterday. French sleumnr Augiistu Conseil. The
The advance of the English troops wns! members of Iho crew wero snved and
opposed by .Hl.OOO Germans. j landed nt Falmouth. The scone of the
British aviators am ulso harassing, disaster is not staled,
Chauffeur of Car Wrecked
In Struggle
Police Making Search For Government Will Disavow
Acts of Officer-British
Ships Lay in Wait
Chicago. Miin-h 12. Federal officials credit league, ami Itnlph l Mooics
hinted here todav at a iiatiiln-wide plot J "I1"1"' "f ""' K"'"' w"k '"''"K l"1"' ''
to ship explosives in violation of inter-,"1" commercial Huh in Salem and other
state commerce laws. 1 nvestigating : r'"', valley.
what thev believed to be n shipping1 Polbiwing the addresses, o banquet
combine, the authorities are thought to served by the Woodburn ussoci
Elliott, state forester, secretary of the I have discovered tne plot, and as a re-i""""- ' m
board. The onlv members whit showed I suit nave arrested wr. Herman ii,en
'.vl tiitEO OP-
evA Po" HvfaK
Showers west to
night and Sunday,
showers east por
tion tonight
Sunday; south
east winds.
up for the meting were: Messrs. Penvy,
'(Veil, U. S. forester, and Alexander.
ijieiniiatl, Ohio, March 1.1. The
United States circuit court of appeals
or dere set aside today tne jail sentence
imposed three years ago upon John II,
Put'erson, niillionuiie cash register
man itaeturer, for violation of tho Sher
man anti trust law.
John D. and Son On Way
To Bier of Wife and Mother
helm, of St. Louis, for the alleged
trniKpnrtation of giineotton from New
lork to San t iniieisco. I lie guiicotton,
federal officials say, wns shipped in n
trunk ami was ol Mitiicient quantity to
wreck a train, officials so far have I Ri 'hinoiid, Va., Man-h 1.1. John D.
failed to truce the trunk, but declare I Rockefeller, Sr., and his noil passed
it will arrive in Sun Francisco within through Richmond ut II a. in. today en
a few davs. route to I'oenntico Hills, where Mrs.
Rockefeller died yesterday morning.
Life is a burden to some people and , Father ami son nre due in New Vork
some others nre a burden to life. It ": o'clock this evening,
I'ortliind, Or., March UI. Chief of Washington, March l.L Clrcumstan
Police Clark today startCil a search forltial rcpoils wero circulated ia official
a jitney bus chauffeur, whose car is j circles today that the German govern
supposed to be (he one which figured , ment. already has informally notified
at midnight, in uu utliick upon Mrs. the American slate depart ment that
Cecil Marshall, Uu!) Hussel street, MenJHhe will publicly disuvow the sinking
occupants of Iho bus had seized Mrs.lof the American steamer William P.
Marshall when she spumed Itnprnperj Frye by the German converted cruiser
advances. In the scuffle that followed, I'rinz Eitel Friederich. Confirmation
the driver let go the steering wheel, was declined at the stato department
and the jitney crashed into u telephone hut there wus II disposition elsewhere
pole and was wrecked. in credit the reports.
Passengers on a city bound Sell Nci official representations will be
wood cur found Mrs. Marshall lying; made to Gerinuny until the entire ren
dazed on the pavement. Her purse wus.ord in the Frye case hus been compiled
gone nnd her clothing was in tatters, hut it seemed certain today that only
Examination by physicians slioued that t Ik' method of settlement remains to be
she was bruised from head to foot. ! adjusted. Confidential advices from
II, 1'. Coffin, chairman of the city Berlin show that the kaiser's govern
public safely commission, swore out IC ment intends to place the blumo on
John Doe warrant ul noon and the Captain Tliierieheiis of the Eitel.
search for the chauffeur begun, He
was traced through the number on t Ii I Warships Walt for Cruiser, '
wrecked jitney, Inquiry at his hoinej Newport News, Va., March 13. Five
developed tin' information t hat he wns Hi it isli warships aro patrolling the At
driving his jitney last night but other j Imitic outside of tho Virginia capes to
informiition wns refused. prevent the escape of the Germun con-
Mrs. Marshall hoarded the jitney verted cruiser Prinz Eitol Friederich,
after it had left the Hawthorne bridge. ' should her caption decide to mako a
She mounted to a seat, beside the ilriv-, frin this port,
er us the rear seats were ( iipicl by County Von Bernstorff, the German
men. During the struggle her lint was ambassador, called on Kec.retary Bryan
torn from her head. 'this afternoon, seeking information re-
After being taken lo her home fob ' gn rding the status of the Frye. The
lowing the accident, trace of Mrs, ambassadors communication with his
Marshall was losl as she had later been j,,,,,,,, ft j,. has been crippled nnd he
removed to thn home of an aunt nt her has not vet received Instiuctions. It
husband's request. It was stated thnt wlis understood following his visit, how-
she and .V nrshiill have been estranged ,,V(.ri ,),, n,,,, ,,vl,rv jironpcct of
for some time. uu umienble settlement.
Four-Year Old Boy Killed j
Before Eyes Of Its Mother j
Los Angel,., ( ul March IS. liefer"
nis mother's eves, Peter Miller, aged
California Officer Is
Beaten By Auto Thieves
Los Angeles, Oil., March l.'l. City
Marshal William F.. Ford of Hunting-
I. was cruhed In death hern today bv ton Park, a suburb of Los Angeles, was
a bi Standard Oil cuinpuiiy truck. The ' beaten into insensibility by two uuto
boy, riding a tricycle, rode' directly un-j mobile thieves eailj today. Ho will
der the truck from belli nd and swerved probably die.
under one of the rear wheels. His life! The thieves stole an automobile and
whs instantly crushed out. I were pursued by Ford In another ma-
If. M. Beihtell, the driver, did not chine, He overtook them near the
see '.he boy until after the accident oc- Cudahy ranch nnd climbed Into the
curied. He was released ling a 'stolen "machine. While one robber hold
coroner's inquest. Ihim, the other beat him over tho bead
m I with his own revolver. Both men were
A man may call a woman an angel Inter ruptured by a posse under Deputy
just u if he ever had seen an angel. Sheriff Ostler. . . .
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