Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 26, 1914, Image 1

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Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
First-Class Battleship Blown
Up Only Thirty Miles
From London
Lord Churhill Says Destruc
tion Caused by Explosion
of Ship's Magazine
London, Nov. 2(1. Tlio Brit
ish battleship Bulwark was
bli.va up in the Medway off
Sheorness today by an explosion
of its magazines.
The announcement "of the ves
sel's loss wan made by First
Lord of the Admiralty Winston
Churchill in the honiie of tout
minis. It wan stated tliat several
hundred of the ships crew were
killed or wounded.
Only 12, out of a t.'al of
TOO to 8110 men on board es
caped, Churchill added.
lie. expressed the opinion t'uit
the disaster was caused by nn
internal mngn.iuo explosion.
The Bulwark is of 'the same
class as the battleship Vener
able, and belongs to tho first
line of the Uritiidi navy.
It lias an armament of four
12 inch nuns, twelve of six inch
bore, sixteen of II inch calibre,
six 3 pounders and fair tor
pedo tubes.
London, Nov. 111. The British bat
tleship Bulwark was destroyed com
pletoly by lis explosion today.
Out of its crew of between 700 and
800 nil hut 12 were killed or Injured.
Whether the disaster was due to an
Internal magazine explosion or to a
German torpedo was not curtninly
First Lord of the Adinirality Wins
ton Churchill gave It as his opinion
hacked by the reports of naval experts
who were nt the scene of tlio catastro
phe, that the former was the cause.
Thero were reports, however, thai
(wo tlermnn submarines hail been cor
nered In a bnsin near the spot where
the Bulwark was blown up. These ru
mors were unverified.
The explosion occurred off Shecrnos'
in the Medway nt n point where it en
ters the Thames, about .15 miles below
The explosion was so violent that It
shook tlio buildings In Sheernesa uud
the concussion win felt on both side
uf the Themes estuary.
Thero were several" ships nearby nt
tho tlitic, but the disaster came with
n suddenness that defeated all attempt.!
nt rescue work.
Bank In Three Minutes.
The Bulwark was nt the bottom of
thn river within three minutes after
the explosion nut! only torn norpses
Hunting on the wnter's surfueo mariied
the place wheic It had been,
Among them a small boat picked up
one of the survivors, frightfully muti
lated and burned.
l'ieccs of tho Bulwark's steel were
hurled six miles across tho river, Into
Ksscx. The stream's nearer shore was
strewn with fragments of wreckage,
sections of armor phte, woodwork and
parts of guns and machinery On the
water's surface, among the eorpses,
filiated splinters of woodwork nn.l
scores of dead fishes.
The vessel was destroyed at 7:B: a.
in., and news of It reached London soon
fifterwnril. but It d itll,n1,l ,,niil
the first lord of the ndmirnlity made
nis uiinoancement (if it in tho boUBO of
Men ncoii'iintiiit rvlth tiu,il nff..;.
called attention to the fact t tint If It
proved true that Herman submarines
were iiiunii mar i ue scene or tno catas
trnphe, their exploit pxi coded anything
hitherto iiciunipllshed by the kaiser '
aea forces.
The nearest a hostile submarine wni,
known to have approached to London
previously was from 50 to 110 miles.
To reach Sbccrncss, not only must the
mine llehls nt the mouth of the Thamrs
have been penetrated, but the very
gateway of the British capital would
be attacked.
Churchill Explains It.
The vessel was b'.own up, tho first
lord told the rniimuns. at f:5;i a. ai.
today. Ue explained that he based bis
judgment on the cause of the explosion
on the reports of the vice admiral's
nail reaf admirals present at the time.
n "intefnnl explosion," he laid, .was
their unanimous verdict.
"They stated,." said Ch.irchill,
Petrograd, Nov. 28. The
Germans' defeat la Russian.
Poland had assumed the pro
portions of a rout today, the
war office here declared this
afternoon. ,
Unless General Von Hinden
burg succeeded in re-forming
his lines, which was pronounced
unlikely, it was said the dis
aster to the kaiser's forces
would be the mot complete
they have suffered since the
war began, either in the eastern
or the western fighting zone.
The rapture by the Sluvs of
tin entire German army corps
in the vicinity of Lodz was
IDS INDIAN G!RLZaPata Accord With Villa
Ketaw Kaluntuchy Marries the
Great Chief of Tribe
of Killarney
New York,-Nor.-20. Richard Wel
sted Croker, 73 years old, former louder
of Tammany Hall, and Ketaw Kalun
tuchy, a" Cherokee Indian princess, 23,
were married here today. The coremony
was performed by Monsignor Brann and
witnessed only by a few iutimate
Croker's plans were changed at the
last moment. He originally intended to
be married at St. Agues' church but the
presence of a huge crowd there caused
a change In plans, and the wqddiug took
place at the home of Nathan Strauss.
After the ceremony the bride talked
to the newspaper correspondents.
"I huve been inspired," she Bald,
"by tho example of Pocahontas, who
did so much to make the English under
stand her people. 1 have been Inspired
liy the example of Talahinta, a Cherokee
maiden, who. Mped General Houston
free the Incas.
"I desire every Indian maiden to wed
great chief. I have married the
greatest chief of men."
Iroker and Ins bride will spend their
houevnioon at I'aliu, Bench, Florida, and
In the spring they will go to Cruller s
estate in Ireland.
Thomas F. Smith and Andrew Free
man acted as groomsmen.
I rnker became a widower Jess than
throe, months ago.
Berlin, bv wireless via London, Nov.
2(1. Constantinople official reports to-
lay blamed uatavorablo wouther for
debiting the Turkish troops' operu-
tioas against tho Russians along the
Tmns-Cniicnsian frontier.
'The Sluts," said the message,
' 'continue to hold their frontier posi-
tions Wit our forces, advancing m the
Tsihorok district, have again been vie
toruiiis. '
The Clcnnan war office announced
that In the fighting between the 'fir
mans aad Japanese' ut Kiao Cliau 170
Oermans were killed, GOO were wound
ed and 12." II, including nil the wound
ed and representing the entire surviv
lug portion of tho g.irrlson, were flniil
ly enptured,
"that the ship waa rent asunder.
There nppnreatly was no upheaval of
water. When the smoke had cleared
the Bulwark had disappeared. "
At the moment of the explosion a
band on deck wns playing martial airs,
accordiag to account! received by the
London newspnpers. Tho detonation
threw a huge column of smoke, with
the bodies of men and parts of tho
ship, high into tho ulr, As it subsided
it wns seen that tho shin hud vanish
ed. It wns learned that at the time o!
the disaster the ship wos lying off
Sheorness at the point where tlio Mod
way joins the Thames. Tho vessel's
destruction wus eomplcte.
Creates Panic In London,
Despite tho fact that First Lord of
the Admiralty Churchill gave strung
reasons for thinking tho blast was due
to un internal explosion, the point wns
not definitely determined.
There was almost a panic In London
us a result of rumors that the ship was
torpedoed by German submarines and
thnt two of them hud been cornered In
a basin near the spot where the liul
wark lay.
A court of Inquiry, which was Im
mediately called to Investigate the af
fair, will moot tomorrow, It was stat
ed. The Bulwark'! normal complement
was 750 men, but equipped for war. it
wns thought it had about 8!i0 on board.
The. ship was equipped with a belt
of nine-Inch armor fifteen feet wide,
from the bow to tho after turret, tap
ering down to two Inches. The after
bulkheads were protected by 12-Inch
armor. .
"Tho loss of the Bulwark,' said
First Lord Churchill, "will not sens
ibly affect our military position, but I
regret that only 12 men escaped,
"I think the members of the house
would wish me to express, in their be
half, their deepest syn-.pnthy and snr
row felt for those who lost relatives
aad friends In the disaster."
Villa at Head of Bis Troops to
Enter City TodaySit
uation Improved
to looting by mobs
Lower lahiorma aup-
ports Him
El Pnso, Texas, Nov. 26. General
Francisco Villa will enter Mexico City
today nt the head of his troops, accord
ing to advices received here. His pres
ent headquarters are at Tula, less than
two hours from the capital.
General Guitterez. recently namod aaJ
provisional president by the Aguas Cal-
iruiei pruce i-unvcniion, pianneu to en
ter the capital with Villa, but he will
probacy be unable to reach Tula in
time. Gutierrez, howenr, will enter on
Sunday and take charge.
ueneral Blanco's evacuation of Mex
ico City was entirely unexpected.
(Sencrul Zapata's entry into Moxico
City surprised Villa. The latter was
Baid to have been disappointed at not
being the first to eater tho capital.
Trouido between Zapata and Villa was
Keports of fighting wero coining in
here todny from all sections of Mex
ico. Both sides claimed victory In thu
battle of Tamnposa, near Tampico. Vil
listas claimed that they wore victorious
nt llunduhvjura, but Carrandstas said
Ueneral Angeles was decisively defeat
ed. '
. Ueneral Gutierrez has appointed Gen
eral Kugenlo sub-secretary of war.
Colonel Vasquez, the Viilistu com
ninudunt at Lupuz, reported that every
garrison iu Lower California had prom
ised to support Ueneral Villa.
Order la Eestored
Mexico City, Nov. 2. Armed citizens
tonight re-established order in Moxico
City. $xcept in certuiu sections, all
looting and disorde r had stopped. The
police wero powerless until citizens
cniue to their aid.
If General Zapata has catered the city
the fact wus being kept secret.
tltreet car traffic was partly resumed
today, it was interrupted when General
.aputa s advuace guard entered the cap
ital with much wild shooting, Later tho
Zapatistas' aided the police and vigi
lautes In restoring order.
Makes Promise Good
Washington, Nov, 20. Ueuoral Vil
la's promise that his lieutenants would
preserve order in Mexico City wag
kept government officials announced to
day. lienerui .apata, who has boon aid
lug Villa, was ruling the capital today
in an orderly manner, lata dispatches
Messages received from Amerlonn rep
resentatives said rioting wus quickly
quiyieil witn tue arrival or .upatistas,
The lootiug was confined to oue section
The Brazilian minister reported tho
dnniugs was inconsequential.
American Agent Silllmun advised tho
stnto department today that Ueneral
Villa 'i exact whereabouts wore not
known, He was believed, however, to
close to the capital, One report said
Villa had reached the outskirts of the
During the comparatively short time
which tho rural free delivery branch
of the United Htates mail nervine has
been in existence the system has grown
throughout the country until It has en
tailed the annunl cost of f'l'I.OOO.OOO
to the government mid yields a revenue
of approximately $10,000,000 annuully.
Notwithstanding the wide breach bo
tween the cost of maintaing the service
aad the revenues It yields to the gov
ernment, It is by fnr tho most popjlar
branch of the federal mail system and
there is no likelihood of its discontin
uance, except to make way for a bet
ter and mure satisfactory manner of
rcrving the people in the riirul districts
of the country.
When the system waa first Inaugur
ated, over 10 years ago, the rurnl car
riers received but 50 per month and
paid the expense of upkeep for their
horses nnd conveyance out of their
meagre wages. Now the carriers re
ceivo from ll(Mt to 1 2011 per year,
but the privileges of carrying packages
and passengers, which they were at
first permitted to do In order to make
a little money nn the side, has been
eliminated. LVh carrier Is obliged to
keep nt least two horses and they cover
an average of 21 miles tier (lay over
their respective routes, nln or shine,
aad are put to big expeasn in re.
pairs to their delivery carts and wa
gons nnd harness, und for (Ved and
limes for their horses.
There are over 40.00(1 rural mail enr
rlcrs iu the service in thn rouatrv, as
compared to but npproximstely .10 000
city carriers. -
San Francisco, Nov. 26. The
Union Iron Works was already
putting men to work today in
connection with the contract it
has received for the construc
tion here within the next few
months of tight submarines for
the United States navy. Un
der this contract $3,000,000
will be spent. 1 ,
Besides the men already em
ployed the company, it was
stated, will require 250 labor
ers, 200 machinists, 100 mohlers
mid helpers and 50 coppersmiths
and helpers.
Forty six carloads of raw
material for the under sea
fighters have arrived thus far.
.Deputy Sheriff From Grant
County Doing Life, Now on
Way to Join His Family
If there is any one person in the
state of Oregon who has cause to be
thankful upon this Thaaksgiving day
that cne is Joe Cassiday, former depu
ty sheriff of Orant couaty, who was
grauted a full pardon by Governor
West and given his freedom from tho
penitentiary yesterday, and is todoy
spceding upon his wny to Luke county
to join his family and begin lifo auew
aftor spending over four years of the
best part of bis life within the prison
C.assidny, during the summer of 190&.
while deputy sboriff of Grant louut;,
had ia his custody a prisoner named
Schneider, who had killed n young fel
low named wrcen, lie was overhauled
in transit with his prisoner by a group
of citizens, including Al Green, a bro
ther cf the murdered man, Ben Hinton
and two men by tliu name of Shields,
who took Schneider away from Cas
siday and shot him, Green, the two
Shields men nnd Hinton were arrested
und convicted of Becond degreo murder
nnd Cassidny, who was suspected of
having connived with the gang who
exocutod his prisoner, waa arrested,
tried and convicted of murder in the
first deirrce. He wns sentenced to
hang, and appealed to tho supreme
court,' but was turned down and re
sentenced. In 1910 the death sontonce
was commuted to life imprisonment,
nnd Cassidny has been serving his sen
tence ever since, Until granted a par
don by Governor West yestordny.
Green the two Shields and Hinton
were pnrduned i.ut about two years
ago. Since Cassiday 'i incarceration
his family, consisting of a wife and
several children, moved to Lake coun
ty, where they now recido aud where
the husband and father has gone to
join them.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 20. A drir.zling
rnia today enhanced the University uf
Washington's chance to gain undis
puted possession of its seventh con
secutivo northwest Intereolloginto foot
bull championship. Washington meets
Washington State Collego hern this aft
ornoon nnd by administering a decis
ive walloping to the l'ullmnnites, will
remove any doubt as to its right to the
title. Pullman had hoped for a dry
field, on which they expected to reveul
superiority in speed, forward passing
nnd open formation,
With the weight advnntnge In favor
of tho Uobleltes, everything seems fa
vorable toward a sweeping victory for
the champions, who will depend largely
upon their tremendous driving power
to carry them through.
It was still doubtful whether Pietr.,
Pullman's brilliant fullback, will take
part in tho fray. Dletc has been on
the hospital squad fur several days
tiast and his Injuries have healed slowly-
Despite the Inclement weather condi
tions, Indications pointed to the lurg
est attendance of the year,
Washington has the best gridiron in
the conference and the fans think it
will shed most of the water thnt has
fallen. But no matter how slight the
muck, thn elements seem to be against
thn visitors,
Washington, by virti a of scoring an
overwhelming victory today, can win
recognition or even the pnrtlsnas of
Oregon as champions for both Oregon
and the Aggiis were able to score but
one touchdown each against Pullman.
Washington tied the Oregon Aggies
nnd larruped Oregon 10 to 0.
Berlin, via wireless to Hay
villi, Nov, 20. An offlci'ul
statement Issued here Into to
day said:
"Reports from a reliable
source of information place the
French losses to, and Including
November I, at 1:10,000 killed,
,170,000 wounded and 107,000
AH the State's Involuntary
Guests Are Given Free
Thanksgiving Dinner
Special Entertainments Pro-
Tided for Rest of the In-
stitutions Tonight
Inmates of the several state institu
tions in nnd near Salem will observe
Thanksgiving day today in a fitting
manner when they will be served with
a generous feast nnd, in some cases, tc
nn evening! entertainment of a div
ers nature this evening.
Uver a ton of ducks, chickens and
turkeys; 112 heuds of eabbnec: 310
heads of lettur-c; 200 bunches of celery;
one iMirrei or cranoorries; ;io bushels
of potatoes; 170 squash nnd pumpkin
pies; 101 gallons of milk; 100 gallons
of bouillon; 80 gallons of giblet gravy;
4-10 pounds of fruit enke; I47II loavos
of bread, weighing Hi pounds ouch;
210 gallons of coffee; 00 gallons of
lea; 110 dor.ens of eggs; 100 poundi
of rice; 50 pounds of ruisins; 5 gnl
Ions of pickles and 100 pounds of sugar
will bo required to muko up the
Thanksgiving dinner menu for the in
sano asylum, the largest institution of
the state, to feed a total of 1(104 pa
tients and a staff of 214 employes.
Last night the patients wero treated
to dno -anft tonight the entertain
ment for the patients will be In tho nn
turo of a moving picture show nnd a
program of musi.
. At the Prison.
There will be nn special exercises
for the entertainment of the convicts
at the penitentinry, but the 447 In
mates of that Institution will sit down
to a spread at neoa today, the prinei
pal items of tho menu to consist of
roast pork (it requiring about 2b0
pounds), apple sauce, boiled potatoes
and gravy, salmon salad, spiced cake,
loganberry pie and coffee.
At the stnte industrial school for
boys there will be special Thanksgiv
ing services In the chapel this even
ing and at the regulnr dinner todny,
which will consist of roast turkey,
cranberry sauce, sweet pntntoes, pump
kin pin, etc., In following out a cus
tom which was established several
years ago, the OS boys will sit at the
table aud tho IS officers and employes
will wnit upon them during the feiiHt.
This custom is followed out on Thanks
giving and Christmns each year.
Crowded But Happy.
At the Industrial ochool for cirls.
Thanksgiving will bo observed under i
somewhat congested but otherwise con
genial conditions, ns thn present quar
ters urn overcrowiled to the exiont
that one of tho girls sleeps upon a
couch, another In the corridor nnd an
other upon a box bed, while at the
Thanksgiving feast todny one of the
girls will be perched upon a hlghchuir
and another will use a box for a sent.
Nevertheless, the spirit of Thanksgiv
ing pervndes the Institution und the
inmates will sit down to a generour
spread of turkey, cranberry saurii,
squush, pumpkin pie and all of the oth
er accessories necessary to a well or
dered and equipped dinner. This ev
ening will be spent In the enjoyment
of a program of songs, musical num
hers, etc, It Is expected that the new
building for this Institution Will be
ready for occupancy soon.
Tho regular program of Thanksgiv
ing entertainment nt the school for the
blind was held yesterday afternoon aud
consisted of mmo vocal nnd Instrumen
ts selections and the students will sit
down to a Thanksgiving mcnl this alt
ernec n, consisting of turkey, cranberry
sauce, pumpkin pie, etc,
London, Nov. 20. Following (Ik
Duchess of Marlborough's example,
many Londoners were fortifying their
homes today against possible Zcppolln
The Duchess' defenses consist of a
ttrnng wire netting stretched upon
pints several feet high and entirely
surrounding the roof of her residence,
the theory being that aerial bombs
will explode Iu tun net without damage
to the building underneath.
The national art gallery has stored
200 valuable paintings In places of
safety und In the Tate gallery cans of
sand have been placed In every tonm
for use in extinguishing fires which
bombs might start.
Albert Vict of tin Vlck Brothers
firm rrf this city, went to Fnll.i City to
dny to spend Thanksgiving with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. C, F, Vlck,
London, Nov. 26. The Brit
ish official war information
bureau permitted today the
publication of a telegram re
ceived by Reuters News Agency
quoting the Berlin Tagoblatt to
the effect that Porsiaas have
massacred 2,000 - Russians at
The buroau stated, however,
that it did nnt believe the
story, which it thought was con
cocted in Germany, though it
.was published as a complete
Constantinople dispatch.
Reuter messages from War
saw Bpoke of many of the Gor
man prisoners taken by the
Russians as suffering from
frozen feet and hands.
Uncle Sam's Mails Brought
Thanksgiving 01nner Di
rect from Farmers
That the parcel post is coming Into
more general use and patronage by the
farmers in the sale nnd delivery of
their products is nttontod by Postmas
teh Huckstein, who sayii that tho mails
wero used more extensively thii year
for the local delivery of Thanksgiving
turkeys and other fowls than any pre
vious season. Tho volume of parcel post
business in this respect has grown very
appreciably and scores of birds wore
sent to city customers through tho mails
from the farmer during tho present
week. It can and is being used more
extensively each succeeding year in the
delivery of all kinds of farm produce
from the country to tho city custom
er, nnd the servico has been found very
satisfactory to all concerned.
In the larger cities of tho country
the postmasters have inaugurated the
system -of having the farmers send in
their names with a list of products' they
have for Bale, together. with the far
mer's prices, nnd -those list! are distri
buted throughout the city and all the
consumer has to do is to mail his order
to tho producer nnd receive, probably
tho next day, depending nltogethor upon
tho distniico to bo covered, their pro
duco direct from the fnrmer much
cheaper than it can be purchased in tho
locnl market.
Postmaster Meyers, of tho Portland
office, is putting this svstem into ef
fect, and the farmers nnd the people of
tno citv are taking It up enthiisiastical
lv. Mr. Hockstein thinks that If the
fanners contiguous to Saloin were to do
vlso some means of getting their wares
before tho people of Salem It would
reduce the high cost of living to the
consumer anil the fanner would receive
more profit from his produce.
Dressed fowls and meats of all kinds
are sent through the mails by pnreel
post quite generally of late, but, on ac
count of the perishable character of the
property it will not be accepted for a
irreater distance of dellverv than within
the second xnne, nr about 200 miles.
Wise Ones
Say Clifford Will
Get Babcock's Job-Some
Other Possibilities
The latest development in political
peculation, regarding tho distribution
of the pntronngn that will materlallito
as a result In tho change of adminis
tration, Is that Harold II. Clifford, one
who has not hitherto been taken into
consideration In relation to any of the
big jobs that are to be doled out by
Governor West before his retirement
from office, Is slated as the probable
successor to I , II, liiilicnck as u mem
her of the industrial accident coiiimis
slon which rnrries with It nn nnuiuil
snluiy uf for a period of four
years from .luiiunrr I, 1111,1.
Mr. Clifford was formerly a member
of the state fish and game commission
nnd, since September 21, of this year,
has been employed as a traveling
auditor of the liidustrlnl accident com
mission at a salary of Hlo per month.
What makes his likelihood of appoint
ment the mure feasible Is the fact that
he Is the brother In-law of firmer
State Senator Claude C, McCollo.-h
from Baker countv, now engaged in
law practice la I'ortland, who was
Governor West's right hand man during
thn Inst two sessions of the legislature
and who, It is understood, could com
mand fliiythiiig ho might snk ns a favor
from the governor,
It hss been known thnt Mr. McCol
loch, whose name has been mentioned
as a possible successor to Mr. llabeoek,
would nut seeept this or Buy other job
under any consideration, but he has
been making friuiuent visits to Hnlem
of Inte and holding conferences with
the governor and It now develops that
his efforts have been In the Interests
of his brother-in-law. Miss Fern Hobbi,
Gen. Von Hindenherg Made a
Fierce Attack and Pierced
Lines of the Russians '
Claim Made That Army Is Cut
I T..r ,J A iXM
In Two and Additional
Corps Isolated
Berlin, by wireless to London,
Nov. 20. "Our troops at Loda
and Lnwicz havo inflicted
heavy losses upon tho Fifth
Russian army," announced the
tlermnn wnr office today,
"capturing 40,000 prisoner!, 70
cannon and 150 machine guns.
Thirty cannon were destroyed.
Tho battle continues. The Bos
nians have been strongly rein
forced," The stntoment con
stituted a complete denial of
I'ntrograd claims of a Russian
Win AU Along the Una
Petrograd, Nov. 20. Succesao!
claimed by the Russians over General
Von ilindenhurg'i German army of in
vasion include the entire 400 mile line
from Kast Prussia to Cracow, tile war
nfflco hero announced today.
Near C.enstochowo, it was stated,
0,000 Germnu prisoners wero taken.
Figiiting witt anid to continue near
T.oil. and in the regions of Stroykotv,
Koluski, llrzc.iny aud Hzgrow, asserted
thu war of lice, "the Germans are being
pressed on every aide by our troops."
Tho Teutonig f frees in these sections
were reported to be making a desperate
attempt to cut through the Mussina
front to the northward.
The wnr office adaiitted thnt in his
drive to tho eastward, Von llindenburg
actually succeeded in piercing the
Slavs' line but aftor ho had done so,
it wus said, tho Russians' overwhelm
ing numbers pushed his forces back at
every other point, so that the advanced
corps was isolated.
la certain parts or Russia. It was
state .1 thut another line of reserves hail
been called to the colors, bringing an
additional forco of men, ranging ia
age from 21 to 30, to tho mobilizutioa
Weather Perfect
Crowd Ever at Game in
Portland Expected
Portland, Or., Nov. 20. With weath
er conditions perfect, it was expected
that thu Inrgest crowd that over wit
nessed a football game in Portland
would await tlio referee's whistle that
will start the annual Thanksgiving
game between the University of Oregon
uud tho Multnomah Athletio Club foot
ball teams this afternoon.
Although his ton in Is outwelghteil by
many punnls, ( ouch Hur.dek of Oregon
was (onliilent of victory. Tho Mult
ilumen club aggregation is tho beefiest
Iu years, the team as a whole averagtinf
IDS pounds, and the line 204,
It was believed that Oregon wouM
resort to open football as much as pos
sible to avoid collision with this team
uf veritable giants,
Oregon will use practically tho same
lineup as In thn :i to .1 tlo game with
0. A. C. last Saturday.
In the Miiltnoiuah lineup will ba
O'ltiiurke, the Aliiiuesnta ami George
town stnr nail l'hllbrook, formerly with
Notre Dome.
The system of numbering player
will be used.
First quarter Multnomah 0, Ore
gun 0.
First half Mult nomnh fl, Oregon 0.
There'll come a threshing tintff for
those who sow wild outs.
who has been mentioned as a possible)
recipient of the juicy plum, it would
seem, has now been eliminated from
the race for Industrial accident com
mlssioner, but there are other places, .