THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM OEEOON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBEB 5, 1914. The Boston S st Be Turned Into .Money: in Order to Keep Out of : sv. the Haiicls off ecesver TWO. lock Mo the R THE THE ENTIRE STOCK, CONSISTING OF MEN'S AND BOYS' READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, SHOES, ETC., IS TO BE SACRIFICED WITHOUT LIMIT THIS IS AN AWFUL SLAUGHTER! THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF THE MARKET'S BEST MERCHANDISE TO BE SOLD AND SCATTERED TO THE 4 CORNERS OF EARTH, AT PRICES WHICH MAKE THIS THE WORLD'S GREATEST SLAUGHTER! saaazcfiaassaaaanjisaai H II U n u V V U i Y JJ l' n iiiiiiTiiBiii MiiiMHiMiini iii wiit mmiM nil Kaaaaaaaasaaaaasaaaaaaasaaacaaiasiasss&KasiEBiaQQaaaisiaazai Esaazaaaaaaaaaasaaa&aoiikS I! LITERAL GIVING AWAY OF MERCHANDISE THAT EXCEEDS BY FAR ANYTHING EVER BEFORE ATTEMPTED. Where in all this wide world kas the public ever seen or heard of such prices? EVERY ARTICLE IS WANT ABLE AND" DESIRABLE UP-TO-DATE MERCHANDISE! THIS SALE IS OF SUCH GREAT MAGNITUDE AND FORCE THAT IT WILL BRING OUT THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE! The bargains are simply wonderful. Goods sold with onl yone ob ject in view to sell it for what cash it will bring, not how much but how quick it can be sold. The public offered without question the greatest opportunity of the age to buy reliable merchandise for practically nothing. THE MOST COLOSSAL UNDERTAKING EVER ATTEMPTED TO WIPE OUT A LARGE STOCK A DESPER ATE SLASHING OF PRICES THAT IS WITHOUT PRECEDENT A GIGANTIC SLAUGHTER THAT WILL GO DOWN IN SALEM'S HISTORY DOORS CLOSED The BOSTON STORE has been closed since Wednesday, and a large force in every department is working: day and night getting this big stock ready for this great sacrifice. Extra help to take care of crowds. SALE OPENS FRIDAY StAK10 Here Are Bargains That Will Amaze and Stagger the World the Entire Immense Stock Goes in Proportiqn Men's Suits Mcn'g $10.00 Suits, sale price '....$ 1.89 Men's $12.50 Suits, sale price $ 7.45 Men's $16.50 Suits, sale price $10.45 Men's $18.00 Suits, sale price .$12.45 Men's $30-$33 Stratford, sale price $16.45 Men's $30-$35 L System, sale price $16.45 Men's $30-$35 Sophomore, sale price $16.45 Boys' Long Pants Suits Regardless of former price $1.45 Boys' Knee Pants Suits $2.00 Boys' Suits, sale price 98c $3.50 Boys' Suits, Rale price $1.89 $4.00 and $5.00 Boys' Suits, sale price $2.49 Boys' $5.00 Overcoats, sale price $2.98 Men's Pants $1.50 Work rants 98c $2.50 and $3.00 Pants $U9 $3.50 and $4.00 Dress rants $2.49 ?5.00 and $6.00 Dress Pants $3.49 Men's Hats Men's $2.50 Hats, sale price 98c Men's $3.00 Hats, sale price $1.45 Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Hats, sale price. . . . .$1.95 Men's $6.00 Vclour Hats $2.98 Men's Sweaters Men's $1.50 Sweaters 69c Men's $2.50 Sweaters $1.25 Men's $3.50 Wool Sweaters. $2.49 Men's $6.00 Wool Sweaters $3.49 Men's $3.00 Jersey Sweaters 98c Stop! Look! Listen! What 10 Cents Will Buy Men's 25c Garters, sale price 10c Men's 25c Half Wool Sox 10c Men's 25c Handkerchiefs 10c Men's 25c Neckwear 10c Men's two-for25c Collars, perIozen .10c Boys' $1.50 Oil Coats 10c Children's 20c Stockings 10c Ladies' 20c Hose 10c Ladies' $1.50 Shirt Waists 10c Men's Shoes Men's $3.00 Shoes, sale price $1.98 Men's $3.50 Shoes, sale price $2.00 Men's $4.00 Shoes, sale price $2.89 Men's $5.00 Shoes, sale price. $3.49 Men's $6.00 Shoes, leather lined .$3.98 Men's $3.00 heavy Work Shoes $1.98 Men's $3.50 heavy Work Shoes. $2.29 Men's U. S. Army, 16-inch High Cuts $3.49 Men's $8.00 High Cuts, 16-inch $5.89 Men's $9.00 High Cuts, 16-inch $6.75 Men's 12-inch High Cuts. . , $4.89 Boys Dress Shoes $1.89 Boys' $3.00 High Cut Shoes $1.98 Boys' $5.00 High Cut Shoes $3.89 Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Underwear 50c Rib Underwear 39c 75c Fleece Underwear 39c $1.00 Mixed Wool Underwear. . .'. . . .69c $1.50 Wool Underwear 98c $2.00 Wool Underwear $1.29 $2.50 Wool Underwear $1.49 $1.50 Union Suit 89c $2.00 Union Suit ..$1.19 $2.50 Lamb's Down Union Suit $1.29 $1.00 heavy Wool Union Suit $2.49 Suit Gases $2.00 Suit Cases, sale price 89c Men's Shirts Men's 50c Work Shirts 29c Men's Heavy Work Shirts 49c Men's Flannel Shirts : 98c Men's Blue Flannel Shirts .98c Men's Dress Shirts 49c Men's $2.00 Arrow ar,d Wilson Bros. Shirts $1.19 Men's 50c Suspenders 17c Men's 50c Dress Suspenders 29c Men's Extra Heavy Suspenders 29c Men's 10c Handkerchiefs ..3c Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Coats and Raincoats $ 7.50 Rain Coats, sale price $ 3.98 $10.00 Rain Coats, sale price $ 4.98 $17.50 Rain Coats, sale price $ 9.98 $20.00 Balmaacans $11.89 $25 and $30 Rain Coats, sale price $14.98 $15.00 Overcoats, sale price $ 7.45 $20.00 Overcoats, sale price $10.89 $25 and $30 Overcoats, sale price. .$16.89 $ 7.50 Mackinaws $ 4.93 $12.50 Mackinaws $ 6,9s Men's Gloves Men's 50c Gloves, sale price ' 23c Men's 75c Leather Cloves, sale price 49c Men's $1.50 Leather Cloves, sale price 99c Prices, Cost or Value Will Be Absolutely Disregarded the Public Is Offered the World's Greatest Slaughter tUn gLL LJ uJrhe3 205 North Commercial Street, at Court, Salem Formerly BARDE & LEVITT